DISCLAIMER: THIS MAGAZINE IS NOT REAL LIFE. _ __ _______ _______ | | / / / __ \ | __ \ We're cool | | / / | / \__| | [ ] | because WE | | / / | | | [ ] | got a group | |/ / | | | [__] | of friends | / | | __ | _____/ 2-gether | \ | | | \ | __ \ and a cool | |\ \ | | | | | [ ] | acronym! | | \ \ | | | | | [ ] | | | \ \ | \_/ | | [__] | |_| \_\ \_______/ |_______/ K-RAD GNUZ & BULLSHIT A N D ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ | | / \ | / \ / \ / \ / \ . | | | | | | | | | | | | | | # | |____| | | | \____ \____ |____| |____| ##, | | \ | | | \ \ | | | | # # | | \ | | | | | | | | | | #P # | | \ \____/ \_____ \____/ \____/ | | | | # 0[ | # # #oo. | # #' ##./' | R O Y A L O R D E R O F T H E L E S S E R _# `## o." | j# o.. | S P O T T E D S O U T H A F R I C A N .## () o*... | Narq! ##" o.. | A A R D V A R K Narq! #^ j##,+.. | \ _##? .####<`#*o* . | Founder: UNiQUE ## _.###^ ##.'_ | Mascot: Zwobeley _J#####' #" | THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE THAT MAKES U4EA PUKE GR33TZ GO OUT 2:(some old, some new) ParadoX................................Congradulations. You set up the first meetme that DIDN'T suck. Can't believe how much stuff was talked about. pug guy................................Welcome to KGB. Heretic................................Loved hearing the stories on your 'past'. What a complex operation... CyberLink..............................Hey, glad somene else remembers the MoJo line. Shenana from Oncor Security............Y00 G0 Gurl! (oh great, I'm trying to imitate BoW again. I'm a bad boy) Baccahbar..............................Still need that cool voice program ware. UNiQUE.................................I still need Doofus. OPP....................................I'm glad someone* has dungeon.zip. Too bad I haven't found an IFF player yet. Trexer.................................Thanks for the k-rad VMB. Too bad it died along with all the other ones. oh well. Z-N0TE.................................Love that Dial-A-Porn Time hotline. Thanks for the .VOC files. xtactic................................you are obnoxious and funny. You've got to get on more conferences.. Shatter................................h0pe Ka0s doesn't kill you. heh Neophyte...............................is this better? Dr Menace..............................long live PfA, and ABC :) If you want to get some issues of PfA(which is probably a lot better than this magazine), you can get them at etext.archive.umich.edu /pub/Zines/PFA. Enjoy. ************************************************************************* ********************** --- New GNUS --- ******************************* ************************************************************************* For a while now, PaX has had his line disconnected for reasons unknown. His parents might be narqs, so look out. HE wanted us to have his parents line turned into a payphone, so only he could use it, using a redbox. But then again he msged me when I was /away so who knows. SO I'm stuck writing KGB on my own for a while. In fact, I haven't seen many KGB members at ALL around. So lonely, so lonely....... Well, since the release of KGB 2, we have gotten some reviews(well, just TWO) that are not so wonderful. U4EA said this magazine makes him puke, and that it's not even funny. Coming from BoW's phearless leader, that's a compliment :). U4EA of course has had to drabble (10 PRINT "on and on and" 20 GOTO 10) on how much he hated KGB/ROLSSAA. bUT who the Phuck CareZ? I don't Care if some d00dz thInk this is an IMitation of BoW. Geez, what about CDC? For the record, your mag wasn't the first parody of existing zines out there. Hell, WHO KNOWS OR CARES who parodizes what? If you've ever seen LameNESS(from 612), their magazines are a total takeoff on existing warez pirate magazines. Better yet, check out Pizza Underground Digest. That was yet another parody magazine. BoW is not serious. Maybe they should accuse YOU of imitation!! KGB is not sErIoUs. IRC is not R3al LiFe. Life is not SeRiOuS. All this magazine is a bunch of electrons. If you hate this magazine, just delete it off of your hard or floppy drive so you can make room for warez. If you like this, you must be on something. Can't you tell I'm not being serious with the articles I write(but hey, watch out for ******) or the way I even edit these damn things? It's all just for fun, and for the fact that I am bored as hell. CaN't We All JuSt GeT aL0/\/g? KanT We b33 all In One Gr00p, PreFrably 0n3 that D0ez ANS33 art????? W3ll I'm writing this shortly after KGB 2, cuz it's never too late to start off on a new issue. I admit before you all, I don't know much about phreaking or hacking or what not. So far, technology hasn't made a metric guage that measures just how much Hack/phreak knowledge one has, and there will never be one. I'm only interested in this hobby(R E P E A T : H O B B Y ) because it gives you a chance to explore around without leaving your house in this growing world of technology. I'm not planning on making it a career, or anything. So you might think to yourself "Wait a minute. This kid admits that he doesn't know much about H/P, but he decides to write a magazine? I fail to see the logic. Pass the nachos." Well, there's absolutely no rule saying I, or anybody else CAN'T write an ASCII magazine. I've seen a lot of h/p related mags out there, and a lot of them are alike, but they have their individuality. You know what? I haven't seen 'em, but there are also a lot of porno movies out there. And just as you'd expect to see fucking, butt-fucking ,titfucking, blow jobs, eating out, and plenty of other neat things, you'll expect to see how-to's on hacking, phreaking, news, updates, blow jobs, and lists of neat numbers to dial and systems to telnet to. Well, maybe not blow jobs, but you get the point. So if you're saying this is just another magazine, you're absolutely right. You win a cookie. So go on and read any magazine you like, even this one, and have a good night. So you also might think to yourself "Why did this guy start a group anyway? Where are those nachos I asked for?" Why not? NO really. There was probably a better reason. Well, how about they have a group out there that's FRIENDLY and greetz you with open aardvarks. THere is yet another reason why, but I'll tell you that later. Oh, this doesn't matter to you, but there's a lamer that insists on using my nick, even though it's >>MY<< nick. heh. I'm the REAL D-FENS dammit! He doesn't even capitalize it right. He uses D-Fens. Most of the time his little IRC buddies message me in some foreign tongue. Maybe I should message back "adlfkajiju vnapsnfpn vnvnyyuknuyknyuk lukku" or "leave me alone. fuck off" in whatever language he/she uses. I fingered his account and here's what I got. Whaddaya wanna know..? Jani 'JayK' Kanala EMail: kajami@math.jyu.fi / kajami@jyu.fi Orakkaantie 22 For real-time-voice-chat dial: +358-41-243229 40640 Jyvaskyla Radio: OH6LJN located on the square KP22TF FINLAND - EUROPE Packet: OH6LJN@OH6RBW.FI.EU It's SOmeTimes juSt LiKE sLeePing CuRLing up iNSiDE mY pRiVATe TortUReS I NeSTLe iNTo pAin HuG sUFfeRiNG CaREsS eVeRY aCHe I pLay deAd IT StOPs tHE huRTiNG Neet, huh? I g0t the d00d'z inpho, at his effort!(no wait, what if it's a 911 backdoor or something). But who cares.. IrC is lame anyway.... *************************************************************************** ********************* 1. #PhReAk has reached GNU lows ********************* *************************************************************************** (or, The Great Op Wars of '94) Alright, things are REALLY getting bad on #Phreak. I mean, it was bad since the beginning of the new year(when BoW took over. ha j/k), but now it's hit a new step of lameness. The channel has now degraded to #warez, where ops to them are their life-support- systems on cyberspace. 1. Well, for starts, bots have infested #phreak. Hell, the channel was already too lame withOUT bots on it. PhReQbOt was the first and most annoying bot ever. BadS in the UK runs it, and insists on keeping it up. Of course, he doesn't care or doesn't know that it gets phucking kicked/banned on a daily basis. The only time it gets ops is when BadS gets on, which is usually in the morning, USA time. When PhReQbOt gets kicked, he comes back on. Kick him again, he comes back on. It'll keep trying to get in until it's not banned, which is rare. You ask for a help file on the damn thing, and it claims there's none installed. I also had werd that there was a list of PhrEak d00d'z #s on a filename called 'Dudez'. It was supposedly on for four days. Were you on it? who knows. but it wouldn't be cool if YOu were on it, eh? Bot Wars! WHO WILL WIN!??!???!?!?!? (there are no winners. only losers.) (and god is this badly edited) 3. SCRIPT WARS. WHO WILL WIN????????? Well, for starters, anyone running TextBox will get someone nick collided if they change their nick. That's really phucking pathetic. Wow. It's funny to watch entire channels fluctuate since everybody's scripts are fighting with each other. Yeah, gotta get those zero day scripts. It's no different than #warez, #warez2, or #warez90210. And nothing's more informative than having a PAGE full of script messages saying someone's hacked those precious ops on the almighty #Phreak channel. And then someone will have a script to kick those d00dz who are running TextBox and are recovering netsplitters who originally had ops since it would accuse them of being Neo-Nazi Netsplit Ops Hackers. You can't hack ops man, you must earn them, sonny. You know, watching the op wars go by is like that old computer simulation called Life(no, the board game). Each op is a dot, and then they op their friends, and then THEY op their friends, and so you get a little loose web of ops. Then you get two people who hate each other, and then A deops B. But then A gets deopped by C, who is friends with B. Then he reops B and then kicks A. Then D deops A, B, and C just because he feels like being an ass, and so on and so on............. 4. YOUR C0DEZ OR YOUR LIFE! SOme dude and a few others took over the channel, and only would give ops out to people who gave them k0dez. This is the most malicious act of IRC terrorism we've seen since the BoW take0vers. (just kidding :) Plus its simply pathetic. How dare you guys take our life-giving ops away and only would give them back if G1V3n K0DEZ!!!!? HAVE YOU N0 DECENCY??!?!?!?!? Okay, calm down. Just keep saying to yourself "It's just IRC. It's Just IRC." Whoa. okay. I feel better now. WHAT IF YOUR M0THER FOUND OUT ABOUT Y00 DOING THIS ON IRC????? NOOO!!! Hi, this is Kentucky Phreaked Chicken breaking in... D-FENS is a little upset over that whole ordeal so I'll wrap up this artikahl for now. Later. ANd be sure never to fuck with those mode changes on #phreak. - K. F. C. BUt remember: 1. It's just a god damn letter combonation for a channel on IRC. 2. And as y00-four-eee-ahh says, "IRC is not real life" or something like that. 3. Who cares? IRC is the ultimate time killer, but it is the ultimate waste of time (and aych dee space). *************************************************************************** ******************** 2. The first meetme that was cool ******************** *************************************************************************** Note: This just came hot off the press, and this has probably already been distributed alone by now, but who cares. ParadoX asked me to put it in KGB 3, and I was so overwhelmed that I did. This also might be the very phirst artikahl on KGB that's actually worth reading. >> THE ParaDOX File'z! << --By : Xtactic, Shatter, [LurKer'z] :DATE & TIME'z Aprox :> 5/11/94 at 5p.m. thru 5/12/94 ending at 7a.m. TELCO AbuZed := Connex We'll call this one the Paradox files since it was our faithful pal -Paradox- himself that started this devious c0nf. to begin with... ;) The c0nf was set up in "Meet-Me" style. For the record, the number is/was "800-237-0767" and the c0nf pin number is/was "3461" the c0nf's info was distrubuted to the regulars on IRC around 5pm on the date of May 11th, 1994. Of course plently of lurkers were about as expected on any Meet-Me style Alliance.. The c0nf was your pretty basic lame B.S. type o pattern till around 10 or 11pm that night when we decided to call up random SCC stations and see what we could achieve. We didnt use the normal get some krad info by posing as an SCC offical. We changed the rules to the game and for some reason most likely of pure boredom invited the Michigan SCC coordinator to join our Meet-Me.. This fellow seemed more like the janitor type for an SCC station. Instead of being some pompus ass he just almost acted as though he didnt know what the hell we were doing trying to force feed him the 800 dial up to the Meet-Me and then when we gave him a pin for it that seemed to fry his brain for sure..;) Anyhow after that we waited for the SCC to arrive (if they did they never informed us of their Lurking nature).. So as we again went into a hybernating state I (xtactic) got the hair brain idea to mess with the "American Justice Federation" (some private org. based out of Indianapolis, IN).. Here's their info before I go into detail: American Justice Federation 3850 S. Emerson Ave., Suite E Indianapolis, IN 46203 VMB :(317) 780-5200 Fax/BBS :(317) 780-5211 Orders :(800) 749-9939 Note : Linda Thompson is the person to chat with. Ok now, we first called the Voice Mail Box number which is quite a blast to listen to. It's has radical information about some type of hidden cover up about the WACO Texas incident and something about a MILITIA they say will intervene at Washington, D.C., Monday, September 19, 1994 armed and in uniform to deliver some type of Ultimatum? Well we're just going to have to get more info about this radicalist group of people. We did hassle their Interview Option on the VMB trying to get them to join us on our Meet-Me as well but they never publicly arrived. Almost forgot, we did send a complete sent of Videos to some CC holder about what this group does.. ;) Cost damn near $200 for a set of 4 videos! (Woah!) All about some WACO cover-up... We did call the local FBI in IN, but they could neither confirm nor-deny having any knowledge of this org. ( right ;( )....so ppl go check THEM OUT! Now back to the Meet-Me other than the [WWP] = WACKY WACO PEOPLE ;) Shortly after hastleing the VMB and CC Order number we got a unique fool claiming to be an official of the telco comp. we were using (this in the end proved to be true)... Anyway the tactics this sucker used were incredibly stupid!... First we asked for their supervisor which in turn they seemed to reply with... We know this is a Fraudulent Conference and that we were all busted and has better well, the way he put it, "Fear for our Lives!" After that, Shatter jumped in and rambled off that he was the conf controller and that he was in question to this operators accusations. The operator requested that Shatter, now callling himself John Gliberson (something stupid like that) and gave off some random phone number and Company name which in turn the conf. operator replied to us with a laugh and "Nope sorry son, that's not correct!" We all stayed silent for a few mins after that and I swear you could hear it seemed like three to maybe even five people in a conf. room that forgot to hit mute on their ATT speaker phone ;) ... We heard them laughing and parading about how we requested to talk to a supervisor... Then we just decided to forget whatever our weird and wacky conf. operators were doing and cont. to chat about what the fuck was going on!! We got most excellent comments from, we'll call 'em the GUY, since it was always this one mellow-toned operator or tech (dweeb) that chatted with us (chatted ='z directed ;) ).. so GUY comes on and says "We GOT U GUYS!" Our reply was "Oh no! We're all dead for sure now! NOT!" This seemed to upset GUY.. He just shut up and this time from us commenting on how the phone seemed to not be mutted.. He successfuly Mutted the phone. So now knowing that he was contemplating what to do next, we just couldn't figure out what was up... Any other company would have just booted us off! Or at least prevent others from joining the conf. but nope it only being about 11pm/12am CST people could still call in and join the Meet-Me that btw was supposed to end at 11pm EST that night! So we started to get the idea this operator was a poser. Just some fool that called in. (just for the rec. he was really an operator) We started to come up with all types of senarios on how this guy could be posing... I mean c'mon it was a Meet-Me without any form of tone in when a person added in... LurKer'z had it MADE! ;) The only thing we couldnt figure out is that GUY was the only person that sounded clean and clear! Crystal CLEAR! .... This kept us on guard... So we thought now that we have an audiance we might as well toy with it! ;)... We started rambling about ANI for a bit when guess who pop'z in with a comment?! Why GUY of course!.. GUY: "We got All U Guys! Once U hang UP we GOT YOUR ANI!" then he shut up again!... Now we all knew that ANI didnt work the way this operator seemed to think it did...But we definately had to be pissing this GUY off since we instantly came up with the conclusion that these guys have a real shitty system that has some type of weak CALLER ID type system that would log when the CALLER came IN and LOGGED OUT but only after we disconneted. What was funny was this GUY confirmed our suspitions by saying GO ahead HANG UP! We'll call ya right Back "WE GOT YA GUYS!" This didn't prove to be so true since they only would call back a few of us LineNOISE being one of them. He called the Meet-Me back to tell us that some guy did call him but all they said was "GOT YA!" and LineNOISE said it sounded just like this GUY dweeb... Hmm.. now either someone was playing a killer prank on us and knew some of our phone numbers from past Alliances...or these GUYS were pathetic! Well Its about 2am/3am now and the conf. is still wide open, no bars whatsoever! We couldn't figure out still why these supposed operators didn't just cut the power or something! We started to mention different ways to get rid of pheakz and sure-a-nuff shortly afterwords we started getting TONE BLASTED by 2400Hz and 2600Hz tones... They did kick a few of us off since they must'a had some shitty bridge system.. or thought we might be on something sim...That lasted for oh maybe tops 15-20 minz...But we being determined now stayed on and some of us jumped on IRC to invite the WORLD! We jumped on every channel with 15+ people online... It was about 4am/5am CST, not many people publicly said anyting but you could tell we had a new bunch of LurKerz online. By now we were all pretty worn out and I myself started to lag away, shit its been over 12hours with this sucker! ;)..The c0nf was quite calm at this time since all the tone-boyz and lurkers were silent to say the least... Ahhh, Damn let me rap this story up for ya ppl'z! ;) At about ohhh 6am/7am the c0nf went manual: every time someone called in it was now operated by a receptionist. but we could still get it ;)... around 7am/8am the c0nf was finally terminated! (w0ah!) and still right now as I'm finishing up this text file being : 5/13/94 at 1:30pm CST... the "800-237-0767" Connex place is still in manual receptionist mode but there'z no receptionist! ;) Hmm... I just wonder what that TELCO'z Bill'z Gunna BE LIKE!!! L8r'z! g'night! -- xtactic Yeah this was a great conference. I got to meet CyberLink. About 3 years ago I managed to get his VMB #, so I left a msg. I wasn't really into H/P back then, but it was a start at least. HE remembered the MoJo line, which was one of the coolest code lines ever. Trust me, this was professionally made. Sounded EXACTLY like a disc jockey was doing it. Obnoxious voice, sound effects, everything. When I called it, the message left was mainly about not giving away codes, since they will instantly die from overuse. I even taped it for kicks. Who knows, I might be able to find it and put it to a .VOC file. Another code line I called was your plain-jane average Joe one. It was some guy named Dr. Dre(I think), and he left about 20 'greets go out to' and some uninteresting numbers. That was nowhere near as cool as the MoJo line. CyberLink also mentioned the "I hate Touch Tones" code line. He said that some drug dealer(who was interested in H/P) named Raoul(whatever its spelled!) ran it. Some other guy knew all of his inpho and mentioned that if you fucked with him, he'd send some of his guys out to get you. Heh. Why does that sound so phamiliar? OHH I know why! Ka0s threatened Shatter once and wanted to shoot him dead. Of course, trying to instigate the whole matter was hilarious. They both didn't live in the same state, and ka0s was trying to make travel arrangements. "okay, I think I can make the 2 o'clock flight next Thursday then, then I'll FUCKING SHOOT YOU DEAD!!!!! Will you be free that day?" Haha. OH boy. - D-FENS *************************************************************************** ******************** 3. Some things we should know about ****************** *************************************************************************** As you may have read my artical in KGB#2, I was aliased PotHead, but I decided to come out of the closet. My last artical was lame, but thanks to the superb editting (boot-licking action) it came out really funny. This is to more of a serious tone, so, read away. -Solctice -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Lately, I've been voice talking with a few people who work for the Telco and who've been busted by AT&T. If you've been doing ANY type of phreaking lately, there's a chance you'll get a call down the road (the general idea is NOT to get caught, but). But don't fret, my pet, because there is much hope in sight. They can call you, harass you, and down right threaten you to confess, but don't. I repeat, do NOT confess to ANYONE. Recently, a good IRC friend of mine (if you're an aardvark, you know him and what he did) got busted for third-number billing to a loop in Canada. They wrote him a letter, and he called them up and complained. Somehow, they got him to crack, and they posted a logging machine on his numbers that log all incoming calls, and all outgoing calls. According to another IRC friend of mine, (a telco employee, no less) they have no proof that you did it, and their only chance of catching you is to get you to confess. DON'T CONFESS- They can harrass 'till they're bl00 in the face, but remember these all important things if you are interrogated: A: You have rights, don't let them bully you around. When they ask you a question, put it right back in their face. Ex: (PHED) Why did you bill to that company? (PHREAKER) Ask AT&T, they billed them. B: Don't act like you know what ANI is, or how ESS works, because then they know you did it, and it makes them push harder to make you confess. C: Even though they have your number in the logs and other phed stuff, those are not admissable as evidence in a court of law, for there are millions of miles of phone lines, and literally millions of boxes (not the red ones, the silver ones used for beige boxing) out there. D: Don't give in. If they bill you(which they won't), sue them E: Make friends with lawyers, and have the lawyers harass the telco for harassing you. F: Don't be scared, okay, I know, that's easier said than done, but don't ACT scared. G: Corporate Security is a joke. They have no authority. Do not let them scare you. H: If they take up your time (which they will), say, "I have homework to do, leave." or, "I have go to work." or, "You're wasting my fucking time." --Solctice --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****************************[4. Instant Therapy ]************************** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I found this cool pamphlet that has this 800 number for all these k-rad messages for us teens to go by. Now surely I can't keep this to myself, especially with all the problems going on in #phreak, so here are some, just in case if #Phreak gets bad, or whatever. Some I've put some unfunny comments on, some I haven't. 1. First, call 1-800-642-6408. HEre are some categories to punch in: JUST SAY NO 110: JUst say no to Weed 111: alcohol 112: Cocaine and Crack 113: Tobacco 114: Stimulants 115: Inhalants 116: Depressants 117: Hallucinogens 128: Just say No Clubs: I want to Join(BOw?) SELF-ESTEEM AND ROLE MODELING 105: Ways for a Young adult to say no 106: saying no is the adult thing to do 121: I'm a winner(Hey, I should call that!) 122: Being a Role Model 124: but NOt everybody's doin it(you mean running something other than Textbox?) WEED 129: Weed: Fact and Fiction 130: Is Weed Harmful to my Body? 131: Weed: the mental effects 133: Weed: the High lasts longer than you think OTHER SUBSTANCES 137: Can I spot a Drug User? 303: Anabolic St3R0iDz 304: Inhalants..Sniffing and Huffing(and blow your house away!) 305: Speed Still Kills(run Windows!) 306: PCP.. It really is THAT bad 307: Barbituates and Other Downers 308; Valium, Librium and Sleeping Pills 309: LSD and other hallucinogens 310: Heroin and other Opiates(no relation to OpiB0t) 311: Cigarettes, pipes, and snuff. it's all the same 312: designer drugs aren't fashionable 313: anabolic steroids and teens 321: ICE(no, not the group) 325: Crank or Crystal Labs (666: Scrambled eggs, the hidden truth! -PaX) ALCOHOL 314: alcohol facts for young people 315: drinking and driving, the deadly combination 316: how to be a responsible host 317: alcohol and drugs dont mix 318: what is AlCoHolIsm? 319: alcohol and health 320: alcoholism: a family disease 322: drinking while pregnant: effects on a baby COCAINE 134: facts about cocaine 135: Crack("I'd never do a drug named after a part of my own ass. - Dennis Leary") 136: Your MOney or your life: cocaine takes both SELF HELP 118: Date Rape 119: is there a chemical problem in our house?(no, not lead levels in your drinking water) 120: what to do if your child has a drug problem 125: Drug abuse infomration for parents only 126: Self Help options (/QUIT. There's one option...) 127: Am I Hooked? (Try this if you're on IRC for more than 4 hours a day.) 138: pregnancy, drugs, and your baby 142: acquaintence rape 324: what to do if sOMEOne YoU CaRe aBoWt Has A DrUg PrOblEm SUICIDE, STRESS, AND DEPRESSION 104: Helping Someone Who is Depressed ("They banned me from #phreak!!!") 301: stress management for young people 326: suicide: facts and myths 327: t33n suicid3 328: Suicide: Helping those left behind 329: Stress: What is it? 331: Understanding Stress in Adolescence ("C'mon!!!! I GOTTA GET WING COMMANDER 5!!!!") 334: Drepession - 336: Depression in Children and Adolescents (same as 331) AIDS INFORMATION 139: Aids information for teens 140: What is AIDS? 141: What is ARC? 143: Am i at high risk for AIDS? 144: Symptoms of aids TAKING CHARGE 101: Friends: People I'm Proud of ("Hey, my friend can hack ANYTHING!") 102: Building Self Esteem ("you're a lozer, D-FENS") 103: Descision Making ("Hmm, should I megadeop the channel again?") 323: Gangs or Groups? The Descision is Yours (Try this next time you're pressured into joining BoW :) COMMUNITY MESSAGES 302: Services for African-americans (667: How to stop those pesky Lesser Spotted South African Aardvarks -PaX) 339: Sexual Abuse of Children 341: Where to go for help 342: Services for hispanics 343: servicos para Hispanios 344: Services for American Indians I apologize for this REALLY bad arikahl. I mean, even I think it sucks, but I had to fill this issue with SOMETHING. But at least you can call it if you're hooked on drugs, or whatever the like. (This artikahl has comments by D-FENS in the parenthasis unless signed by another editor of KGB... -PaX) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***********************[ 5. Notes from Andy Rooney ]*********************** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Have you ever noticed that the K-rad Warez you download NEVER work? Why do they waste my time? Is it just for upload credits? - Why is it that the only mail that the president at president@whitehouse.gov only responds to are death threats? I wanted to talk to him about world issues, but he never wrote back! - Why is it every time I get on an AT&T meetme, there's always those people who absolutely have to hit the touch tones on the phone?(most of the time it's zero. Freud might conclude it as a sexual inadequacy problem, with 0 representing the amount of times he or she has had sexual contact. Who knows). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PaX iMPeRiaLiS(d00d!) ___________ ___ ___ _________ / ________/ / \ / / / _____ | {Looks like this is } / / / | / / / / / / {the end! But tune } / /____ / / | / / / / / / {in next week for } / _____/ / /| |/ / / / / / {another KGB episode!} / / / / | / / / / / / {- The Under Dog Show} / /_______ / / | / / /____/ / /__________/ /___/ |___/ /__________| .