#21-1986 HOW TO BECOME A CARD-CARRYING MEMBER OF THE REVOLUTIONAR SURREALIST VANDAL PARTY 1. Get yourself a deck of cards and carry it with you at all times. If they are playing cards, learn to deal from the bottom of the deck and make money that way to pay for paint, markers, stencils, bail, etc. If they are Tarot Cards, tell fortunes in order to finance your vandalism. 2. Add the initials, R.S.V.P., to your "sign" to indicate your membership and agreement with these principles. 3. Vandalize only property anarchists would define as "theft" or "impossible" rather than "liberty." 4. To find out what anarchists think, read anarchist books, which can be found on the 2nd Floor of the Atlanta Public Lib- rary (Central) principally in the 335.83 section (also: 300.1, 301.6, 320.1, 320.57, 322.42, 335.4, 364.106, 370.973, 821.7, 947.0841 and 977.3) and ordered from Laissez Faire Books, 206 Mercer St., New York 10012 (Anarchist Catalog, $1) or the Mackay Society, Box 131 Ansonia Station, New York 10023 or Everyday Books, Box 206, Willimantic, CT 06226 or send for sample copies of ANARCHY: A JOURNAL OF DESIRE ARMED, c/o C.A.L., Box 380, Columbia, MO 65205. 5. If you wish to join one of our front organizations, con- tact the Anarchist Surrealist Party (ASP) c/o Surreal Estates, Box 23061, Knoxville, TN 37993. Dedicated to Dylan Thomas - Whoever He Was KULTCHA Organ of the Revolutionary Surrealist Vandal Party (RSVP) Sabatabby sez: THE SURREALIST REVOLUTION WANTS YOU .