Ü Ü Ü Mighty Issue #59 Ü Ü Û Û Ü illicit "My greatest Writing Ever" Û ß Û Û Û ÛÛ Liquid -By James Hetfield ß ß ß ß ß ß Kollections Ä Ä -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ My Childhood Memory I remember when me and my mother went to the Florida Keys. I love my mother. She is the nicest mother in the world. I love her because she is there for me when I need her. I don't think there will ever be a nicer person than she. This was last summer. Last summer was great. I loved last summer because the Cubs won the pennant. First, we drove though five stats to get to Florida. These states were beautiful, but most of them were not as nice as Morton Grove, IL.. I love Morton Grove, Il. Because it is a peaseful little town. Then, we had to drive though a large swamp to get to the keys. This swamp was fantastic. I loved this swamp. I loved the swamp because it is adventurous. It is adventurous because the corcadiles can eat you whole. I don't think any other swamp is better than this one. Next, we drove over the Seven-Mile Bridge. This bridge was very elegant, but I think it is a waste of tax-payer's money. I think it is a waste of tax-payer's money because they could just not have built it. They could have people use a ferry. Finally, we got to the keys. The keys were crowded, but wonderful. I love the keys because they are different from Illinois. They are different from Illinois because of the scenery. That was about my trip to Florida. I loved it. I loved it because Florida is the most beautiful place in the world. It is the most beautiful place in the world because of the elegant palm trees. This was last summer. It was the year 1989. I loved that year. It was a great year because of the Cubs winning the pennent. I don't think there will be a year like that ever again. We departed and arrived home in August. August was a great month. My mother's birthday is in August. I don't think there is any other month better than August(except for December. I love December. I don't think there is a better month than December. Cristmas is in December. I love Cristmas because of all the presents I get at Cristmas. Cristmas is great. I don't think there is any better holoday then Cristmas. Except for my mother's birthday, because I love my mother.) It was the year of the Dragon. I love dragons. I love dragons because there green, and green is my favorite color. The trip was great. The trip was great because I was with my mother, and I love my mother so much. We drove though five stats to get to Florida. One of them was Indiana. Indiana is a wreched state. I hate Indiana. I hate Indiana because of all the air pollution. Another was Kentucky. Kentucky is a dispicible state. I hated what I saw of it because I hate bluegrass music. we went through Tennessee, too. Tennessee is a pitiful excuse of a state because I can't stand country music. I hate Tennessee. We even went through Georgia. Georgia is a excellent state. I love Georgia. I love Georgia because of the music there is normal. We went though four states to make it to Florida. I love Florida. Florida is a great state. Three of them are pathedic excuses of states. The states are pathedic excuses of states becauase the music in them is bad. We had to drive through a large swamp to get to the keys. It was called The Everglades. I love swamps. Swamps are the best because of the danger in them. It was adventurous. The long roadt though there was dark, and if your car broke down, there were no gas stations for miles. I hate cars. They cause air pollution. I think cars should be destroyed. We could hear many animals, even alagators, in the swamp. I love animals. I have many animals as pets. I t was a long drive through the swamp. We drove over the Seven-Mile Bridge. I feel this bridge is a waste of tax-payer's money. I think they could of just had a ferry there. This is the largest bridge in the world. It connects the keys Marathon and Key West. There is barly any extra space on the brige, so if a car broke down others could barly bet by it. The bridge had a nice view, though. It is a pretty bridge to drive over. But I still think it is a waste of tax-payer's money. Finally, we got to the keys. These were a disappointment to what I had imagened. They were a disappointment because they were overcrowded. We went to fancy restraunts. I had some satisfactory foot at these restraunts. We went on a small plant tour around the Keys. We went to some beautiful beaches. They beaches were beautiful because of the white sand. We went fishing. I like fishing because it is very peaceful. My mother bough me a bird. I still have it to this day. I love my bird, there's no better bird in the world, I think. I love my bird because it is so funny. It does like a circle in the cage. That is what we did at the keys. My trip to Florida was apleasent one. I liked the trip. I think it was the best vacation I ever had becuase of all the fun I had. We drove throuhg four stats to get to Florida. I hated three of the states. We drove through the Everglades. The Everglades are a swamp. I like swamps. They're so natural. We drove over the Seven-Mile Bridge. Bridges are a waste of tax-payer's money. Finally, we got to the keys. I thought the keys were satisfactory. I liked the trip to Florida. Overall, I thought it was a very satisfactory trip. ----- This was an essay I wrote in the 7th Grade that I recently found lying around the house... You might not see the humor in this unless you have ever picked up something you wrote a long time ago and laughed at it. 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