+-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+ |klinedklinedklinedklinedklin\---------\edklinedklinedklinedklinedklin| |edklinedklinedklinedklinedkli+ K-LiNeD +nedklinedklinedklinedklinedkl| |inedklinedklinedklinedklinedkl\---------\inedklinedklinedklinedklined| +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+ #windows95!#$!@ The scene starts as I collide off about 8 or so ops and hax wit da eliteo splitz. - wooperz *** Logging to irc.log is now ON Iheard something like $50 bucks... *** Mode change "-i" on channel #Windows95 by wewperz *** Mode change "+m" on channel #Windows95 by wewperz *** wewperz is now known as WoopZ *** Mode change "+o Vibes" on channel #Windows95 by mimir.ifi.uio.no *** Mode change "-o Vibes" on channel #Windows95 by h0h0h0 [K-rad script gets them wannabe op hackers every time] Nobody gets to talk till you all admit Windows sux [Always have a good reason for taking a chan over] unix is the path to heaven *** Mode change "-m" on channel #Windows95 by WoopZ LETS TALK ABOUT WHY MICROSOFT FUXN SUX [preach on brutha..] Somebody op me please... [If you didn't know, bots without ops like to have a nag phrase for the channel they are in, until they get opped. This is just one more reason bots suck.] i guess no one has played with 468 then... Unix is the only worthwhile 32 bit OS u know it oh shit. takeovers. BASTARDS. [Jealous cuz he can't do it] come on admit it somebody op me please... Somebody op me please... [Oh yeah, TWO bots begging for ops] Microsoft is brainwashing you DEFENSE!!! they are win95 rocks They cant code worth shit and u kno it win95 is phenom somebody op me please... Somebody op me please... somebody op me please... [Tell me this isn't annoying. The person(s) who own these bots are probably not even at their computer, while the rest of the channel suffers] time to hack ops [Or try] It is now Tue May 16 00:05:05 1995 EST. Somebody op me please... and I will kix anyone that sez differently woopz: get ready.. Ok, who can hack the ops.. i could not stand windows until I saw one of the test releases.. w00pZ : hey, unix is fine for what its good for. trouble is, WHATS UNIX? 45 different incompatible OS's! [Brainwashed by Microsloth] WHO HERE RUNZ WIN 95 *** gmaster has left channel #windows95 Somebody op me please... somebody op me please... I do. *** WoopZ is now known as {wooP} *** SeaMutt has been kicked off channel #windows95 by {wooP} (n0) I do. 95 somebody op me please... *** ZorlaK has been kicked off channel #windows95 by {wooP} (n0) <{wooP}> nobody getz opz i run w95 zorlak: shut up! Somebody op me please... *** You have been killed by operator remus thumper.wjp.net!remus (no bots allow!) OOOOPS. DEY KYLLED ME. O NO. NOW LETS HARASS EM. -wooperz woo: goo away fucker.. u cry to da opz eh I see h0w it iZ <_Minder_> fuck you pal... keep it up and I will have you klined lamer ! [He haz heard of us!@! And it worked! This was K-Lined!@@!@#] <_Minder_> shock@bullshit.address.here.edu vibes: yeah. vibes: you can't ftp? o no [Notice the phear in WooPerz] woo: you wanna play somore? *** _Minder_ is jmaytum@earth.orbital.net (jmaytum) kline me wherever Jawz: Yeah, I can - but the link died on me each time I tried. I will still be able to get 0n eye phear minder woo: you are c00l... [They start to realize...] minder; No, shock@*.here.edu ! <_Minder_> WooPerz: no you won't you lame fuck... WooPerz: "h0w it iZ" What a fucking dumbass you are MINDER IZ ELITE HE RUNZ WINDOWZ I want to be WooPlamer [The kids wanna be like WooPerz now] <_Minder_> Jawz: I know ;) o no not that ss: any special hardware for that? or is it just all software set up? pardon the numerous q's. anything but that this is fraggin' hilarious.. it's like a poorly orchestrated drunken streetfight on IRC.. * Spankster proclaims, "I Love Windows 95!" [Delusions of Intelligence] *** AD has left channel #windows95 *** _Minder_ is now known as Minder2 n0000 d00nt kLinE me! eye b0w d0wn to the eliTe0 mInder WooPerz: you wanna die now ? ok ;) woo: i know you.... 0k kYll M3 superfly yeah it's pretty much like setting up trumpet winsock...works great you can use the 32 bit Netscape/Mosaic no problem WooPerz: How old are you dumb fuck? [Lets try to bash him cuz i think he is a 13 year old!@$!$ (bah)] You really wanna K: line at neosoft next, you bag of shit? WooPerz is 3133t eYe tuRn 12 nExt WeEk ss: damn, ugh, it eludes me, but im sure ill get the hang of it. vibes: try my ftp://stealth.factoryx.com/winsocks/crmlntb3.exe (or was it zip?) *** Eye_ requested your version. [He will haxor you now!] did all the lamers from the #warez channels migrate here or something? [No, warez chimps can't do takeovers right] *** Eye_ is chris@chiba.netxn.com (Bonzai!) wooperz: we can tell I think so. sure u kan WooPerz: That would explain why you talk like a punk kid dumb fuck [He can't read 31337 speak!@#!] u run windows that sh0ws intelligence fucking punks. shesh. WooPerz: go play elsewhere lamer ss: i think shock is a #phreak d0oD n0pe wooperz: uhhh, no, I run three unix machines. next stupid, over-generalized statement, please? guess agaIn hey hey, let's watch the language.. it's hard on this poor adolescent.. jawz: thanks man prae: very pr0ud of u someone get ops and kill this lamer. [Since I can't do it myself] fubar.sccsi.com awful lot of ppl connecting ... look !! windows weenies !!! and other " Winpy OS " advocates !! n0 WooPerz: Hey you little shit fuck, is you "O" key broken? [Hm...can't bash him for legit reasons. ^and is your "R" key broken?] d0nt kill me guys, I can't really arbitrarily /kill him [That is why he STILL has our chan!$!] big eliteo windowz haxors *** prae is prae@eris.eleet.org (Nick Leyendecker) [Hi Nick!] *** prae has a GOD Complex! (is an IrcOp) prae: user request kill wooperz ;) [Cry to the IrcOps please!@#$! I want it to be like daddy's AOL chat rooms!@!] oh great. its the SCCSI scuzzies again. hehehe finger: connect: Connection refused [fubar.sccsi.com] prae: sure ya can ;) user requested :) Someone certainly fucking sucks wh0 kylled me b4 that was elite0 someone hack irc and lose woowenie *** IceWeasel requested your version. [Another haxor in #windows95!!] WooPerz: the guys who runs primenet.com, he just loves moronic 12 year olds [That is why he sleeps with me, the mighty prae!@#$! - IrcOps insulting him now] I havent g0tten /killed in a while n0w * prae ponders this well, later dudes. the drool is getting on my screen watching you juvies... sure he duz later Jawz later jawz there are t0ns of servers *** Signoff: Jawz (GET A FUCKING LIFE, TAKEOVER LAMERS!) [Cry one last time and run!] mm mmm he kan klin3 me [Only we can TRULY k-line you!@#$!@# Our k-LinEs last forever!] SimTower is fun simt0wer now we are 0n t0 warez 0 weLL. I'Ll c0me baCk l8r t0 take0ver again [cuz these guys are no fun] dude are you elite or what.. [He is elite, you are 'or what'!!] bye bye *** WooPerz has left channel #windows95 .