Û Û [MiLK] Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Mighty Issue #16 Û Û Û²²²²²²²²²Û illicit "Ostrich Rider from Philidelphia" Û²²²²²²²²²Û Û²²²²²²²²²Û Liquid By Medicine Man Û²²²²²²²²²Û Û²²²²²²²²²Û Kollections Û²²²²²²²²²Û Û²²²²²²²²²Û Û²²²²²²²²²Û ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ The time is forty six billion B.C. A group of cave men got together and their head leader ooga rose and said "Oog naga soog zee ma zan." which in term ment a forshadowing of a great hero was a rising... then Zaga, a warrior of that trip stood and said his mate was bearing a child. Ooga though maybe this might be the one? About 2 weeks later, Zaga's mate gave birth to a boy. Zaga showed the boy to Ooga. Ooga looks at the kid's foot and undernieth was a symbol of a ostrich. It's now present day in philidelphia, a young business was getting redy for another days work. He finished his coffee and left his apartment. He gets in his BMW and drives. He hears a voice in head that said ostrich. He was wondering what that meant. Now Bogan (the young business) thought he might me hearing voices so he goes to a shrink to have it examined, but on his way there he hears it again. The voice was really loud this time and scared him to drive of the road and into a ditch. The voice was that of Ooga. As he is lifted up in a stretcher, His BMW disappears for no odd reason. Bogan recovers in about 1 week, but he still ponders on what that ment when he heard that voice. He desides to go to the zoo and read about the ostrich's. he reads that they are the fastest bird that can't fly. as he reads that.. an ostrich pokes him in the shoulder then bends down as if he want him to ride the ostrich. So bogan gets on the ostrich and rides in. As he is riding the ostrich he notices that the ostrich takes off into mid air and off the planet. He is wondering how he is breathing in mid outerspace. The ostrich is moving at a super fast rate and they near a planet that is a gold shape. As they enter the atmosphere, they are attacked by a flying pokadot dragon that swoops at them and misses taking a bit. They land near a cave and in the cave were the spirits of the acient tribe of the ostrich riders. Ooga was there but was the only one clearly visible to bogan. The others were foggy creatures just siting around. Ooga approaches him and asks "Do you know why I brought you here?" "No." Bogan replies. "You have come of age, it's your 21st birthday right?" "why yes, it is, but how did you know?" Ooga doesn't respond to that question. he gives him a look. "Let me see your foot." Ooga asks. Bogan shows him his foot and there is that symbol of the ostrich. "you are the choses one." Ooga tells bogan. "chosen on? of what?" "you are a desendent of the greatest warrior Zaga, you are to free our souls from this cave prison. You must defeat the evil one on top of this mountain. The trip is long and hard, but I have great faith in you." "Wait... I am just a business man, how do I do any of this, I am not a warrior. i don't know the first thing about fighting." "I have faith in you. Please free our souls." Ooga says as he dissappears. "WAIT, WAIT, how do I find the enterence?" as bogan says that, a door opens at the edge of the cave. "I guess that's the enterence." He jumps on the ostrich and rides into the enterence. as he enters he sees what looks like a whole new world. Like a dementional portal. he looks around then looks at himself and notices he is only in a g-String and his suit is gone and he is now very muscular like he was a whole new person. He stars in awe at the sight of seeing flying dragons circle around the ceiling of this awsome cave. He hears a little rumble in the bushes. He gets off to take a look and as he does.. The rumbling stops and he see's a little green monster run. He rides the ostrich a little longer then he comes across a village inside this mountain. A gorgious babe walks toward him with lust in her eyes as if she has never seen a man before. On her shoulder is a cute little fuzzy green creature, like the one that was in the bushes. She wonders what his business is in this cave, and he tells her everthing about what the old man told him and she understood. They enter her hut to get a little rest for tommarrow. as they sleep they are disturbed by a weird looking creature. It tried to attack the ostrich but it ran away. The monster looked like a boar/rhinosaurous, It charged at him and he jumps out of it's way. He looks to his left and see's a broad sword that just appeared out of no were. He swings at the boar and it dissappears, no blood no nothing. And it vanished.. his ostrich returns, he decides a name for it. <--To Be Continued--> ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[MiLK] InformationÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ [MiLK] Sights - WHQ - Barney's Pleasure Palace! (708)965-3098 DiSt- The Lunatic Phringe (708)232-0565 Entropy (708)205-0935 Mech World (708)757-0116 [MiLK] Member Listing - James Hetfield Nyarlathotep Epic Plaid Wilderbeast Mendeleev Medicine Man [MiLK] Issue Number - 16 [MiLK] Issue Size - 6173 Bytes [MiLK] Date of Production: 3/1/93 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄPress ALT to activate menusÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ .