Û Û [MiLK] Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Mighty Issue # 3 Û Û Û²²²²²²²²²Û Liquid "MiLK's Guide To Being An Asshole" Û²²²²²²²²²Û Û²²²²²²²²²Û illicit By James Hetfield Û²²²²²²²²²Û Û²²²²²²²²²Û Kollections Û²²²²²²²²²Û Û²²²²²²²²²Û Û²²²²²²²²²Û ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ Are you like me, the kind of person that gets easily depressed? Do you have a low self esteem? Do you feel like you don't have a real friend in the whole world? Well, we here at MiLK know what it's like to be friend-less. To have absolutely no social life. To live a pitiful life. We here at MiLK were once like you, we used to have no lives also! But then we discovered the secret to social control! Now we're the talk of the town! we're the people you look forward to seeing at every party you go to! We are the Mr. And Ms. Popular of the town! What did we find out, you ask? what really IS the big secret to popularity? Totally Ridicule anyone in your path to the top of the social ladder! How do you go about doing this? It's all very simple and chronicled in the official MiLK Guide To Being An Asshole! Yes, that's right, the assholes of society are the popular ones leading the best lives! In 5 easy installments, we can teach YOU how to be an asshole! The MiLK Guide To Being An Asshole is Detailing out the 5 easy steps on how to totally metamorph into an asshole.. 1. Make fun of those that are less fortunate than you! That's right! Those Elderly don't stand a chance when you apply the witty remarks within The MiLK Guide To Being An Asshole! Those Paraplegics will be running home to mommy when YOU throw the insults at them! Those Epileptics will be shaking in their boots from the knowledge of how to throw the best put downs in The MiLK Guide To Being An Asshole! 2. Make fun of those that are more fortunate than you! The Best way to make those friends you've always wanted is to bitch about a common bond; Hating people that have all the power in society! You'll learn how to make a preppy boy get so frustrated they'll go grunge! 3. Forget about the people that got you where you are! Leave your old good friends one you've learned how to become an asshole, and a popular one at that, from MiLK! 4. Run for Public office! Yes, one of the best ways to make friends is act like you Care about the government! Look what MiLK did for Once-Stoner with no friends, Bill Clinton! Now he has people waiting on him left and right. And Yes, You too just Like Bill Clinton can be an Asshole with the help of MiLK! 5. Finally, the Last Step in becoming an asshole is to constantly drive during rush hour! Driving during rush hour automatically makes you an asshole, but with MiLK we can teach you how to annoy the maximum possible people! It's all made to look like Child's Play with the MiLK guide to Being an Asshole! You can pick up your copy at any MiLK Courier, or send 5 easy installments of $19.99 to: MiLK's Guide To Being An Asshole P.O. Box 5049 Kennelworth, IL 25125 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯[MiLK] Information®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® [MiLK] Sights - The Obloid Sphere (708)965-3098 [MiLK] Member Listing - James Hetfield Nyarlathotep [MiLK] Issue Number - 3 [MiLK] Issue Size - 4022 Bytes [MiLK] Date of Production: 12/27/93 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Happy people are Ignorant People ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® .