Ü Ü Ü Mighty Issue #54 Ü Ü Û Û Ü illicit "I'm Here To Make You Bleed" Û ß Û Û Û ÛÛ Liquid -By Frizzle Fry ß ß ß ß ß ß Kollections Ä Ä -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ I'm in your eyes, in your thoughts, in your bodies, in your minds, in your souls, in your life, and in your death. I'm in your breakfast cereals. Everything becomes me. I am the Frizzle Fry. Here I am, writing my first MiLK file. There's been too much delay, its about time I got around to it. Contrary to popular belief, lots of modem user have lives. Scary, isn't it? I suppose I could tell you something about myself, but that would be dumb, and boring. I could tell you something about my friends, but that would be dumb and boring. I could write a short story entitled "Trouble in the Bigsby House." But that would require much more thought that I feel I need to use right now. You see, I'm tired. I went to Taco Bell tonight and ate too much. I got sick. I lost. What I'm going to do instead of all of the above mentioned ideas is just ramble on incohearently. Maybe something humorous, thought provoking, or entertaining will come out. Maybe. Fuck it, I'm gonna write a story that's not about a farm. "This Story Is Not About A Farm." Cecil grew up in a city. A big one. Really big. This city liked to go by the name of LotzacrimeVille. That was because ever since the city was founded in 1745 it has had Lots Of Crime. The man who founded the city was a train robber. But, that doesn't make a diference cause it's 1994 and Cecil didn't know that the city was founded by a trian robber. He also didn't know that higher math didn't mean counting while holding your fingers above your head. Cecil didn't know much at all. But he did know that he didn't like crime. Crime made him mad and it wasn't very much FUN. Playing "Eat The Shoelaces" was FUN, crime was not. Well, if Cecil knew what the word 'vigilantie' meant he would know that he was one. He went around foiling the evil crime doers dastardly deeds. Well, one day Cecil was walking down the worst street in town named Bad St. looking for bad men doing bad things. He came upon a bar that looked particularly nasty so he went in to find some wrong doings that needed righting. The first thing he saw was a woman pointing a gun at a man saying "Give me your wallet!" Cecil put 1 and 1 together and got 3 but he knew that math didn't mean much in the world of crime fighting so he didn't care. He did know that guns were bad and he didn't like bad things so he went over and kicked the lady in the face with his Dr. Martins that he heard were very fashionable and he just had to have a pair and she dropped the gun. He picked up the gun, pointed it at the lady and said 'It's ok sir, you can go now, everything is safe." He chuckled and said "Thanks kid.." and scurried.. no, scurried sounds too.. rodent like.. and ambled out of the bar. The lady stood up and said "I'm a police officer. That man was bad. He does crime. Give me my gun back." So Cecil gave her gun back and went to jail. And that is why this story is not about a farm. Û Û [MiLK] Information Û Û Û Û [MiLK] Sites: Û Û Û Û The Obloid Sphere..........(708)965-3098 [14,400] Û²²²²²²²²²²²Û Û²²²²²²²²²²²Û The Asylum.................(908)914-9318 [14,400] Û²²²²²²²²²²²Û (NUP) I LOVE FEDS Û²²²²²²²²²²²Û Violent Playground.........(908)920-2575 [14,400] Û²²²²²²²²²²²Û Black Dragon BBS...........(703)885-3072 [14,400] ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÄÄ> MiLK File #54: "I'm Here to Make You Bleed" <ÄÄÄ (This File Just wasted 4162 bytes of your hard drive) .