BEGIN LINE_NOIZ.22 I S S U E - @ @ O C T O B E R 3 , 1 9 9 4 >LiNE NOiZ<<< >>>LiNE NOiZ< L * I * N * E Bill Leeb & Rhys Fulber on I R C N * O * I * Z CYbERPUNk I N f O R M A t i 0 N E - Z i N E <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< L I N E N O i Z >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I S S U E - @ @ O C T O B E R 3 , 1 9 9 4 : File ! : Intro to Issue 22 : Billy Biggs : File @ : Bill Leeb & Rhys Fulber on IRC : Captured by Billy Biggs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --<----<----<----<----L - i - N - e ----- N - o - i - Z ---->---->---->---->-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ File - ! I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to properly edit this thing, please email me if you want me to edit this (take out all the unnessecary crap) and if there's enough demand I will, otherwise you can wade through this yourself. I may be having a phone interview soon with Bill Leeb, but I might hold it off until after the release of Front Line Assembly's 'Millenium' ( Oct 12th ). -Billy Biggs, editor. ***** N o T E ****** - We have been experiencing problems with our subscription list. If you find that the following subscription instructions are not working then e-mail me at and I'll see what I can do.... =-*-= Subscription Info =-*-= o Subscriptions can be obtained by sending mail to: With the words: Subscription LineNoiz In the body of the letter. o Back Issues can be recieved by sending mail to the same address with the words BACK ISSUES in the subject. =-*-= Submission Info =-*-= o Please send any submissions to me: o We accept Sci-Fi, opinions, reviews and anything else of interest. o Submit! Submit! Submit! Submit! Submit! Submit! Submit! Submit! Submit! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --<----<----<----<----L - i - N - e ----- N - o - i - Z ---->---->---->---->-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ File - @ [ The following is a transcript of an IRC chat session with Bill Leeb and ] [ Rhys Fulber of groups 'Front Line Assembly', 'Delerium', 'Intermix' and ] [ 'Noise Unit' (but no more 'Will'!). It was made possible through Nettwerk, ] [ the label on which was recently released 'Sematic Spaces' by Delerium. ] [ I took out the real spam, the lines beginning with *** (whoever has ] [ joined, whoever has left etc. ] *** Topic for #nettwerk: Bill Leeb of Delerium & FLA (live) *** #nettwerk Delerium 780529701 *** Users on #Nettwerk: linenoiz Zippo Dsoul8 ThrdMind Livewire Lichaem +@Delerium Hello All also, nice choice of singer in Semantic Spaces :) hi are they here? hey! Kristy Thirsk is awesome Heya! hello! Were here. * linenoiz yays! yes!! aha.. here y'are :) clap*clap*clap <_Rick_> pheiw! :) Who's who? * Zippo is waitinf for chaos to wear off.. OK. I'm (Jay) typing for Bill. Rhys might show up later. I must admit, even though I don't much care for Rose Chronicles, +she is amazing on Semantic Spaces. jeez, look at em all. hey Jay zippo : you don't have too wait that long I'm afraid :-) *** Delerium is (Nettwerk) *** on channels: @#Nettwerk *** on irc via server ([] NSTN's Atlantic Canadian +IRC Serv) ceno! Livewire: Kristy's voice kicks ass Bill figures she was better on Semantic as well. hum... i think you better repeat that for the newcommers ;) yes---repeat it please.. We're live here at Nettwerk delerium: what label is FLA now on? Any questions? FLA is on Roadrunner. Are both Rhys and Bill here? Just Bill is here right now. delerium: why leave 3rd mind? delerium: roadrunner? is Will also on Roadrunner too? I believe Will no longer exists? When does FLA's Millenium come out? Lichaem: you like Will? i think pearl of great price was pretty +good This is odd. I keep getting killed when I use my handle, +"Livewiree." 3rd mind disovled into Roadrunner and Will no longer exists. lich: that'd be tragic.. cant we say theyre asleep :) Livewire, I mean. well, delerium is still online I wish! x Next question? Delerium: are you planning to continue with Noise Unit? So, why the big change in Delerium's style? Stone tower was great. + This new one sounds like Enigma! delerium are you bill leeb?? definitely! father forgive! ;) Noise Unit will continue when time permits. Morph: It's Jay Sysop, typing for Bill Leeb. Delerium- no more will???? Millenium comes Oct.11 * zoner_ cries in the corner Delerium: why did you decide to go with guitar samples in +millenium Re.. did they have to pay for the pantera samples?? delerium: is there rap in Millenium??? ThdrMind: Only half of the album is samples the other half was +played by Devin Thowsend. no Bill: What label is the new Noise Unit coing out on? I heard you +were looking?? ThrdMind: We wanted a harder sound and a new challenging sound will there be any more coordinate comps??? Delerium:you mean Devon Townsend? who sings for Vai? was your experience with M. Verhaegen a good one? Ceno: Whoever pays the most will get Noise Unit. Hello Yugo! bill: why dont you have your lyrics printed with the cds? Morph: According to Mike Blach, two more. BALCH even. kemper: Yes Devon is a hired guitar gun. Del: Hehe...No Celtic Circle I guess...:) ack dirk: Yes. Prote: GOOD ONE! :) they are onthe new one?? brilliant! i love his work * prote winks delerium: Is there rap in Millenium? Delerium: Why the change in style? To me, it sounded like this +should have been an Intermix album... not delerium. * zoner winks at prote Delerium: i think using heavy industrial beats is good +ministry twitch...but groups are getting much thrashier nowadays Do you keep track of your sample sources? why tso many guitars on the new one doesn't that go against what +frontline is about??? greendot: I don't agree. I think with the female vocals it doesn't +sound like Intermix at all. mark: if not.. you do it for him :P when are you going to repeat a "Caustic Grip" like album, and on which +project? How did you get involved in mixing Penal Colony? I heard your +emixes as well as some of the other bands involved.. * Zippo think there should be some order in this chaos <_Rick_> Zippo: Yeah :) linenoiz: Yes there is rap on Mill. "Victim of a Criminal" heya guys......don't forget, that groups evolve!!!! Delerium: I know it doesn't sound like Intermix. But it doesn't +sound like Delerium either. Intermix is the closes to dance (non +industrial)( that you do. * Zippo think Delerium is having a hell of a job answering multiple +questions..... dirk: The new on is like Caustic Grip, plus it has guitars. Which +is perfect for us. Delerium: will you be touring the SStates again for Millenium? BILL&CO.: why dont you print your lyrics with your cds? del: is it the new FLA or Delerium album? kemper: We will tour USA in feb. but why the switch to guitars isn't that a sellout?? Lo all delerium: have you lost interest in doing a project with edward +ka-spel? or just no time? prote: if you want lyrics, you can ftp them from sites delerum: Will you tour canada too? morph: chill....evolution it's called Lo Delerium! prote: The new CD for the first we released a booklet with lyrics. Delerium: could we get a tour sched.? Delerium- do you think you will make it to most major cities? Lichaem: I think it's no time and we don't know what planet Ed is +on these days. ITS NO EVOLUTION ITS REGRESSION hahaha bill: gonna tour europe? we miss ya over here :) 3rdMind..those are usually transcribed by fans..and i've seen some +inaccuracies.. Delerium: Why a Spheres II release so quickly after the new Sem. +Spaces?? zone: We'll make it to all major cities. Prote: It seems to be the "thing" for any industrial band. A sense +of mystey perhaps? delerium: TOUR SCHEDULE! MILLENIUM! PLZ! =] =] =] =] =] yes...come to Euorope!!! * _Rick_ thinks that Delerium is quite busy :-) prote: very true...but they are quite close xplode: We will do Europe. Delerium- cool beans.. make itto san diego :) hehe <_Rick_> Delerium: Sweden? will you do Portugal? * Zippo smiles 'close' counts in horseshoes and handgrenades..heh WHAT SYNTH WAS USED IN THE BREAK IN THE MIDDLE OF MILLENIUM??? Ceno: Sphere's was supposed to be a double CD set. Most of the +problem was shitty distrb. * zoner ponders.. do portugal.. portugal has a hole? hehe jk come to calgary again, we got ripped off the last time you played +here. well, the japanese releases has had the lyrics? Delerium: i "heard" that you might tour with LEAETHER +it true? Delerium: And speaking of tours, aren't you neglecting your home turf +a little bit? Howe about some Vancouver dates? M0RPH: An oberhime forbys (bad sp?) Hey people Travis: Vancouver will be the last show. Delerium: Ahh sorry to hear that...What about the deal /w mixing +penal Colony?? I heard your mixes..Nice! :) How did it come about?? delerium: anywhere else in Canada? Orrawa? Will you really tour with Leather Strip? ottawa i mean Figures. :) Save a good show for us!! del: where are you expecting to tour in europe? ThrdMind: We've talked about Leaether Strip before, but this time +we may go with a bigger band. <_Rick_> re Sorg Delerium: your show in Salt Lake City, Utah was ORGASMIC... +Definately, one of the best if not the best shows i've ever seen... please +come back A FOUR VOICE?? DELERIUM: how about skinny puppy? :) Re_rickers tour w/ CHEMLAB!!! * CoolBeans is in Ottawa delerium: How about Pitchfork?! :) Delerium: Do you have any special remixes on vinal? I have been +reading some stuff in RPM on CMJ. <_Rick_> Hayate: Leatherstrip rox! hmm.. bill's getting busy.. we need a moderator? morph: An anolgue synth. A beast and hard to find! tour alone!!! ;) Ceno: We did a remix for pitchfork but we still aren't really crazy +about them. DO FRONTLINE FLAN TO DO ANOTHER INTERMIX...PLEASE SAY YES?? That they do Rick. Xplode : i think a lot agrees... Delerium: Tour with THD! Ed would appreciate it! <_Rick_> Delerium: What Analogue Synth? morh: stop screaming will ya? Delerium: You did 2 remixes right? cenotaph: right on man! m0rph: Acutally the new Intermix is finished but it won't get +released for another 2 or 3 months. It's called "Future Primitives" DEL: what kind of equip do you use the most?..brand names, etc.. :) :) COOL * Travis is cheering wildly for the new Intermix. :) delerium: Do you go to raves? What am I doing inside on a beautiful day ... :-) What's going on? Everybody keeps disappearing. I keep seeing mass Signoffs delerium: good news... how does the new intermix differ from the last +one? IRChaos Delerium...Why nettwerk records?\ Delerium: could we get a tour schedule please? =] Morph- stop screamin.. we can all see ya and hear ya loud and clear +without your caps lock key Delerium,what of Noise Unit? what directionis the new intermix in??? slow down! bill must be catching his breath.. prote: Minimoog, multimoog, oberhime expander, mks70, roland 100, +pro1, akia1000 times 3, and k2000 prote: arp2600, and many more..... *** Travis is now known as Livewire Del: do you have an e-mail? *** Svarten ( has joined channel #Nettwerk whatever happened to Chunkblower? lots o'analog :del Yeah, me too! What's the deal? linenoiz: Na, there are too many alt types at raves Delerium: How much RAM in your 3xS1000 and your K2000??? Delerium: so why was the European Blade Cds different from the +ISone?? <_Rick_> Delerium: I'm a techie freak: Are you thinking of having a Web page +with equipment etc? greendot: 8Mb if you have a question.. type '?' and wait for some1 (who?) to give +you the word.. [great idea!] _Rick_: On the new FLA there is a tech list. * Dsoul8 agrees with Xpl yes! eerok - Shaggy, tell me if you can read this. <_Rick_> Delerium: ahh, Sorry :) * Zippo agrees with Xplode Delerium: Skinny Puppy have their own email address where you can +talk to members of the band... why not FLA? Lichaem: The guy who was supposed to fund it, was stuck in kaquait +is desert storm. It then died. del: darn, the trailer was, um, er, :> DEL: how many videos from all of your bands do you have?..i've only +seen Mindphaser.. kemper: I don't know. It's a bitch to answer all that mail. +Nettwerk is always there though. Delerium: (Radio Station Question here) Are you going to have any +special vinal remixes from the Intermix project? <_Rick_> Delerium: Are you thinking of a Web page, like Nettwerk has? Contact Skinny puppy: prote: 6 videos. ! enough Puppy chat.. greendot: Vinyl remix might happen. *** BONES (U38956@UICVM.UIC.EDU) has joined channel #nettwerk kemper: danke shon Delerium: Is the new FLA going to be released in Japan? I want more Noise Unit. is there any way to get hold of the mindphaser video??? Speaking of WWW, I'll put this capture on my HTTP site. _Rick_: To busy. That's up to Nettwerk. yyy: Yes in Japan. Last one was as well. morph: you can rent the movie tour schedule!!!! <_Rick_> Delerium: Ok, It would be nice Tour please! M0rph: Rent Gunhed, and listen to TNI real loud. :) hehe.. delerium: cool... will there be a japan tour this time? I think I have the Mindphaser video somewhere. delerium:Why was the Blade in Europe an 8 track cd? How did that +come about and why> Haygate: Next year. The ultimate punk rock tech album. 160bpm over +the top * _Rick_ thinks that Web pages can help alot of ppl with their questions. DEL: what are your favorite bands (i'd like to hear what rhys has to +say too when he arrives) BILL: Do you know Mercy in Chicago? cenotaph: hmm... its a great cd.. the blade one :) ceno: We wanted to have 2 different release to make it more +interesting. Delerium: We got a private remix from Future Sounds of London, +(for our radio station) Any posibility with your outfit doing one? Kewl! D Yeah I know! who's bill? nihil: ehehehe We have about 30 Blade imports at our store..:) del: as with Dream On 12" and In Vain 12"? Any other side band projects in the works? Delerium: Did you go to Nettwerk to get to the golden throat of +Kristy Thirsk? Delerium: Why the change from the gothic sound to the Enigma sound for +Delerium? Fave bands: Future sound of London, prong, carcus, machine head, +fear factory, and those are some of Rhys' as well. thanks 'burn my eyes' ! aTomos: Yes Nettwerk had a hand in it. She was already here. Bones: i've already asked that... nobody seems to bneable to +answer. BONES: Because we want to become millionaires. PRONG!!!!! delerium: Like the Lassigue mix of Prong? del: are gonna participate in Dossier Records in the future? Delerium- so Word*Flesh*Stone is hte last Will release and there will +be no more? delerium: heh.. good one :P <_Rick_> Hehe No More Will. delerium: will there be a japan tour for the new album? is this because of Chris Peterson tour sched!!!!!=] =] =] Delerium- *whiny voice* but whhyyyy no more will? That is no more Will? yyy: Yes there will be a Japan and maybe Australian tour. D:No more will??? Zoner: I sympathise, but I think that's up to Rhys. BONES: No time for anymore Will. del: did mutual mortuary create any other songs besides shadow gods +and hateless insanity? <_Rick_> Delerium: A tour in Sweden with one of your bands? zoner: check out cold meat industry (the label) if youre looking for +will-ish stuff (shameless plug) :) Delerium : On Mindphaser there is a very special sound or sampling +that also is on a song on Recoil's cd Bloodline... who snatched who.. or? I heard that Will folded because Chris Peterson didn't want to do it +anymore. * zoner pouts in hte corner _Rick_: Sweden is for sure. delerium: you didn't go to Japan for TNI, did you? great Will album covers BTW eerok - remind me how to whisper please (I ain't used IRC in 4 +years!) Delerium: What ever happened to Chris? delerium: So who else have you recently mixed for besides penal +Colony?? BONES: Basically Will is over and a waste of time talking about. Yugo, I thought Berkeley was in California, not Japan Zoner: What's up? <_Rick_> Delerium: Great, I heard that FLA didn't wanna come here because of +the few listeners. DELERIUM: will there ever be another Cyberaktif? _Rick_:Where? Delerium- i was whining that will is gone.. no more will. it went +byebye :( major bummer cenotaph: i think they helped out with fear factor *** Signoff: mufti (Error 0) kemper: Only if hell freezes over and the moneys right. Yeah, I ment NEW remixes... RiotNrrrd: yes, but I was in Japan during the last US tour... bummer <_Rick_> Delerium: In the magazine Release (swed Mag) delerium: can we expect to see a new intermix soon? Delerium: Do you plan on bringing live guitars on tour now that +guitars are again present in "Millenium" or will these be sampled? Bill: Are you still involved with the Coordinate 0# compilations? *** JonoB (badjoh@ has joined channel #nettwerk -RIck_ : Not true. We just didn't want t tour there. Has there been another Coordinate CD? I thought 01 was amazing. BONES: Full metal guitars. Sez Rhys. He's here now. DEL: do you watch any Anime? <_Rick_> Delerium: Why not (if you don't mind me asking) del: are you EVER gonna tour in Portugal? Rhys!! delerium: The Reanimate remix on Moonraker was good! Anymore +exclusive mixes on comps. soon?? Delerium: If we plan an "industrial fest" would you like to +headline? Livewire: We have started a new series called Organisms 1 and 2 <_Rick_> Delerium: Skip my _ _ :-) Will the tour be Frontline or Delerium? why the guitar though..I asked before and didn't get an sanswer +..isn't that a step backwards???? Delerium: Really? What's the theme?? Hayate: FLA! Of course. I vote for an Intermix tour. But why do I doubt it'l happen.... I've never had the pleasure of seeing you live. morph: listen to it b4 you make a judgement Hayate: you've missed OUT! =] you're missing out! FLA tour using guitars is a step forward. Not backwards. Living in the middle of nowhere I'll never get to see you live :( I have friends Rhys: You've been in Chicago alot lately, as recent as June (So Mercy +says). Are you involved in other projects in Chicago? Del: when fla tours, are you going to Milwaukee, WI??? how do you figure??? <_Rick_> Delerium: Is you studio still Mushroom (or I'm i misstaken) or do you +have your own? Delerium: Who would you choose for a gutarist? TOUR SCHED!!!!??? The live FLA from Gashed... has guitars. I'm in New Jersey and not far from NY. Where exactly do you think +that you'll be performing? At the Ritz or Limelight? Delerium : Have you got special song writing methods for your diffrent +projects.. they vary a lot in sound i mean.. and mood.. BONES: Just did a video in Chicago for the new FLA delerium: is the new noise unit done? We have our own studio called Cryogenics. yes...Noise Unit!!! brb... Re: why the guitar. Since when is more noise a step backwards? delerium: Any plans on more exclusive remixes like Reanimate remix +on Moonraker? Deven Thowsend is our guitar player. Delerium: what inspires FLA's style, musically? rhys: heard somoething about you were gonna release will on Reazone +to Release.. first.. was that true? Delerium: The video is for "Millenium" I take it. You guys have the +best videos I've ever seen!!! Do you deal with H-Gun? Hayate: Madison Square gardens. REALLY?!!! <_Rick_> Who is Rhys here? Delerium:will you be coming to Salt Lake City, Utah? i thought h-gun only did Iceolate BONES: It's not H-Gun it's Eric Zimmermin who was with H-Guin. Hayate: For $2 I'll tell you what "gullible" means No offense but with who? hehehehe It just seems like everyone and there brother is using a guitatr and +the one thing I loved about frontline was the synthetics and now thats gone:( Rick: good question... Delerium- cyrogenics.. asin hte processing of freezing dead people so +that you can bring them back? hahahhaha RicK: Rhys and Bill are standing behind me and they seem to be +getting into this. was Intermix a bet to get more reach a more massive +croud? Delerium: thanks for answering my questions as you have. delerium:What's you favorite weapon? hahaha.. Morph: YUeah, I feel the same way. I heard the new FLA single and +it SUCKS! M0RPH: Tought shit. Can't please verybody. pr hehehhehe heh. Provision has guitars! oops <_Rick_> Delerium: Ok, Got it greendot: Tought shit. Can;t please everybody. delerium: how personal do your lyrics come? Typing mistakes are Jay's fault. delerium: coming to Salt Lake City, Utah? Man, Puppy always used guitars and NO one bitched! Lay off! The synthetics are NOT gone! Listen to it; it's all there! Sheesh.. Lichaem: They are just short stories. ceno: hear hear I have to go to work now. But I hope we can do another one +of these. This was fun! Later, Bill, Rhys!! And all! What are your favorite flick's? cenotaph is right well...i guess xmarks and lasigue bendthaus, and mentallo will get my +record buying dollars then :) as it seemed :/ Chunkblower! *** bp14 (~bp14@UNIX12.ANDREW.CMU.EDU) has joined channel #Nettwerk delerium: How do you find samples? morph: your loss. i guess :P There are many bands who DO use guitars and are great.. Morph- dont be an asshole man yes...Young Gods Hayate: Bad Leutent, Henry, Blade Runner, 2001, Res Dogs, Aliens +1,2 and 3 guitars + synths are a GREAT combo [ goes down. 10 people sign off ] Hayate: And major porn. shit not another split haha.. delerium: kick M0rph!!! kemper, except for Psychopomps..hehe Del : nice movietaste <_Rick_> Del: Henry, serial killer film? I have to see Resevoir cause it seems to be everyones favorite. Rick: Yes. Delerium: Why sample _Passion_ and _1492_ to death? death be not proud i'm not being an asshole ...first ministry did it ...then frontline...whoes next to get a fucking guitar ..maybe the +aphex twin??? Delerium: So how did you get asked to do remixes for Penal Colony?? MarkW: Cause it sounds brilliant and it was the only CD layng +around <_Rick_> Morph: Bwhahaa mark: well.. why not.. listen to it a couple of hundred times and its +great.. the 1492 stuff puppy is getting an all-out guitarist Delerium: I know THD, Strip, Mentallo, and PTV are too...I heard +your s.. DEL: aren't movie studios banging down your doors, or do you manage to +sneak the samples by? Delerium: Did you ever get to do radio commercials as you were hoping +to in 1992? *** M0RPH has been kicked off channel #Nettwerk by Delerium (Forced removal) Puppy always had guitars! Delerium: How does the Orb feel about your sampling them? If not +sampling, mimicking? del: in the early days who inspired you? Cabaret Voltaire? Klinik? BONES: Don't know about that. We'll do anything for $$$$ D,why not sample the part in Henry where he says "Let's go out and +kill somebody'"? FLA had guitrs during the Gashed Senses tour delerium: eheheheheeh and Enigma and Deep Forest for that matter? ceno: not an "only-guitar" dude tho.. bad day for irc hey am I here? They're back! who's using the stanford server? Dirk: Portion Control! Delerium; thanks for the answer Hahah,good one D. Hayate: Cheese. Fromage Do Bill or Rhys have a strict guideline as to what constitutes FLA, +Delerium, or Noise Unit music? Couldn't it be done as one band? Why the +separation? Bones: unfortuneatly. good ? too much.. delerium: How can you tell one band from another? not enough what the?? <_Rick_> hafnir: Because if one screws up, The other band won't be credit for +it :-) You guys won't be touring with Ministry by any chance? linenoiz: By the cover. Mo! No I mean! Please dont! No! Good one Delerium Hayate: Probably unlikely. But you never know unless the $ is +right. Me 2 i think they are trying to reach different people with each project <_Rick_> Delerium: Have you done works with Al Jourgensen? Rick: No. And we don't plan on it. dirk: hmm.. they end up hitting me with every project... hows that? +:) was there a 303 used in the first sphers??? Delerium: plz come to Salt Lake City, Utah again!!!!!! delerium: Tour with Haujobb or Paracont! :) lol good answer rick. I hope that's far from the truth, though. insomno: Yes. (SiMpS0N/#nettwerk) simpson: That nickname's already in's causing +collisions now! kemper: Yes, there was that cute babe there. Delerium: =] SLC is FULL of hot babes. =] come back! delerium: what kind of equipment do you use/have? kemper: Right on! Delerium: Is Chris Peterson still involved with FLA? Delerium: (Rhys) Do you know someone in Chicago named Mercy? Why not tour with Frontline Assembly,Noise Unit and Delerium? ;) <_Rick_> Deler: First time I heard Spheres, I though: Hey, this is Soundtrack +for a space movie. Are you thinking of doing soundtrack? I think you would do +great garten: The equip list is on the new FLA album. Delerium0- same with those beach babes here in san diego.. ehhe jk.. delerium: So why didnt Sem. Spaces get released on Dossier?? BONES: Chris is out. Who's Mercy!? garten: prote: Minimoog, multimoog, oberhime expander, +mks70, roland 100, +pro1, akia1000 times 3, and k2000 del: could you let me know what kind of equipment you guys use? i'm +an audio sculptor as well, and i'd just like to know... thanks... Rick: We'd love to do a soundtrack. But there aren't any movies +cool enough. *** ThrdMind is now known as TGirl whoops.... * Zippo smiles Delerium: Just want to know real quick since it's not too related Delerium: Mercy is someone who lives near chicago who says she knows +Rhys and bill delerium: do a movie yourself?.. i'd watch it :) what do does frontline think of the K2000? How will the new FLA compare to the previous? <_Rick_> Delerium: hehe * TGirl just hasta say "hello" :) Delerium: More Rhys than Bill insomno: Wicked. Awesome. With bad disk utils. Hehe.. *** TGirl is now known as ThrdMind Hey Mike! Hayate: Full METAL! NOW we have a quorum :-) delerium: where will you play when you come back to Salt Lake? your house? Delerium: You should get V3.1 of the K2000 Operating Systerm.. +beefs it up. Delerium: Who will do percussion live now that Chris has departed? hey..I made a mod called dead meat ;) **sigh** kemper: Fuck I don't know man! are any of the drum loops [rocessed throug) has joined channel #Nettwerk <_Rick_> Delrium: Whats a MKS70, I mean. Whats the real synths name (MKS-50 is +a Juno 1/2) aTomos: We will have a drummer with full kit. delerium: Who does what between Bill and Rhys on a project? insomno: No filters. is someone capturing this? Lo hifidel del: can u make a living out of your music or do you have other jobs? hey Rick: JX10 * zoner offers Kemper a chill pill so that he/she/it stops asking about SLC +hehehheh yyy: I'm getting it linenoiz: Who ever shows up 1st D,you guys drink alot of coffee? Delerium: Is there anyway our magazine can get an advacne copy of the +new FLA for review? linenoize: Mstly 50 / 50 <_Rick_> Delerium: Thanks, What about Ensoniq. You don't find them good? you should try it the filters they can work wonders rhys: any new will releases due? * RiotNrrrd thinks you have to get paid sometime to meet the rents on Robson +St. ... * kemper takes the pill.. (god I hope it's acid) =] delerium: my magazine too? hayate: Bill likes coffe. Rhys likes beer. And tattoos. *** Ola ( has joined channel #Nettwerk hi all delerium: How about a promo for our store? :) hehe.. hey ola Hola, Ola! :-) hello! or an appearance od delphi ;) RicK; We had a Ensoniq. It broke down. Don't like it. Heck,why not a promo for me ;) hahaha rhys: define beer? :) whats yer fav er on I don't know if this was asked, but is Delerium releasing there older +stuff in the US at any point soon? xplode: Tuborg. there=their Delerium Ensoniq what? EPOS16? delerium: which one? EPS? ASR? Oope EPS16.. ensoniq sucks hafnir: Possibly. We're trying to Nettwerk to release some stuff. * RiotNrrrd strongly urges a Delerium tour ... the recent Mixmaster +Morris/Pete Namlook event in San Francisco proves the viability of the +concept <_Rick_> Delerium: Ok, How about in the past, did you have any analogue you +sold off? delerium: How about releasing Nerve War on disc? :) Delerium: will there be future albums on Nettwerk? ensoniq rules..... i own two esq's, and an eps. Deleirum; It's a legit magazine called Subculture based in Chicago. +We've reviewd the likes of NIN, Ministry, TKK, interviews, etc. Linenoiz: Didn't I contribute a NIN skeletal cd review to your +e-zine? rhys: stupid question, but how do you pronounce your first name? 'riss' +or 'rice'? Rick: We keep everything. rice ain't it? Any particular reasons why you choose one syth over another. What I +mean is for mood? bones: Yes, you did. :) linenoiz: ah ha! aTomos: Yes. Nerve war master tapes got lost. Reece! booooo <_Rick_> Delerium: Ok. I would like a full equipment list next CD :-D delerium: Is Luc Van Acker still going to be involved with noise unit/ I'd buy the older stuff, if that'll help. BONES: Ya sure. Call Nettwerk and set it up. it's reece??? delerium: I still have one you can release! :) Thrd. Yes. delerium: oops... neither, then, eh... hehe thanks Delerium: What channels do I go tyhrough to get promo stuff for +our radio station? was somebody trying to kill you that night? :> Rick: If they sold any analogue gear Kenny would buy it :) Delerium: I call Nettwerk for the new FLA? I thought that was +Roadrunner? Hayate: Because we like fat anolog sounds more than anything. <_Rick_> Riot: Whos Kenny? :) greendot: Call Catherine. bill: will you ever consider making a project along with D. Ivens? Hmm... delerium: check out Oberheim's new keyboard. del: so 3rd Mind is caput in UK also? <_Rick_> Delerium: Thats great. I Don't touch the digital stuff, except +Samplers analog rules... Rick: Oh, just this tall guy who (at least used ta) live in Bill's +building :-) delerium: whats the # for Roadrunner? [ goes down ] Delerium: Catherine at Network or Roadrunner? <_Rick_> Riot: Ok :) BONES: Yes. FLA = Roadrunner. Ph 212-219-0077 ask 4 sue Delerium = +Nettwerk. OB-Mx is great, but it's WAY too much $$$$ Hmmmm.. will there any be any remixes of the new frontline material by any +famous mixers??? Delerium: do you like the cleopatra label? Digital poodle from +toronto's on it greendot: Catherine at Nettwerk 604 654 2929 What other people along the same line as you guys do you get along +with? My way of asking who do you not get along with. *** E_coli ( has joined channel #Nettwerk delerium: any chance of hearing some Mutual Mortuary stuff on some +sortof cd media? Delerium: On the TNI tour, you brought out a huge blue plastic +storage drum and banged on that as an instrument. Can we expect that again insomnoe: Not at this stage. Remixes are a real ripoff anyways. xplode: These tapes are buried and will never resurface <_Rick_> Bones: A trash bin? delerium: Is the 'frequency modulation' on the fm remix of Flowers +Become Screens an LFO??? del: were there more than 2 Mutual M songs made? BONES: The blue barrel is gone. We lost it. A body was stashed in +it. And disposed of it. He didn't like guitars. *** aTomos has left channel #nettwerk <_Rick_> Delerium: Now when Multimedia is in the air, are you thinking of an +interactive CD-ROM? lineoie: Yes. RicK; For FLA yes. delerium: ah. Delerium: What channels do I go through to see if you can do +special remixes for a radio show? greendot: CAll roadrunner. <_Rick_> Delerium: The yes for CD-ROM for FLA? Delerium: Coool. We'll be in touch. RicK; Yes. del: any other future projects at hand? <_Rick_> Del: What computer do you use for cover/sequencing. Delerium: Who is answering questions now? Bill or Rhys? rick; c-lab notator Delerium : What has made most influence on the sound of FLA? any +bands perhaps.. greendot; Both Bill and Rhys are answering. Pick one if you like delerium: are you getting paid to do this? :> <_Rick_> delerium: On which computer? and for cover arts? eheheheeheh Zippo: Portion Control and Liason Danger delerium: i read something about Will being released on Reazone to +Release in the beginning... was that just a rumour? Zippo: And a bit of Slayer <_Rick_> Slayer? :-) delerium : speaking of influences..what about none-music-influences +?? Del :) heheheh....slayer xplode: They just didn't pull it together. satanic or just guitar riff ideas [ goes down, tons of people sign off ] whoa! splits from hell Delerium: You mentioned you like FSOL, we can send you some +private mixes of some songs of theirs... if you want to do a special remix +for us. <_Rick_> helvete! oj some split ;) Someones link went down! yeah gremlins.. yepp the irc2 serv greendot: Call Nettwerk. delerium: why the altered spelling of delirium? any reason? Delerium: I know.. :) I will.. but I had to bug you. LicH: Because we wanted it to be different cause somewhere down the +line someone else would use it. delerium: Is there a video for Flowers Become Screens? del: id looks better ;) del: i'm in the process of making www industrial there a +problem on using some of your pictures (including cd covers) ? <_Rick_> Delerium: Not I don't wanny be a pain: But you didn't answer what +computer you use for seq/artworks ing made within the next 3 weeks. RicK; archaic Ataria 1040 RicK; And IIci. [ lots of people back ] <_Rick_> Delerium: Ok * Zippo smiles they're he-ere! [ goes down again ] rick: *sparka* sa ja ju :) <_Rick_> re Splitters here they come bye bye damn! They lost it again. dont ya just love the eff. roller coaster wave <_Rick_> Delerium: I missed your reply, sorry :) Rick; What u ask? del: is there a prob. on that picture question? atari1040 maciici dirk: Naw, use what u want. Delerium: Who does the remixing for your 12-inch singles? rick: archaic Ataria 1040 del: thanx! greendot: We do. Delerium: Cool! delerium: You like the atari? i believe there is lag delerium: Do you expect the new FLA to be big?? [ goes down again ] there goes another. and Delerium with it. hey k00l. we're all that's left. hello? hmhmhmhmmmm. hello? hi.. oh, your here! yeah, i'm at work, so i'm distracted once ina while. ah. everybody got kicked off! big time net split... [ lots and lots of people connect, including Delerium ] hey look, everybody's back! I was woried. WOW. big wow. everybody here? *** Mode change "+o Delerium" on channel #Nettwerk by are we alive? Third: No, its a live show.. BONES: No sampling makes something new out of something old. Delerium: How much does time in your studio cosst? heheh good one Rick del: did u ever do anything with Coil? cenotaph: ahhhh...cooool del: but the Organisms I and II you mentioned earlier? greendot: We've never rented it out. ok. Care to elaborate? Delerium: :( delerium: Bill, are you guys members of MACOS? Delerium: what kind of sunglasses you guys like? ceno: What is MACOS? *** zoner_ is now known as zoner delerium: good answer. but i guess people say booting is the same +because you are taking someone else's a;ready rec. material sunglasses?!!!! I think he meant TACOS. Delerium: Is Nettwerk going to put some Delerium on the next Nettwerk +sampler? <_Rick_> Heheh dirk: ehheh...sunglasses..... Del: intermix is very techno sounding do you go to raves? pdg: Probably. Or on their site.. as long as you dont make any money on it, it should be ok pdg: But we don't like samplers. delerium: Musicians aganist copyrighting of samples...Lassigue and +Sielwolf are big time into that group.. No raves. To many posiers. <_Rick_> Thirdmind: Raybans rox :) Delerium: how many hours a week do you work; ever tak vacations? Delerium: Don't like samplers? 3 S1000's and a K2000? * linenoiz lags. Del: What about the third mind sampler - you guys were most of it. rick: no....jean-paul gaultiers :) MarkW: No vacations. rave posers ???? del: if you don't like samplers, what kind of synth workstation do +you use for demo-ing pdg: Not by choice. greets woarloc DEL, any backlash from moviestudios?..or do they bother (in regards to +sampling) <_Rick_> ThirdMind :) ^_^ howdy, what's new? Del: good call hey Woarloc!!!! haven't seen you in a LONG time!! <_Rick_> Thirdmind: Cone shaped? :) We don't like compilations. Not samples! Pozers should be taken and skined alive to see what's underneath. We're to small time. Hayate: You won't find much... TM: been away RICK: heeheh......coneshaped with bolts and springs :) <_Rick_> Third: Heheh * RiotNrrrd says "There may be poseurs at Vancouver raves, but ask Duck about +the ones WE throw ... " del: can u survive on your music or do you have jobs? delerium: you dont like compilationas? That Monraker comp. has a +great reanimate remix on it! woarloc: betcha don't remember me....i changed my nick Moonraker rather.. dirk: We just do lots of shit. before delerium said there were to many posers at do they +feel about techno as a whole at this point???? TM: I remember the 'Killing Game' quote Delerium: Could you define "Losts of Shit"?? woarloc: heheehhe :) hahaha... What time do you guys got to sleep? Compilations: i recall the FLA song on Latex TV Oblivion...really +different!! Delerium: how lomg does it take to do s song such as Mindphaser where +there is just tons and tons of layering insomno: Rhys: Most techo is crap. Bill: Thinks it's too much of a +consumer product <_Rick_> Delerium: How many PPL are involved in FLA? delerium: Will the new Intermix be aimed at the rave market? We don't sleep Does any one of you guys own a teddy bear? Hahahah BONES: Mindphaser took 3 weeks. yee haw Aphex Twin is a consumer product? here comes the process linenoiz: The new INtermix is mostly tribal chanting with slow +break beats. delerium: where do you get ideas for new songs? DELERIUM: what are your fave books/literature??????? delerium: only three? yo guys are friggin' phenomenal!!!! Closing the book on the Trent thing, I hope, I honestly think Trent's +comments were dead wrong (no pun intended). Incidentally, I don't think I +complemented you on the new FLA. I personally enjoyed it a ton. Delerium: Mindphaser took 3 weeks? How many hours a day? +(average) <_Rick_> Delerium: I mean in the band *** Zippo is now known as Zippo_ How'd you keep track of what on such a layered song? delerium: is it hard to answer all the questions at once? Woarloc: Aphex Twin is a consumer product and overmarketed in +London andf would be nice if he used more than 3 sounds per song R. Fulber: do you get involved in side projects like Bill? woarloc: ain't this chaotic or what? what do you think about the intelligent techno scene +...hawtin,namlock ,james,etc?? delerium: I'm converting a bystander here to your music what's intelligent about that?! consumer product? who let consolidated in the house? :> dirk: Yes, producing other groups and keybopards for fear factory. * ThrdMind *bops* trent reznor Minimalism is a style, it's hard to build a structure that works +with few parts, instead of layering a million samples and drum/bass loops what do you guys have to say about ripping off Egnima with Semantic +Spaces? yeah answer that one and FSOL?? Why is that RIPPing off?! dirk: plenty flatlands is good tho. delerium: how much work did you do with Skinny Puppy, that is how +involved was Bill in the songwriting and such when he was in? How's your relationship with SP? to the victor goes the re: enigma Woarloc: It only takes one ply to wipe your ass, but it's nice to +have 3 layers so your fingers don't get brown. TONS of bands use other bands samples and stuff...BIG DEAL?! rofl Snog is a good example.. ehehhe eh BONES: I sat in the same room with them. Del: nice analogy but has nothing to do with music <_Rick_> Hahaha Delerium: So you wouldn't be angry if I sampled you? or to cover the scabs on your fingers *** Woarloc has been kicked off channel #Nettwerk by Delerium (Forced removal) Delerium: How did you get started in music: what is your education? FORCED REMOVAL. hm. sounds like the name of a song on CAUSTIC GRIP greendot: I wish more people would sample us. Bill: cevin key once said you were a genius when it came to +basslines...any comment? Delerium: Ed says Hi, and thanks for the Xmas card :-) ahahahaahah Huaahahahahah bai-bai <_Rick_> Delerium: How old are Rhys and Bill now (just curious) Lich: Where'd it say that? Delerium: Cool.. like me to send you the end product? delerium: do your song titles mean anything?????? Delerium: birthdays? =] delerium: Can THD sample ya?! Another 1 bites the dust. hey why did you kick of woarloc can't you handle discussion? LicH; Basslines are my specially. actually a phone interview that was done with cevin by someone 40 more to go. delerium: Are the videos you use for your live shows available +anywhere? He did him a favor. Bill: obviously! ;) BONES: No live video available yet. Delerium: Someone once told me that you guys did the Intermix stuff by +pulling out all your worst records and sampling. Is this a true account? here VDs are impossible to get delerium; do you plan on a live video? dang... Bill: where do you think i can order Noise Unit material? yeah, where can we get any videos? I've heard great things about +them. what does bills voice really sound like /?? Mouse: Partly true. The first was a parody. It was stuff he hated +the most. * zoner shoots that fuckin buffy outside that is luaghing for no reason.. argh delerium: do your song titles mean anything? offtopic shit: 138 needz a sound programmer for an upcoming demo... +into dark industrial, goth, grind... familiar w/ mod line: its english isnt it? :P insomno: Stupid question. But...deep voice. Hi err.. mod's and s3m's, rather... 669 What pisses you guys off about this life? decay: Nice PLUG! :) INSOMNO: I talked to them about 3 years ago... it sounds normal, +but he can fuck it up real good without a effects box.. did a cool Skinny +Puppy parody... heh... sorry pplz... Hayate: Almost everything. Hayate: Taxes delerium: after your shows do you hop in the sack with industrial +groupies? Del: what kind of processor(s) do you send vocals through Ok,what doesn't? ra: ahahahah <_Rick_> greendot: What kind of effects? delerium: So what do you think about some of the new acts that +sounds like you? Is it flattering or annoying to you? rabiez: As many as possible (that's just Rhys) why hate life?? life is wonderfu it's just to hard to find sound programmer's that aren't into tekn0 garten: H300 Delerium- hahahhah h3000 Delerium: why don't we see more Live FLA in Vancouver? i thought rhys was married..heh bill: you married or something? :) According to a certain Mercy you do just kidding Rick: I don't know.. I just know he wasn't using anything, and it +sounded evil.. it was cool. Ceno: It's flattering when someone tries to emulate what you do in +there own way What got you guys started and why industrial music? Delerium: Is it true that after the TNI tour and release, that FLA +went bankrupt for a period of time due to live and prod. costs? deCay: that should be trying to tell you something <_Rick_> greendot: Cool, sore throat afterward I think :) aTomos: It's redundant to play local clubs till everyone hates you. +We are not a bar band delerium: have you heard some of the newer acts like Cyber Axis, +yelworC, etc? Do you like any of them>> Hayate: we listen Industrial in 1983. are delerium going to play out live??? bones, you mean why the Toxic ep became b-sides? Which group got you interested? Cabaret Voltaire? ceno: Rhys listens to metal and Bill listens to stuff that comes +free in the mail lol delerium: what size of crowd do you prefer when playing live?.. as +many as possible? saw you guys once in '89.. 500 ppl something, was great :) lichaem: no, but answer anyway. It's a good topic where can we send stuff to bill? Hayate: The big Cab was one of my all time faves. thats cool ..huhuh delerium: Ahh, my apologies for making an assumption! :) xploded: The bigger the better. what do you think of the new cabaret voltaire?? Did you guys pick up the keys immediately? Delerium: Can you play a song for us now? industrial died after SPK'd Leichenscrei cabaret voltaire can't get any lower.. dcc me one. lich: youre not looking hard enough man! insomno: Bill sez it's nice to see that they are doing somehting +different again. Delerium: if someone offered you a spot in (cough cough) +Lollapalooza, would you take it? Lichaem: Right on! <_Rick_> Delerium: Does Rhys or Bill have any school in playing? 80 BONES: No polloza * RiotNrrrd think sthat Bill's attitude is far better than dirk's bones: RicK; Kind of Del: What US City is the absolutely biggest void of good music. (has to +be Washington DC) Why did you revert to Copenhall for artwork? Mumenthaler was better! delerium: are your songs mostly chord based? bass based? Del: Lalla and a lot of money...A LOT $$$? ewest cover the best Delerium: YES!!!! Delerium; would you not play Lollapalooza becasue of the concept, the +commercialism, the outdoor setting, what? riot: i have to be honest..sorry :) Piano lessons when younger? BONES: Yes. do frontline use any drum machines and which??? Delerium: Who does all you cover art (tecno graphics?)... Hayate: Rhys. Accordian. Bill. Violin. insomno: Drum machines suck! delerium: Is any part of your songs inputed live, or is it all +MIDI??? <_Rick_> Delerium: Whats your fav own album? I mean that one you are must +satisfied with. With FLA D: agreed. aTomos: Cover art by Technographics Who broke their instruments first? Rick: The new one. when live, do you use midi or DAT back-up, or what? Delerium: How long is the new album, how many tracks, and what is the +title? Hayate: The Who linenoiz: It's about 50% dat and 50%^ live <_Rick_> Del: Minelleum single? BONES: Piss off. Del: you use drums synths then? BONES: thats from Jay. That's a lot of typing pal Hehehe...violent! who * by liver is that "true live" or requence live??? How did you guys met Del: Who is Jay? sequence i mean greendot: the one typing.. BONES: 10 trks. 70min long. Called Millenium. Bill made me type it. \ [ goes down again! ] uh-oh. jay is the fustrated typist insomno: True live. Manual playing wow! We met at a record store. hehehehh....only us :) Just the canucks left. that's me :) holy... We're canucks. Just a better link. <-------toronto ottawa! me too You comming to Ottawa on tour delerium? fla? DELERIUM: what books do you guys like? Play Calgary again... and this time play more than 3 songs. :) ThrdMind: We never read. ringworm: Venue sucked. delerium: no? where does most of your inspiration come from? Liineoize: Land rover manual yikes! [ everybody back, major spam ] delerium: What? Delerium: Yeah, it did. It's shut down now. ThrdMind: Movies, TV, music, everything. Life. brb i prefer sampled drums to drummachines themselves They hate drum machines but admit using a TB303? Can you say +"pulling your leg"? * zoner grins. yay.. back <_Rick_> Pushka: 3 x Akain and one K2000 *sigh of releif* What Dsoul8?? RE Delerium Yay! DELERIUM's back!!!1 Delerium: Rhys, do you still have dreadlocks? (Well kinda +dreadlocks.. or was that Chris?) re re- delerium K; you're wrong... the kawai xd-5 drum synth is the only way to go. +that and sampled wierdness <_Rick_> kemper: What Drummachine do you favor? ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have so much control with sequences ..dats for live shows ares +shit why even bother rick: Roland R8 =] thanks - I agree with Nemesis re the DATs! catch the wave...fascism! Dirk: EMAIL me about the vids! join #pcwarez computers ALWAYS die! roland R-8's rule...especially when layered with other stuff 303, the Hardfloor, Plastikman et al instrument orbital use live sequences and it comes across as very organic green: Short hair. ROLAND SUCKS! except the jd 800, jd990, analog (ld) stuff... Rhys: Can we expect an further stuff from Will? We don't use drum machines. <--- all Roland equpip. roland does not suck bp14 NO MORE WILL! we're talking behind your back, Deler. =] NO MORE WILL!!!!! <_Rick_> nihil: Juno 60 is nice, but I like Korg Suck. :( hehe * zoner starts to cry again.. Will went byebye :9 er :( is this the same nettwerk in 604? roland is way over priced but does not suck - just make sure not to +pay for it.!!! R_Wilco: Yes. Sorry to hear Will's gone. :( Hell Nemesis: depends where you are what is bill's favorite record of all time??? Hell=Hello bp14: U never know. Willvis has left the building ... I have a friend who trades in old Roland gear insomno: Dangerous Liasons more Will delerium: So how did you get invloved with mixing Penal Colony? The +mixes are good! DELERIUM: Does Chris still get involved in any of your production? i have a friend who steals it rhys: does roland not suck???? (besides analog stuff) Ceno: Guy just phoned us up. *** ThrdMind has changed the topic on channel #Nettwerk to Bill Leeb & Rhys +Fulber of Delerium & FLA but no more Will hehehe Los Ninos ... shit....forgot Jay too aTomos: Chris doesn't do anything with us anymore <_Rick_> Third: :-) heheh Riot: Los Ninos rules. delerium: is that liaisons dangereuses? hmm.. have an old tape by +that name somewhere.. is there a nettwerk site for ftp? So what's up with the new Will album? :-) :-) :-) delerium: how long does FLA plan to exist? delerium: What did they send you? Just the vocals and guitars? * RiotNrrrd urges everyone to buy the Liasons video on Ikon ... proto electro +at its best Will there be anymore Noise Unit? delerium: (indefinately i hope) =] xploded: Yes. delerium: you watch any much-music??? ceno: Yes. Line: All day. delerium what is bill and rhys's favorite record?? You guys seen AKIRA by Katsuhiro Otomo? Delerium: Re what is your favorite weapon? beats empty-v delerium: Hmm..Same as THD.......................Ahh well.. More noiz unit. hayate: killer move hayate: yup...rock'n flick hayate: er movie del: any further projects with the Belgian techno groups? Bill sez Muchmusic sucks except for the POWER30 * RiotNrrrd observes that the Cyberaktiv record could be viewed as "Homage to +Liasons" from certain perspectives ... i have an old Fla live album- from Gashed tour - i heard that what's +his name from REVCO played guitars in the show - zat true? * linenoiz thinks even power30 sux. Rhys likes Black Metal by Venom Del: what was the name of the japanese film that the video for +Mindphaser came from? gunhed BILL_LEEB: teresa roncon is a babe eh?? met her 3 times :) venom!!!! who? michael balch? thanks, I could'nt remember and what is bill;s fave Hehe.. Fave Weapon: Steyer AUG riotnrrd: I love your callsign! Delerium: Will you ever release lyrics for your older songs since you +are releasing Millenium and the xtra track (sorry, forgot the name) delerium: How do you feel about censorship of music? Michael: Are you still involved with ministry? How 'bout RevCo? Lyrics are on the new album. d: you play shadowrun???? cool! Anymore questions BONES? :) Delerium: THAT'S A great choice in firearms and killing tools! Ever run into ant copywrite hassles? surely!?? (just kidding abvout the killing tools) How many people here have seen AKIRA? BONES: Take some valium. :) The video package will have all lyrics and rare photos. i have hayate <--me.. And interviews Cenotaph: Yeah? Do you have some downers? try a 9mm Beretta guys how long does it take you to eat a spoonful of grape nuts? Haytate: all ver's... <-- has copy of Akira or a Mac 11 delerium: do you prefer smartgun link or without? =] Akira: Who cares. That's cool. BONES: dowers? Thrd: Beretta 93R ain't bad... 3rd mind: Only if it's got all 16 rounds delerium: is this vid package gonna be a limited edition thing? time to grab a cookie Del: Akira? 'cause we are LAME!!!! kemper: that's a silly question... xploded: Might be limited edition. eh D,check it out. It's up your alley if you liked Tetsuo. Alot came +from that. cenotaph: I'm too hyper del: why don't you put Bill and Rhys on different lines? del: how will we find out about the video package? BONES: hehehe... del: We only have one line and typist. dirk: cuz its messy as it is :) BONES: ain't it true that the mac11 fires it's entire clip in 1.5 +sec xploded: Advertising 3rdmind: that depends on the model and the chosen rate of fire but i digress You guys in LA? deler: do you guys play shadowrun???? * nihil is... nihil: No. how about cyberpunk/ Hayate: Vancouver. fuck guns... guns only kill one at a time <_Rick_> Delerium: You didnd't anwer how old are Rhys and Bill? delerium: what are your views on cyberpunk? bones: del: awwwww..... Wow nemesis: will says that depends on how many rounds you discharge Rhys: 23 delerium: Ever consider having Don Gordon play guitar for FLA? :) do you expect deleriums folowing to grow with the new metal +crossover....was it a new artistic direction or marketing ploy??? cyberpunk is a sci-fi writer's wet dream... so young?!! I mean frontline Ceno: Ya right! :( You guys there for this discussion or for business also? Delerium: The TNI CD had a cyber-flavor throughout. Does the new FLA +CD have a reoccuring theme too? yeah is delerium gonna grunge out like everyone else delerium: Hehe...Just a though! still, taking down whole systems at once is better than any gun +could do mouse: The end of the world. We hate grunge! THOUGHT rathare,, freinds don't let friends grunge. argh.. grunge sux!! friends dontlet friends wear dayglo either hehehehe you hate grunge but love metal ...why?? Any street date for the new FLA? Whos Grunge? Numb?? Don Gordon?? preference Delerium: I have to hand it to you guys, you disliking raves, techno, +grunge, etc makes me feel alot better insomno: simple. metal RULES Hayate: Next month. BONES: speak for yourself ... Delerium: How do you guys find samples? Do you sit around watching a +lot of movies? Thank goodness. FLA going grunge would be just too much!! Kewl. i like industrial you can mosh to ecolie: Bill watches tons of movies. here we go with industrial again ;) riotnrrd: huh? i like industrial you can take over the world to Silly rabbit...moshings for kids! christ.. What was up the that last delerium record being Eurobeat? metal rules??? delerium: does FLA plan to become more mosh-able? <_Rick_> rabiez: Headhunter! :) Hahaha...What questions! yeha good question necro.. BONES: People disliking raves and techno doen't make ME feel a lot +better ... mosh-yes,rave-yes,grunge-maybe,metal-yes,industrial-yes. insomno: Metal fuckin rules. That's from Rhys. yeh some 242 is moshable all these styles have good points and they all have to blur into +one.... I like the part in John Carpenter's The Thing where Kurt Russell +yells "Alright cut the bullshit!". linenoiz: full Metal Mosh! <--- Confirmed raver for 3 years ... eat me rock on.. anohter split? metal ius cool: thats from Beavis Metallica! this seems worse rhys: wow, i'd never thought *you'd* be into metal... Carnivore! nihil: It's all I listen to. delerium: do you guys plan on doing any metal, or will it just be +electronic metal? Rhys: Comments on Bruce Dickenson leaving Iron Maiden? didnt someone remix napalm death Motorhead?? linenoiz: Always hybrid. bp14: Maiden sucks. Listen to real metal. the end title from John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness kicks ass!!! Rob Gee remixed OLD, maybe that was it? What does that say about your music if you guys like metal? Why the sudden inclusion of guitars, since it was publicized that +Tactical Neuarl was a reaction to certain industrial bands turning so +suddenly toward guitar Rhys: What were your early musical influences - Will has a Teutonic feel +to it. yeah listen to fuckin napalm death and cannibal corpse and carcass +and shit Define Metal. What bands? ahhh... I finnaly found the correct channel! grind core Necron909: That was then and this is now. delerium do you think synths can be used for heavy metal if run +through overdrive etc.or are guitars just the best?? controlled bleeding hahaha... riotnrrd: AH! But you still have a cool callsign! Delerium; Will would like to know if you like ABBA? Will you remix anything by ABBA (will wonders) fuckin kill your mother rape your dog shit dude <_Rick_> Bones: Come on! dwnwrd: Grave, samael, entombed, and on and on Delerium:does the third mind connection have you working with other +metal bands besides Fear Factory? What the hell?? so before music was supposed to be good no mediocraty is king *** rabiez has been kicked off channel #Nettwerk by Delerium (Forced removal) [ um, nevermind ] SORRY argh *** You have been kicked off channel #Nettwerk by Delerium (Forced removal) /j #nettwerk Yatta! And another one exits stage left. Hahaha oops. yeah thanks *** zoner is now known as ozner Hehe, this is too much.. isnt FORCED REMOVAL a song on CAUSTIC GRIP? *** ozner is now known as zonerr Delerium: Fear Factory is recording in Chicago right now? Are you +going to work on that album? So, since industrial is essentially dead are you trying to cross +over into the Metalhead arena? damn splits! rabiez: No. delerium: So why a Cds for the new Delerium? BONES: In New York. necron: industrial is dead/ ? Whos lurking?? :) Rabiez: there's Force fed is industrial dead??? Necron: No crossover. Just added a new sound to make us new. k: it depends on the point of view... the shadow lurks When you guys recording in NY? oh yeah thats what i was thinking of Cen: me. Hayate: Oct lichame: Hehehe...I love it! :) E. Neubauten is still industrial!!! if not dead, then definitely altered delerium: what do you think of BILE Del: how do you feel about Claus Larsen? Cool. *** zonerr is now known as zoner rabiez: Who? Nec: He's a friend of ours. good question Necron delerium: why not do a KLUTE type side project? how expanded are the Akais/which model whatever - too geekoid? :) A.U.D.A.C.I.T.Y. GO CUSTOM 137 Any unexpected visiting of stages planned? BILE is hard core terrorist industrial from long island go buy SUCKPUMP test pushka: Yuk. del: gonna tour with leaetherstrip/klute in europe perhaps? i heard there was supposed to be a tour with Fla and leatherstrip, +rumour or what? KLUTE,KLUTE,KLUTE! the new frontline is a klute like project already This gettin lame. ok... sorry... yeh definitely *** MikeHell is now known as KFaktory irc is lame... Del: Thanks for the time guys - gotta go. Delerium: any idea when you'll be in San Fran next? Del: you guys start asking ?'s then. :) delerium: i suppose once it hits 8:00 , you guys are far gone yes....why didn't u do this in a talker? delerium: So will there be another Cds off the new FLA CD? Del: before you take off from the guys are awesome!! Last question! *** Nemesis is now known as Fiction8 I still think you should consider a Delerium show/tour ... fiction8 : :) What goals do you have when you make an album? del: yeah! you guys RULE * _Rick_ is till _Rick_ <_Rick_> still even Could this be anymore fascist? i miss the old frontline :( Who would you guys like to lay? you know fiction 8? Last question! irc needs a 24 hour industrial channel... I like the new frontline! Hahaha.. the one with vision We want one more smart question! fiction8: i spoke to you once :) ah Q: Will there ever be a live Delerium show/tour? Actress? <_Rick_> rabiez: We sure need one! Next tour is with who and when?? * KFaktory Is Ryse (or however you spell it) on line right now? fiction8: fikshun What are you trying to accomplish? Roit: No LIve RHYS is industrial dead??? Del: why is industrial dead in the north america, as you see it. ? delerium: Is that tibetan monks in Sematic? delerium: any chance of doing southern hemisphere dates? You guys plan on releasing your albums on that new cd format? insomno: not unless you stop buying cd:s answer Necron909's!! man whats up with that new CHANT cd everyones buyin...lame shit Delerium: Why the digipak single? Can we get jewel boxes instead? +They last longer Delerium: when will you play Brussels, Belgium? delerium: i meant the one note ummmmm.... del: if industrial's dead what do u think about E. Neubauten? <_Rick_> xplode: And we don't plan this, rite! :-) Last statement by Bill: We basically did this album with the +concept that we would lose some old fans but we would gain a lot more new +ones and at days end this is what is really vital in planning for the future +with growth yeah its the beat answer it delerium: Will the new Noise Unit have guitar like the new FLA, or +will you have a seperate sound for it as well?? and get N HEAD BANGERS BALL wow that was deep <---- a fan for life Del: sounds like a cross over to hook those heavymetal kids with +money as the industrial fanbase diminishes lol * linenoiz may interview you guys next week... :) EXACTLY SELLOU I hope I like it enough to hang on guys. can someone tell me how the other album is different from semantic +spaces, which is the i bougbht? Dlerium: I think alot of your older fans are pleased with the new FLA +as well and don't feel let down critical! Millenium is great. Keep it up! doesn't capitalisism use the same philosophy? * BONES is one of them since there really hasn't been any innovation in the industrial +genre for the last four years Maybe they just like to do what they're interested in doing at the +moment? Whatta concept, eh? msg hafnir whoa what was the last innovation necron? Last statement by Rhys: We do it cause we like it. And if you don't +like it then that's ok. So far you guys have not disappointed unlike SP. holy shit....i just scripted this entire conversation.....a lot of +junk in it real deep rhys. well yeah Haven't heard it but if it islike TNI I will love it! prote: the last industrial innovation was to become disco <_Rick_> Delerium: Do you still have contact with SP? del: I agree DISCO SUCKS Delerium has left the building! So did you do the album for the fans or for yourselves? Which is more +important to you? hayate: disappointed in SP??? nope! E-mail me a copy at AND TO GET GUITARS TOO clap*clap*clap HOW CHEEZY <_Rick_> Thirdmind: Alot of editing has to be done :) thanks for the chat DELERIUM! Thanks, guys! :p ThirdMind catch ya guys FLA FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was cheesy man... RICK: yup!!! THANKS yay delerium. Thanks to Jay and Bill and Rhys ... hayate: will do rock On! yipee yipper skip That was KEWL! well, we now know that the great motivation is cash nice job jay... <_Rick_> ThrdMind: Are you from the rec company ThrdMind? Freebird! 7-11 voice --> "Please come again." * BONES is applauding but then falls over from the lack of valium Thanks FLA and Michael and everyone RICK: nope. <_Rick_> Thanks alot guys GREED .. who scripted this? me Hey,We didn't get kicked! Jay: Who are you? A friend of the group or what? BONES: Hahahah Guys, why are ypou all critical about guitar? no we don't get kicked... just Delerium =] the capture is on .. or at least what I have +of it.. :) afk. if you guys wanna script of this then e-mail me with a request!!! Incidentally, I DO like the new stuff, if that makes you feel better. Calling Techno commercial and then laying out a crossover (in not +so many words) What's yer address, Thrd? so are we gonna banter around here and talk like after a concert? whats the e-mail? Delerium has left the building PUPPU USES GUITAR!! ALWAYS HAD! Will do Third. puppy use not abuse the guitar bye delerium :( cenotaph: hmm.. skinny might have done a better job at it tho... +using the gtrs.. Thanks, Thrd! U guys still here? cenotaph: but i havent heard the rest of the album.. so i wouldnt +know.. yet People bitch about FLA doing it, but Puppy always have...Whats teh +deal? who? us? hmmm Rocky 5 came and went with del or bill and rhys and co <_Rick_> Xplode: Cevin Key is god! :-) It's not like FLA didn't use guitars before... god's gift maggots who here likes NUMB? But so heavily? rick: hear hear ;) i may interview Bill next week, are there any questions you want +answered???? well, talk to you lot later Numb are awsome with guitar! ceno: the first two albums.. great! In case they aren't gone, thanks Delerium. It was fun. line noiz: GET TOUR DATES! <_Rick_> Lichaem :-) The Blade was a bit heavy... And as for FLA sampling other bands yeah- what about howHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Delerium has left the building good ;) EVERY band does that! linenoiz: Ask them about their felling re: this IRC. delerium: One more time..:) why do they keep saying that? how come intermix is such trip rescue music? encore they went for beers maybe it's an autoresponse ne1 know what instrument(s) rhys plays? and women <_Rick_> linenoiz: Ash if anyone there is intrested in a making of Web page +for FLA Who wants to ask THD questions? Prote: didn't i talk to you on #gothic? I think we are getting feedback from Delerium. i am! how come intermix is such great peak music? I like Bill's hair! :>>> *** Delerium has left channel #Nettwerk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --<----<----<----<----L - I - N - e ----- N - o - i - Z ---->---->---->---->-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> Scheduled 4 upcomming issues: << << >> >> Interview: Phone with Bill Leeb, after the IRC chat >> >> Sci-Fi : Continuation of Heavy Duty << << ChibaCity: more and more >> END LINE_NOIZ.22 .