Yo! Back with part II of our Metallica members close up! Let's get going wit the co-founder, and drummer LARS ULRICH!! As a co-founder, Lars is usually the one who talks to the media. He's exteremely talkative 'n' can sometimes be intensely serious, but he can also get as fucked up as the rest of the band. Born 'n' raised in Copenhagen he tried a career at tennis just like his father until he moved to L.A. in 1980. When he realized that just about everyone there was not only into tennis but was better than him, he quickly gave it up. Now he dove full tilt into his other passion: muzak! Drummin' in particular. In '77 he got a drumkit from his grandmother and started fantasizing that he was Deep Purple's Ian Pace. When he first moved to L.A., hardly anyone had heard of Iron Maiden, Saxon, Motorhead and other cool European bands. He searched for a guitarist with his tastes and found one bad-assed James Hetfield, a guy who appriciated the finer things in metal. Months later, METALLICA was born in a skanchy old garage. QUOTES: "We are doing this first and foremost for ourselves. If we as a band feel comfortable and good about it, that's enough. We haven't been forced into doing anything...putting out something that we are not completely satisfied with could never happen." ADVICE: "If we're trying to tell people anything, it's just do it yourself, get your own shit together, cause that's what we've always tried to do. Follow your instinct and and be a leader instead of a follower." FACTS 'YA PROBABLY DIDN'T KNOW ------------------------------ Born: December 26, 1963 Birthplace: Copenhagen, Dennmark Bro's 'n' Sisters: none First concert: Deep Purple Influences: Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Status Quo, Diamond Head, 'n' Nazareth First band: Metallica Former jobs: paper route, gas station attendant Self-description: "Energetic, confident, humble, sarcastically obnoxious when I'm drunk, and clumsy-I always spill drinks and walk into walls when I'm preoccupied." Pretty cool, huh? 'Ya hungry fer more? How about Jason Newstead, current replacement of the late, great Cliff Burton? Jason is a real serious-lookin' dude in Metallica. In interviews, he doesn't kid around much, with answers direct 'n' to the point. He looked like the most dignified Metallican, until I saw his starrin' role in "amplified body" noises "on their Justice show." Can't be in Metallica if you're not a little crazy right? He got his first bass after being "corrupted" by KISS at age thirteen. He fucked around with it for a while, then put it in his closet for 5 years. When he heard Black Sabbath 'n' Rush at 18, he was again inspired and started playin' bass seriously. He quit school to go with a band of older guys to California. In Arizona they ran out of money, and all but Jason went home. He stuck it out with dishwashin' jobs and eventually hooked up with drummer Kelly Smith. Together they formed Flotsam and Jetsam. In the fall of '86 Cliff Burton of Metallica was killed under a bus. He was recommended to Metallica and was asked to audition wit them. Around 2 a.m. after talkin' with the rest of the band, Lars casually asked, "You want a job?" Jason casually "screamed at the top of his lungs in the middle of this restaraunt". After rehearsing a couple of days Jason played his first gigs with Metallica: two surprise "warm up " sets at L.A.'s Country Club. After that, they toured Japan and Europe " Cliff was a tough act to follow, but Jason did it with style! QUOTES: "You gotta play like you are never gonna play again.You just gotta roar EVERYWHERE, whether the are 20 people or 20 million." ADVICE: "Success is being able to play what we want, and not having to conform to anybody and still coming through over and over, still being accepted. Being true to ourselves that's what it comes down to" FACTS 'YA PROBABLY DIDN'T KNOW ------------------------------ Born: March 4, 1963 Born in: Battle Creek, Michigan Is He married: fuck yeah! First concert: Ted Nugent that's about it for the rest of the band! These metal files are really getting around so if you have anything special you want to see E-mail Splattergut in about any board in Lubbock or me, Blind Cyclops on Virtual Madness. 'Till then "try, fail, live, learn, and die happy trying!"-Diamond Darrel. BLind Cyclops ------------- Metal Madness Copyright (c) 1993 All Right Reserved Wahahahaha!  .