Ü Ü Ü Mighty Issue #53 Ü Ü Û Û Ü illicit "Conpoems" Û ß Û Û Û ÛÛ Liquid -By Conradz ß ß ß ß ß ß Kollections Ä Ä -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ +---------------------------------------+ | Conrad's NUTTY ASCII Poems Volume 17 | | (c)1995 Conrad & Mother Goose/inc | +---------------------------------------+ Man's Best Friend ----------------- I obtain amusement playing chess with my feline. He derives joy from creating friction on my leg. I yearn he would do that with aggrandized high body temperature! The Game --------- I hunger for binary libidinous innards, so that I could frolic twister with _both_ of my female forebears! Not the Same ------------ Mark was a Herculean jewish schoolboy Who preferred to lend an ear to agreeable sound While operating with his receptacle (concealed by his blanket) In isolation, after nightfall... In a reverie about cinnamon ants! Blow ---- I relish peeping at stark naked quadrupeds, they make me experience capricious times, similar to when I assimilate lactose, in the sunrise, with my next of kin, joe. don't ----- I administer blood intravenously, mom. I don't give credence to my omnipotent being, sauted Harry. I don't believe in the canine tooth fairy. I don't believe in conscientious fish. I don't believe in disobedient movements. I don't believe in hippodrome beef cattle. I don't. Never ----- My mammy instructed me it was corrupt to nudge the cockatoo in the eye. Hitherto, In my predicament, it was elementary to omit her warnings... Alas, I garroted Louis the Parrot!!!!!!!!!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I really hope you enjoyed this installment of Poems by Conrad. If you want to help this starving artist get food and shelter, send $5 to: Conrad PO BOX 753 Matteson, IL 60443 I will, in return, come visit you and give you a back rub. (please?) My iNTeRNeT eMaiL bOx: chucks@chinet.com complaints: milk@ripco.com death threats: president@whitehouse.gov Greets to: Grandaughter psycho (hubba hubba), Chuck, Evil Eye, Jory, The BARON, the midget from twin peaks, crippled boy from burger king kid's club, kevin mathiews. ÄÄ[An Offical Conrad(SM) Text File]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Halo# = Two Date = August 1, 1994 Time = 9:59 PM I plan to masturbate = (on a diet) I'd like to thank: Bill gates.. & the doods who did Microsoft Word Phill MCrackin ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ For more information call 1-800-686-3694 Conrad's secret pete 2 of 10: "colorfull" (when you put these all together _backwards_, it says something cool!) .