Û Û [MiLK] Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Mighty Issue #21 Û Û Û²²²²²²²²²Û illicit "Faces in the Halls" Û²²²²²²²²²Û Û²²²²²²²²²Û Liquid By James Hetfield Û²²²²²²²²²Û Û²²²²²²²²²Û Kollections Û²²²²²²²²²Û Û²²²²²²²²²Û Û²²²²²²²²²Û ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ How insignifigant we really are... How petty our lives truely become... We are born into a world where we are in contact with only a few select few; we call these few our friends, our relatives. Sooner or later, we have the opportunity to take on education; to "broaden" ourselves. At the same time we meet a lot of new faces, and forget a lot of old faces. We become more so called "intelligent" because we are more educated. Well it's all a lie. We are most intelligent when we are ignorant of reality. This may seem hypocritical, but ponder this for a moment: When we first enter schooling, we know and learn about a handful of people our age. We are told about the vast number of people out there, but we don't understand the importance of it; we are ignorant, lost in our own self being. We enter junior high and the people we know grow threefold. Yet we are still so caught up in the petty problems we go through day by day to question our existense. Then a child hits high school; The reality check of education. Chances are you are like me, and only even know one-fourth of the population of the school. The rest are just "Faces in the Halls". Only 25% of the school even KNOWS me! Then, you graduate high school. Most will live on without acknowledging their igsignifigance, but a mere few, like me, will realize that it is all but too late for us. After high school, only a couple of your closest friends will remember of your existense. (without the help of yearbooks, that is. My defination of a yearbook - An item consisting of many memories that will not benefit a person in the slightest in the future). Finally, the end nears. You enter "The Real World". A place where you are more of a slave to society, to the machine, than a person. Maybe you prolong your trip to this lifetime of agony by going to college. You are simply paying the piper to prolong your innocense. Then, when you are upon the gates of the real world, where you can see the daemons scratching away at your cloths to get to your checkbook, you will finally truely realize something; You are just a speck of dust on a table, with vaccuums approaching from every direction, attempting to suck you up. There will be no place to run to now... You cannot hide from it... Your mother's wing which used to shelter you has been twister, broken, and ripped out by the daemons that drool while gazing at you this moment... All you can do is carry on, as the bleeding from the claw marks dull your thoughts, as the manical laughter echoes trhough your head, as the head arises from the ground. Nothing can save you now... only one thing has stalled you from arriving at this fate; Hope. Alas, hope is an ignorant virtue, and can only be held by those with childish minds... you are the intellectual, the elite... and look what it has brought you! ÄÄÄÄÄ [MiLK] Information ÄÄÄÄÄ Sites: Barney's Pleasure Palace -7o8- 965.3o98 -World Headquarters- Mech World -7o8- 757.o116 -South Side DiSt- The Acropolis -7o8- 557.2826 -WeSt Side DiSt- Lunitic Phringe -7o8- 232.o565 -Chat DiSt- Member LiSt: James Hetfield Nyarlathotep Epic Mendeleev Medicine Man Plaid Wilderbeast Black Justice Igor Shimsky Stash File Number 022 File Size 4149 Bytes ÄÄÄÄÄ -Type Format C: to Continue- ÄÄÄÄÄ .