From: TDC Newsgroups: alt.cyberpunk,alt.cyberspace, Subject: Legion of Doom is NOT back! Message-ID: X-To: ALL Date: Wed, 19 May 93 08:54:10 GMT Organization: The Zoo of Ids Lines: 87 Begin Message READ AND DISTRIBUTE EVERYWHERE - READ AND DISTRIBUTE EVERYWHERE *************************************************************** The Legion of Doom is NOT back. Approximately two weeks ago I issued an announcement that I intended to revive the former supreme hacking group The Legion of Doom. While this was a sincere effort on my part to bring the hacking community back to its glory days, recent events suggest to me that my efforts were misguided and that my energy can be best applied to other ventures. While it is true that I want to help the hacking/phreaking scene to rise from its current nadir, this clearly cannot be accomplished by attempting to revive a group that is best left in the realm of past history, nor by appropriating a name which neither I nor anyone else not associated with LOD has a right to use. Following release of my message proclaming the return of the golden days of hacking and the Legion of Doom I was contacted by both voice and netmail by several members of the former Legion of Doom. After a few discussions and hearing what they had to say and their view on this I began to realize several things. First, I do not have a legitimite right to use the LOD name because I was never afiliated with the original group and (truth be told) I do not possess at this time the hacking and phreaking knowledge which would have gotten me into the group to begin with if it were still around. Second, even if I were an original member I would still not have a right to use the name; the group is disbanded and no one (except maybe the founder?) can ever assemble it again. The best thing to do is to let the LOD name live in history only and be retired in dignity. I regret that I may have tarnished the LOD name and reputation with my actions. Third and lastly, even if I had a right to use the name, it does not make any sense to do it. Experienced hackers and phone phreakers could just as easily be assembled under an entirely different group name (such as "the Digital Intruders") and still rise to pre-eminence in the hacking community. A group of good hackers by any other name could be just as elite. Basicly, nothing is gained by using the LOD name and in persisting to do so would be risking the acrimonious contempt of the real LOD and the whole net. Finally, I hope this message will cause the whole affair to just die off. Since 99% of the response I got was negative and I have not yet received any articles for publication, I here and now declare my part in the futile LOD revival to be ended. I apolgize for any inconvenience/aggrevation that I may have caused anyone, especially but not limited to the following real LOD ex-members: The Marauder, Lex Luthor, Professor Falken, Mark Tabas, Bill from RNOC, Lord Digital, Doctor Who, and Phantom Phreaker. All of the ex-LOD members that I spoke with were curteous and no one has made any threats of any kind to my person or telephone. I appreciate their patience with my sincere but misguided folly. It was the product of inexperience, not malice. - Lord Havoc Cameron Smith 310 Pennoack Crescent Unionville, ONT Canada L3R 3M5 (416) 477.4656 (416) 477.9164 READ AND DISTRIBUTE EVERYWHERE - READ AND DISTRIBUTE EVERYWHERE *************************************************************** End Message ... Catch the Blue Wave! ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 .