BULLETIN #10 KULTCHA 1986 Q. Who is this Brother-in-law guy you keep ranting and raving about? A. Slim Brooks, who introduced me to him shortly after the Bay of Pigs invasion, in New Orleans in 1961, used to call him Brother-in-law. He was supposed to be Slim's brother-in-law and was supposed be named Gary Kirstein. But then Slim Brooks was supposed to be Roderick R. Brooks whereas in fact I now think he was a former Minute Man named Jerry Milton Brooks. In the middle seventies when I first began talking about Gary Kirstein I began to sense something weird in the way people responded. There was a Gary Kirstein still living in New Orleans listed with information. A reporter told me he found Gary Kirstein's name in the registers of some gun clubs. A magician in California investigating snuff films and other illegitimate practices among occultists said Gary Kirstein's name had turned up. I noticed that whoever I spoke to about him who seemed knowledgable usually mentioned the Trilateral Commission, as if to hint. Anyway, it eventually became pretty obvious to me that whoever I had met in 1961 in New Orleans had probably been using Kirstein's name in order to set him up. Brother-in-law had in fact hinted at the time that he was "really more like a mad scientist" than the Nazi Kirstein was supposed to be and on one occasion he spoke emotionally of a scientist named Tom Miethe. So in 1977 and early 1978 I assumed I had been dealing with Miethe undercover as Kirstein. I found that Miethe was one of Hitler's rocket scientists who wound up working for AVRO in Canada after the war. I met two individuals who claim they knew him as a teacher of nuclear physics at Georgia Tech in Atlanta in the middle sixties. Still, people kept treating me like I was joking or crazy or trying to frame Miethe. Then in 1978 somebody furnished me with what seemed like a hot tip that my man in New Orleans had actually been neither Kirstein nor Miethe but a Canadian businessman named Mortimer Bloomfield -- mentioned in Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal as one of John Kennedy's assassins. Since assassinating J.F.K. had been one of our chief subjects of discussion, that seemed at least possible. Then, that same year, an assassination buff in California expressed the opinion that I had been talking to the Watergate burglar, E****d H. **** (name withheld). So I read his autobiography, Undercover. Not only did he mention being involved in a number of C.I.A. projects that the man I knew as Gary Kirstein discussed with me, a 1959 photo of him in that book exactly resembles the man I knew as Kirstein -- except that Kirstein was a bald and **** at that time, wasn't. So for the past many years I've been more or less convinced I was dealing with **** in disguise. So I call him Brother-in-law, in case I'm still wrong. -- Kerry Wendell Thornley c 1986 Kerry W. Thornley Available Exclusively From: Illumi-Net Computer Bulletin Board System (404) 377-1141 .