MACR0EZ 0F DISTRUKSI0N ======= == =========== **PRESIDEN T 0F THE 0RGANIZEZASI0N:** --------- -- --- -------------- **AMADEUS** ======= ======= ======= ======= Issue n0mbar 3 ! ! ! VISE PRECEDENT!: BLACK PLASMA! 0THER VISE PRECEDENT EHEHEHEHEHEEH the emperer 0f flame SEC0ND UNIT JUNIAR APRENTISE AUXILYARY VISE PRECEDENT: baseHead JUNIAR TREASURAR BULLwinkle!! this is nambar issuz 3 (three)!! that is s0 far that y0 it menas 3 isuze 0k lissenn up y0! ! ! ! i am ritting this issuez n0w but if u want t0 c0ntrib00t t0 it u bettar d0 it n0w hehehe we haven't g0t many applicazi0nz f0r getting y0u're .txt philez published in this!! but u bettar c0ntib0te cuz the newslatar will n0t g0 0n if u d0 n0t but yes i said it wil n0t g0 0n if u d0 n0t d0 it s00n. but we have sum speshal itemz this ishue! this is the 1st 1! the st0ry c0rnR!!! this is a knew sedkti0n that is c0ming in al the isuez and u wil read in it is a st0ry tha t a membare r0te himselve! This is the 1st 1 hehehe! billy's everyday life. ------- -------- ----- part 1 0f seven (7). 0ne day there was billy and he wanted to play baseblal real good. so he went and saw that but so you are sayign Y not and so i'll tell u now. it was becuz he didn't know how ot make it good. so hhe went to the best one around, georghe, and said well hey dudez wher can i learn how t o play that game real awesome he said. the answer was join the BETS bawsball groop namley hte PoWERFULL HITTARS oF BASEBALS. welll he said but i am afraid that i own't know how to do it. but its easy gorge is now saying t o hime. okay then billy siad. how do i do it. and gorge said just walk up ot a memver and ask them if yopu can join but i dont know any members billy said yes u do i'm 1 heheh said georhg. billy yelld SLYK ! ! ! ! so />>>>>>^^^^^hhee AMEDEIS PR0DU/>>>>>>>>>>> TIP 4 the MOnthe <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< the tip for this month is......... .............go into where the BBs says d's or on my bbs it says d (defalts. because i know how 2 mod things good THAT"S Y!n ok now get out of it b-cause u don't need to do nothign in there b-casue weaaare using PRO KOMM that is the best comm program in the univierse!!! and the erly verzons R >>>D BEST<<< if u kethc my dritf!!! ok now hit hte btton that make s u changu you're mackroez. now change it, adn voo-aalla it workz unless u mes'd it up like an yidiot. but 1 way theat i make them good is by when u r m8king it/them u us e the crtal and numbars that corespande wiht them so u can get them blinkign. heres a GREEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAT (tony the tigger heheheheh) macor its our >>>>>>>>>MAKROE<<<<<<<<< OF THE MONHT!!!!!!!! / \* // ===\ *^ *^ =====\ ( ! [ / $ \ \*/ / | *^ *^ # ( ;; ! [; \ '; $ \ || | | *^======^ \****'| ( ! [ \ | || \+++/ \+++**+/ @ '| (======! ] \ ';;;' | | | \ / \-----------------------------| \========== >>>>>>>>> leTTAR of the monTHE!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Dear Amadeus: This past year has been of the most stimulating kind, a quasi-Descartian infusion of administrative accountabilities, with their own respectively manipulative acquisitions, and naturally the visionary enthusiasm which are by all means begetted during the normal course of our Wittgensteinian existence. If this be the pium desiderium by which we are ennobled, then certainly an abrogation shall never materialize which would end our propadeutically benign schedules. And, just as in previous years, our big, furry eyebrows serve their presuppositional determination to do their little ol' Anaxamanderian duties! Yours truly, John Witcomb REPLY: ok thank u john whittcomn 4 that gr8t letar! The >>>>presidnets<<<<<< cornR Amdeus is the prsesdint of corse. Okay this is him. Amadeus, thats who!!!!!!!!!! Every issue has theis s sec section where i tlak to the readars about what us >>>HIHG<<<< randking officars R doing and it is 4 YOUR benefit so LISSEN UP HWEHEH!!!!!! So this is what i have tosay aobut us and it is very impertent becaus i considar it 2 b a democrassy and u can get info, if u nowhat i mean. so here goes... .....sorry folks no precedents cornR this month. U will half to wate until next month so just chill th fuck out u godddam nbeitch. hehehehe. hehhe hehhe no but seriouslly wiat oh nevarmin nevrmind u can can't do shit i messd up agian1111111 OOKAY THIS IS THE END OF ISEUE HTREE. I HOP E U LIKD IT I SHOAR DID BUT WE'LL BE BACK NEXT ISSUR WITH SOM E FUNCKY FRESSH NEW --SEX--TIONS HEHEH SO DON'T GO AWYA WELL BE WRITE BEACK!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call the MACROEZ of DISTRUKSION Prime Distributor: The Dark Cornar 410-889-2729 .