_ __ _______ _______ | | / / / __ \ | __ \ We're cool | | / / | / \__| | [ ] | because WE | | / / | | | [ ] | got a group | |/ / | | | [__] | of friends | / | | __ | _____/ 2-gether | \ | | | \ | __ \ and a cool | |\ \ | | | | | [ ] | acronym! | | \ \ | | | | | [ ] | | | \ \ | \_/ | | [__] | |_| \_\ \_______/ |_______/ K-RAD GNUZ & BULLSHIT THIS ISSUE IS DEDICATED TO Tiphoid CUZ SHE ASKED US TO. GOTTA GIVE IT UP FOR THE LADIEZ GR33TZ GO OUT 2: Kentucky Phreaked Chicken..............Great artikahls! The Portland MAFIA.....................Keep up the good work! ToNe Boy...............................If we ever fucking find you we're going to shove those buttons up your ass CaRrIer Boy............................" " " " modem up your ass. No, we won't connect with you. WaReZ Boy.............................."Anybody got the latest Mechwarrior?" W@R3Z!@# Lurker BOy(s)..........................must of been a million of you guys on the 617 bridge. Talk or something! CoDe Boy...............................Here's one for you: S.O.S. and the REAL people we wish to greet. CyberD.................................Keep working on that script. PRoBE..................................You'll be a hero! UNiQUE.................................Aussie dewd Pot Head.............................../dcc send Blu/\/T PotHead Enigma.................................Thanks for the FTP site phigan.................................TaNKz 4 da Skr0ll3r! SZ.....................................d00d! D-FENS.................................How the hell are ya!? OPP_...................................like the n00 vmb Digital_G..............................grrr! dracs..................................FUCK YOU!@# (hehe) B00B13Z................................Hi Heather Babe! L3GZ...................................Hi Amy Babe! and more, but I forgot 'em. but who cares? P.S. All sentences in {}'s are comments from the editors. P.S.S. Our FTP site (hopefully) is enigma.rhn.orst.edu in /pub/aardvark. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************[ 1. RAINY DAY PROJECTKZ ON IRC ]********************* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's face it, IRC can really fucking be boring sometimes. I mean, there's a limit to having netsex with some chick named B1gB00bz, couriering 100 megabytez of WaRez for Your Gr0up(not this one, yet) on #warez, being /KILLed by irc operatorz for saying shit like "I'm G01nG 2 kill your Cat if You dOnt OP ME!@" or whatever the hell you do. So here are some K-rAd ideas to try out if you're bored at 3 am and don't want to bother with studying for that test yoh have in 5 hours. Make sure you only do this with your legit account. That shows 'em you really have balls to the community. DOn't evne Bother with that account on irc.nsysu.edu.tw. it's too lagged anyway. 1. Join #francais and say "you French faggots!" No, wait, sorry about this one. that idea was submitted by my 10 year old brother. 2. Join #deutsch as Hitler and say "Ich habe keine Deutschlande!" or say something cool in German. (alirght, FUCK the countries) 3. Join #blaklife if you're not one of the 1000 sites that aren't banned. a. Get a nick of Fahrrakan(or however you spell his name. I'm still pissed at him for him calling me a white devil!) and preach in all uppercase LetTerz b.Get a nick of Malcolm_X and do some MORE preaching, by any means neccesary. c.Get a nick of M-L-K and do even MORE preaching!!!! - or if you have the MOST ballz - d. get a nick of BillCosby and ask if anybody has some coke or Jell0. Jell0 is more eleet than ANY warez you can find on IRC. and there IS plenty of warez on iRC. e. get a nick of MIchaelJackson(good luck on fittnig this in, heh). and ask if there are any little boyz on there. if no luck, just go to #gaysex or #teensex and repeat this step over again. 4. Join #palestine as Allah or whoever you can think of and say 'YOU WILL ALL DIE' or the like. 5. Join #gaysex, and, er, ahh why beat a dead horse. 6. Change your nick to something like 'MuscleBabe' or 'Butch' and get on #lesbians. Try to get some. :) 7. Get on #hack and try THESE! a. say "AnyBOdy GoT any AcCountS on CrimeLab.COM?" b. say "Are ThEre Any REal HAcKERZ on HERe or Just A BunCH of FaGGotz?" c. say "ThiZ is the SeeeKret SerViCE and I've GOt All OF You GUYZ INphO and You're ALl Under ARRezt!" d. ask if anybody haz any DelPhi accounts, and see how fast you DONT get a response. "Delphi? what's that?" e. B3g for 0pz. You truly have to be k-rad eleet to get ops on #hack. You know, be an IRC Operator or be a phed. 8. Get on #Phreak, and um, ahhh why kick another dead horse? 9. OKay, this is k-rad and it is profitable. Change your nick to NickServ, and make it look all realistic and shit. Mayk up a script so if any d00d messages you, it looks like youre /msging a b0t. (type /msg Nickserv HELP for help, and shit). So like, bug a bunch of users and shit Make sure tehy're lame and gullible ones. Say, in an 0phicial tone, that your nick is not registered. Just tell them to leave their addre$$, and password(this is important!) THEN Y00 GET PHREE AKK0UNTZ!!!! This method has been used time and time again by everybody, and it still pulls in users. just make sure you don't do it with your l3g1t account and don't ask an irc 0perator. They are dicks anyway. Stay t00ned for more cool rainy day IRC projecktz --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***********************[ 2. General gnus and stuph ]*********************** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --The most important NEWZ artikahl of them all. OUR GROUP!! YES!!!! Yes, it's recruitment week here, and we're trying to get the k-raddest people in our gr00p to join in on the phun. >>> FREE PBX TO EACH NEW MEMBER <<< (yeah right, like we can get ourselves a PBX) Anyways, in order to get in our group, you just have to talk to one of our members, not be lame, and not be in any other gr00p. Sorry, we want to be pyurr, and that means being monogamous. --Kurt Cobain died today. But he wasn't interesting, so who cares? I was driving to the bank when I heard it on da radi0. --Deathstar's VMB keeps getting funnier and funnier. --#warez is lame. but that's nothing new. --some guy posted a bunch of 'nigger jokes' on a lot of USENET groups. Of course that original post is gone, but the 10000000 replies, each about 4 pages long were kept intact. The BASIC(that sucky language?) message behind it was that you DON'T LEaVe YouR TERMINAL UNAtTENDED! Yeah really! False impersonation of a gr00p member can get you a 4 PBX phine. Well, that's all the news I can remember.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****************[ 3. InPhaMouS GaIl ThAcKeRy ConFerEnce ]***************** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well if you were on that inphamous conference, you can $kip to the next section and all that shit. If not, you're clueless and need an explanation. On some conference, a k-rad dewd came on named Knuckle. That wuzn't his REAL alias, since his real alias would make him known. That was okay with us. SO one of us had the bright idea to d0 some DaMaGe to Gail Thackery to take a stand against all the pHrEAkERZ and HACKERZ she oppressed back then. If you don't know who Gail Thackery is, don't feel 2 bad(but don't feel ELEET either). Not even Knuckle knew who she was, which was suprising due to the gr00p he was once in(don't worry, it wasn't more k-rad eleet than OUR Gr00p). We made some call bephorhand to get the 602 SCC number since we needed that Numba to talk to the dewd to get -it- done. What he/we were trying to d0 was to get the telco Ph0n company to turn her lyne into a payf0ne. Why? That'd be s000 k-rad to have her pick up da phone, try to d1al a number, and have a msg say that you need a kwarter to make a [all. BuT THaTZ OKAyY#!@#!@#@!#! SH3 SAId SHE KN0WZ HO\/\/ 2 R3D b0X!!!!! Dis conference took place in around February(can't say the exact date, for SeKuriTy Reazonz), at about 1:30 am EST. "We are making history. here we go." "Telco center" "hey there is this the SCC?" "who am I speaking to?" "Bruce" "Hey bruce, this is Chris Goggans(heh), I'm down at the, down at the RFC and a, well I'm wondering about here is what do we got on this number, 6784450? I got a, I got an order here that says its supposed to be a, a, a coin, a dtf what have you got on that? Is that a 1a office out there? 678?" "678 in Arizona?" "Yeah" "1a code share" "Thats where?" "Code share" "Okay yeah alright so what ahve you got on 678-4450 can you do a verify on that?" "Out of what office? I don't even konw what office it works at" "You just told me, code share." "Code share's not an office" "Okay, I'm sorry, maybe I'm not making myself clear. We'll start over again. 602-678-4450" "What office is it working at?" "That's what I'm asking you." "I gotta find out, hang on." "Okay" . "Sunnyslope" "Sunnyslope. Alright can you do a verify on 678-4450?" "Hang on. 678?" "4450 right" "I don't think it's a coin, because it's regular ringing non-PBX loop start." "What do we got out there? Is that a 1a office or a 5e?" "1a" "That's a 1a? alright well can we uh, can we do a class of service change on that? or uh, uh uh make it a DFA?" "I can give it a shot." "alright" " you just wanna change the line class code?" "yeah" "678-4450. the LPC is what?" "DFA" "nope, won't take it" "ok how about a DTF?" "yeah" "took a DTF?" "yeah" "yeah alright. Good deal. You have a good night sir, Bruce" "okay" "alright take care" "alright Gail Thackery is now a payphone." N0W wAZN'T tHAT K-RaD?????????????????????????????????????????? WHAT'Z k-RAD IS THAT S0ME DEWD t8PED ALL DAT SHIT!(HE WAZ NO PHED OR NUTTIN') AND N0\/\/ HE D1GITIZED THAT MUTTA PHUKKA AND ITZ PEE-DEE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***************************[ 4. #WAREZ N STUPH ]*************************** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somehow I managed to Steal this k-rad newz letter from the #warez channel. I thought I'd show you how lame it was, and have some fun in the process. I'll go thru it with u step-by-step................. Mystery Science Theater 3000 style... -------------------------------- Warez News. Issue 4 Volume 2. 8th week of 1994. Warez News. The definitive guide for the #warez channel. Read it. Know it. You will be tested on it. [Joel] "This will be on the final!" [Crow] "You will need a number two pencil" It is released weekly, on no specific day, and will include the latest release dates, new rumours, new releases, and anything else I deem newsworthy. [Tom] "which includes baseball scores!" For you people out there in BBS land that read this (and I know there are a few) ignore the crap about the channel, you're not in it, so you don't know. And YES I am a real bitch :) [Joel] "little do they know how much the channel sux" [Crow] "Ohhh does the great #warez channel have it's own newsletter?" [Tom] "yeah, it just sucks. huh huh" Again, please send this to EVERYONE you know. And please don't friggin ask me all the time more questions about what I write in here. Everything I know, you will know *IF* you read this. I won't tolerate any bullshit. Anyway, here we go, and enjoy. [Joel] "I have a feeling this is going to be painful." {{{{There was a line of dashes here that the editors of KGB took out}}}} GAMES We keep on hearing about stuff like Ultima 8 and MechWarrior 2, ad infinitum. [Tom] "Well shut up then!" What we aren't hearing enough about is Stonekeep. Stonekeep is Interplay's new brainchild. You know Interplay, they made Bard's Tale, Dragon Wars, Wasteland, Battlechess, Lost Vikings, Star Trek. [Crow] "Next, on Emergency 9-1-1, I star in a computer game." You know them, they make basically the only games worth playing. Well Stonekeep should essentially redefine RPGs for the coming years. It will supposedly be a FULL SVGA RPG. Something this world has never seen the likes of. Fully photorealistic dungeons and monsters, and puzzles that will hopefully be reminiscent of Bard's Tale days. A recent rumour going around is that this game will ship on UPWARDS of 30 1.44M floppy disks. [Tom] "THIRTY DISKS?? Do they ship it to you on a dolly?" [Joel] "that'd be bigger than the Led Zeppelin box set!" Interplay feels that the CDROM market is weak (it is) and won't use this medium until it gets more support. Intel was demoing their Pentiums using this game at the recent trade shows, cause it REALLY shows off what those machines can do. It *won't* require a Pentium though. I'm HOPING I can get it to work on my 386/33 :) Doom 1.2. I'm sick of hearing the bitching about this puppy lately, but [Joel] "I'm kinda getting sick of hearing the bitching from this WAREZ puppy" here we go again. It was meant to be released last Friday, and it wasn't. [Crow] "He had little league that day." Well guess what, it was delayed because of problems with coding for the GUS. Something popped up that disabled the digital sound, and they have to fix that bug. Hopefully it will be out by this coming Friday, the 18th. Doom 1.2 is already out for NeXT, and can be picked up from some FTP site. A Linux port is also in the works for Doom, due out in a few weeks. Black Magic came out. It doesn't work. Whoopie! And who cares.:) [Tom] "We don't! we don't!" Tie Fighter Demo. This game is due out in like May or something, and here's a little review of it by Kruey: [Joel] "Kruey? Sounds like an British alternative band" [Tom] "Yeah they're playing at Lalapalooza" Well it finally arrived (the demo that is). Usually I shun demos, but this one I actual sought after. It seems Lucas finally accepted that they did screw up some on XWING. The ships were next to invulnerable, and doing the same mission two hundred times cuz you let a Tie-Bomber fire off a lone missile, blew. But worse of all was the stupid wingmen blowing your ass off when firing at what was in front of you. Well the wingmen are just as stupid in Tie Fighter, but your ship certainly isn't invulnerable! In keeping realism, Lucas opted to give the Tie-Fighters no shields. 3 shots and you're toast. [Crow] "No R2, you'll just go out there again and break down." According to the nfo file that was floating around, the release will have a full arsenal of different ships (I can't wait to fly a Gunship myself). The game has exactly the same controls as Xwing, so the docs are unnecessary. Beware of collisions! You even tap against another ship you lose a solar panel... [Tom] "That's why you're better off with aluminum siding." They improved the graphics a little bit. In highest mode there's a tad more color. The detail really slows things down on my 386/25 so can't be much more specific. If you want to play the game in ultra carnage mode, just let a few stray bullets hit one of your corvettes. :) [Joel] "uh oh, better get MACO!" Well, all I can really say is: I am gonna buy this one. [Tom] "A warez puppy actually BUYING a ware?" [JOel] "Well how do you think they get the warez to courier it out?" [Crow] "They get their big brother at Software Etc to get it for 'em?" Not because I need the docs or anything like that. I just think the game's worth buying. Welp that's what Kruey says. My personal opinion? I tried it. Looked exactly like XWing to me. Why are they bothering releasing a new 9 disk game when they could just add a 1 disk addon like with BWing and be done with it? Moneygrubbers. (By the way, I don't KNOW that it will be nine disks, I'm fabricating a number for my own evil purposes). [Tom] "bill gates! WE VILL GET YOU NEXT TIME!" APPLICATIONS/UTILITIES Stacker 4.0 came out, and now it will crash your hard drives on alternate wednesdays instead of fridays. [Tom] "but seriously folks, " [Crow] "Stack THIS!" It supposedly has much better compression ratios compared to the old Stacker 3.1x series, and does some other funky shit that I really couldn't care less about. Well well well, he says exactly what I said. GUESS WHAT? WIN TERM PROGRAMS SUCK BUTT NUTS!:) (And heck, Kruey doesn't write as well as me!:)) GUS OS/2 MMPM Drivers are here! I haven't tried them yet, and they are alphas, so I may wait a bit. People who tried them said they suffer from ultraclick, and also lock up at points. I may wait, I might try em, who knows. More to be reported in the next issue. [Joel] "Kids run for the rich taste of GUS OS/2 MPMM drivers!" [Tom] "Better living thru OS/2" Windows 3.11 is here. Not Windows 3.11 for Workgroups that was released originally, but a small upgrade for people using Windows 3.1 that adds the faster File Manager and 32-bit disk access found previously only in WFW 3.11. Not really a big deal, and if you've already upgraded, useless. The only real difference is the lack of networking support. And of course the fact that if you can get the 32-bit disk access to work for you (it won't work on my machine, and lots of others, for some weird reason), it's like 150% faster Windows. Which is nice. [Crow] "150% faster? so that'd make your computer like an XT instead of a PC right?" NEWS FROM THE CHANNEL [Tom] "This will be a good one." Welp the channel blows ass. [Crow] "tell us something we don't know" Some more lamers have infiltrated, and all the "cool" lamers will stick up for em. Great. [Joel] "Lamer Wars: Now it's personal!" THELIST. This idea died a very hard death after Elminster, master of all that is evil and bad for the channel, got a hold of it, and decided to shoot it down. With all his cronies that listen to every word he says backing him up, the plan just sorta hit the floor. Basically it was an idea to make all new users to #warez fill out a little application to see if they were worth anything to the channel. [Crow] "enter your mothers' maiden name, and list three members of the Beatles" I didn't think it was such a bad idea, and I don't think most other people minded that part. What they DID mind was, "THELIST." Essentially, this was a list of about 80 people who would be able to VOTE on the new users. [Tom] "Oh! Shindler's THELIST!" It wasn't, as some people construed it to be, the only eighty people allowed in the channel, [Joel] "and they all have ops too!" it was just people who would put votes in on new users. This list, it seems, people didn't want getting around cause they thought they could get in trouble. My opinion? Suck it up weenies. In America, and most other countries, simple nicks don't stand up in a court case. [Tom] "Not even Nikki Sixx?" [Joel] "The state versus KILROY" I can see it now, the judge asking for "Byte" to approach the stand, and me being put to death cause my name was in some dumb UNLABELED list. People don't even realize that 6 months ago, AWA posted about 250 nicks and addresses of people on #warez to the USENET. Guess what? NOTHING happened, cause no one cares. [Tom] "Oh you'd like that wouldn't you?" [Crow] "They just don't look anymore." Warez News missed a few weeks due to the general warez drought. [Joel] "yeah I head the Joads had to move to Sweden for a warez pickin' job" I'll release more when there just is stuff to write about, it took three weeks to get this issue together, since jack shit has come out. Sue me. That's it for another exciting issue of #warez-news. Upload this to all your favorite boards and stuff, start getting the InterNet crowd some new, REAL faces from the real world. We need more real users, and less of these fuckin local lamers [Crow] "I thought the users WERE the lamers!" [Tom] "local to WHERE?" Who haven't called a board in their life. If this offends you, GOOD, that's my goal. [Tom] "Well we tried to offend YOU, and that's our goal!" [Joel] "we gotta go" {'K00L HUH???'} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *************************[ 5. Weird Psycho Shit! ]************************* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri Apr 08 10:31:51 CDT 1994 Lines: 25 Bob Bowers (usolcat@mcl.ucsb.edu) wrote: : I'd like to obtain any Tracy Lords scenes or movies, such as her scene in : New Wave Hookers... {Whoops! wrong article!} THE SYSOP'S INFORMER SOURCE: --BAY AREA BUREAU-- ON FEB 3, 1994, AGENTS OF THE U.S. POST OFFICE, ACCOMPANIED BY SAN JOSE POLICE OFFICERS, RAIDED THE HOME OF MILPITAS, CA, COUPLE ROBERT ALAN THOMAS AND HIS WIFE, CARLEEN. THE COUPLE OPERATED THE AMATEUR ACTION BBS. THEY WERE ARRESTED AFTER AGENTS TOOK INTO CUSTODY "THOUSANDS OF VIDEOS, 57 VIDEO DUBBING MACHINES AND ASSORTED COMPUTERS, PARTS, EQUIPMENT, SOFTWARE AND DISKETTES." THE AMATEUR ACTION BBS, WAS AN ADULT ORIENTED BBS WHICH MADE AVAILABLE TO MEMBERS, .GIFs OF AN ADULT NATURE. ^ ^ {Why Are So-callEd "AdUlt" Bee bEe esses JuSt BoarDz with} {PhilEz Of WoMen With Big B00bz on ThEm?} THIS TYPE OF COMPUTER RAIDING HAS GONE FROM ELITE FILES (COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE, ILLEGALLY COPIED AND MADE AVAILABLE) TO ADULT GIFs.^ ^ ^ ^ {EL|T3 F1LeZ???????????? THat Is What} {IZ considered Elite By the Phedz???} THE FEDS DO NOT CARE IF IT IS YOU IN THE PICTURE OR YOUR GIRLFRIEND, ETC....... ^ ^ {Yeah you probably seen me in that GIF of me banging the shit} {out of Cindy Crawford. Yup, that's me.} IF HE/SHE IS HAVING SEX, OR TOUCHING THEMSELVES IN A SEXUAL WAY, AND THIS MATERIAL IS AVAILABLE AS A GIFs FOR ADULTS (CONFIRMED ADULTS), THEN YOU WILL BE ARRESTED IF CAUGHT. ^ ^ {Yeah BUt Wh000000000?} {3@T My D1[K Y00 Phedz.} {CNRT has some philez like that.} IN RELATED NEWS, THE ELECTRONIC FRONTIER FOUNDATION HAS RELEASED THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT AS A WARNING TO SYSOPS OFFERING ADULT MATERIALS: "SENATOR JESSE HELMS (R-NC) HAS REQUESTED THAT THE FBI BECOME MORE INVOLVED IN THE FIGHT TO STOP ADULT IMAGES FROM BEING DISTRIBUTED ON ELECTRONIC BULLETIN BOARDS AND THE INTERNET. ^ ^ {$0 B33 ShUrE t0 Get TH0ze N00die GIfZ of GaiL ThaCKery and} {R0seAnne Barr D01ng it, but B33 Sure T0 leev Th0se 911} {D0ku00mentz on There ph0r uz.} SENATOR HELMS STATED ON THE SENATE FLOOR THAT ADDITIONAL FUNDING HAS NOW BEEN ALLOCATED TO GIVE THE FBI AND OTHER LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES A GREATER ABILITY TO COMPUTER BULLETIN BOARDS AND THE INTERNET, TWO OF THE LARGEST SOURCES OF ILLEGAL PORNOGRAPHY." ^ ^ ^ {Y3Ah FuCk The H0melesS. S0me 12 Year Old Can't Get hiz} {handz On those B1g B00biE PicKturz! The PHATE of the phree} {C0untry Iz Ryd1ng 0n It!!} {/\/\|$c Shit D33-l3333ted} "THE EFF HAS ISSUED A WARNING TO SYSOPS THAT THE FOLLOWING FILES, WHICH DEPICT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ACTS, ARE ILLEGAL IN ALL 50 STATES AND CAN SUBJECT THE SYSOP TO PROSECUTION, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE SYSOP KNOWS ABOUT THE FILES OR NOT: "-- DEPICTION OF ACTUAL SEX ACTS IN PROGRESS "-- DEPICTION OF AN ERECT PENIS" {<---- WHat Ab0ut An Erekt N1ppl3?} THE EFF ADDED THAT THE LAW DOES NOT APPLY TO SEXUALLY-ORIENTED MESSAGES OR STORIES, JUST TO GIFs, FLIs, AND GL's (PICTURES). {Well, there you go. But who gives a shit? Porn gifs aren't as} {big of an industry as text philes or K-RAD WAREZZZZ.} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****************************[ 6. K-RaD S0NGZ! ]**************************** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a K-SPiFF Metallica song that I have never heard before in my life but have the lyrics for it anyway...Its called 'So What'... ** So What ** -- Metallica -- So fucking what! Well I've been to Hastings, and I've been to Brighton. I've been to Eastport too. So what. So what. And I've been here, I've been there. I've been everying fucking where. So what. So what. So what, so what, you boring little cunt. Who cares. Who cares what you do. Yeah who cares, Who cares about you, you, you, you, you. Well I've fucked a queen. I've fucked fucked. I've even sucked an old man's cock. So what. So what. And I've fucked a sheep. I've fucked a goat. I rammed my cock right down his throat. So what. So what. So what, so what, you boring little fuck. Who cares. Who cares what you do. And who cares, Who cares about you, you, you, you, you. And I've drunk that, I've drunk this. I've spewed up on a pint of piss. So what. So what. I've had scank, I've have speed. I've jacked up until I bleed. So what. So what. So what, so what, you boring little cunt. Who cares. Who cares what you do. Yeah who cares, Who cares about you, you, you, you, you. I've had crabs, I've had lice, I've had been declaped(?) and that ain't nice. So what. So what. I've fucked this, I've fucked that. I've even fucked a school girl's twat. So what. So what. So what, so what you boring little fuck. Who cares. Who cares what you do. And who cares, Who cares about you, you, you, you, you, you. So fucking what! Yeah! --------------- Anyway, that was very intellectually stimulating, wasn't it? Next issue, we will have a parody of a song called "Turn Around" by They Might Be Giants (What do you mean we are copying BoW? FUCK YOU!)... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***********************[ 7. Notes from Andy Rooney ]*********************** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Did you ever notice that all the assholes in the community NEVER get busted, but all the cool people end up in trouble? -- Why is it that there's always some dumb fuck on #hack {lame -ass channel} who asks who's on #warez, or an invite to #warez? -- Why is Phreqbot so fucking persistent to get on #phreak? -- Have you ever noticed that everything sucks? -- Why is it that there are always some lamers out there who will believe ANYTHING some k-rad group says? {well they're not so lame if it's from THIS group, Andy. Elvis DOES live, dammit} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Well, this is the end of the phucking newzletter. You like it? No? well, phuck off then. This is our preeeemere issue and i had to write all this shit myself, but it's GOOD god dammit! Kentucky Phreaked Chicken - Kentucky d00d, I think it is great! I had to fix some spelling errors (but probably missed some) and arrange it a little differently but otherwise, you did a great job! PaX iMPeRiaLiS ___________ ___ ___ _________ / ________/ / \ / / / _____ | {Looks like this is } / / / | / / / / / / {the end! But tune } / /____ / / | / / / / / / {in next week for } / _____/ / /| |/ / / / / / {another KGB episode!} / / / / | / / / / / / {- The Under Dog Show} / /_______ / / | / / /____/ / /__________/ /___/ |___/ /__________| .