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E-Mail mndcrime@m-net.arbornet.org for information on commercial license. =================================[MiNDCRiME]================================== [Table Of Contents] File #1: b. Article submission information. c. About articles that appear in MiNDCRiME. d. EDiTORiAL: IRC thoughts by h0wcum. (continued) File #2: Sendmail: the latest exploit by zomo. File #3: Beginner's Guide to Hacking continues with setuid stuff from zomo. File #4: MiNDCRiME's Official Emmy Awards. File #5: eASE dROPPING aND cARDS by iP File #6: How to Mess up Department Store Macs By C-D and Walrus File #7: Phreaking, a Beginner's Guide by WyreTapp. File #8: Stealing Comic Books by kid Eternity File #9: Getting Even: the sequel your momma warned you about. b: Supplimental Toolz: Fake Mail + News File #10: News Flash: Hacker gets 20-month sentence. Courtesy Rerror. File #11: New sendmail hole? ================================[MiNDCRiME]================================ Introduction Welcome to iSSUE #2 of MiNDCRiME. Things are rolling now, we are a little late with this issue because some of our authors are late sending in their articles. The initial reaction to MiNDCRiME has been mixed. There are people who say it rox, and there are ppl who say it sux. Nevertheless, I have been highly sought after since publishing the first issue. MiNDCRiME is: h0wcum : editor Valgamon: assistant editor. (welcome aboard!) iP : global co-ordinator. oJ : Staff dude Digital : Staff dude So here is the second issue. I hope everyone gets a little something from it. Enjoy and don't get caught. ================================[MiNDCRiME]================================ Submission Information If you would like to submit an article, email the article as well as your handle to: mndcrime@cyberspace.net. All submissions are subjected to editing and rejection. We are currently looking for articles on: Easy systems, Hacker's sites, BBSs and FTP sites on the net. Unix hacking tutorials, src codes, bugs, shell scripts, etc. Recent information on Kevin Mitnick. Unix and general computer jokes. World hacking and phreaking news. Use your imagination. Direct all comments and questions to the address noted above. Direct all flames to /dev/null or my anus, whichever floats your boat. ==================================[MiNDCRiME]=============================== About Article Submission Some people have pulled me aside on IRC to tell me they thought certain submitted articles in issue #1 were lame. I'd just like to point out that the people who write for us put a bit of effort into their work and it isn't fair to shoot them down so quickly. I'd also like to add that if you hotshots think you can do better, you are *more* than welcome to submit an article. Remember, next time it could be you they are saying wrote a lame article. We try hard, Valgamon and I to put out the best magazine that we can. You can take your attitudes and put them where the sun don't shine. If you have some constructive criticism to offer, we will be happy to hear it, but if you want to cop an attitude with us, you can eat me. ================================[MiNDCRiME]=============================== Thoughts on IRC by h0wcum As you all know #hack is +i. I'd like to start off this message saying that I intend no disrespect to any of those who have chosen to make #hack invite only. This is merely my opinion, which is shared by many, even those who choose not to gripe openly about it. For quite some time #hack has had its doors open to all who wished to enter. That was the essence of the channel. The only time I have known #hack to be invite only is when the channel has been taken over, and it it appears now that it has been taken over for the final time, on a more permanent basis. No one person, or small group of people own #hack. No one has the right to make the channel invite only: it's like inviting or refusing quests to someone elses' house. You have no right to make #hack +i. It's *not* yours. The decision to make #hack +i was brought about by one individual and supported by others. It is, however, contested by many, some of which who are ops, who have tried to make #hack -i and ended up in a +i <--> -i war with len. Let's forget for a moment that you have absolutley *no fucking* right to make any permanent descisions on the channel. Let's forget that you have to be re-opped evertime you join #hack and that #hack does not automattically role out the red carpet and op you when you join. Let's examine, if you will, the inconvenience factor. I usually get invited to #hack, that is, when ops are awake. Getting into the channel at night or even at 8am is another story. Check it: <-[len]-> invite #hack *** len is away: ask mark ][ceman or loki or y or loq <-[mark]-> invite #hack *** Mark is away: Doing evil thigns to evil things <-[][ceman]-> invite #hack <-[y]-> invite #Hack *** y: No such nick/channel <-[loq]-> invite #hack *** loq is away: ZZzzzZZZ...msg len loki ragent gentry for invite <-[ragent]-> invite #hack *** ragent: No such nick/channel <-[gentry]-> invite #hack *** gentry: No such nick/channel <-[loki]-> inite #Hack .... or my personally favorite circular reference: <-[len]-> invite *** len is away: ask mark <-[mark]-> invite *** Mark is away: ask len As you can see, one has to fuck around for a time just to get an invite. You end up in a big circle of invite /msg's just to get into a channel that should be allowed in with no hassle. This is rediculous. I emplore those who are holding #hack hostage to take a fucking step back and realizee that you have exactly *squats* worth of authority to make it +i, especially when there are so many against it. len, you don't own #hack, I don't know who you are, but in all my time on #hack, I've just started to see you around in the last few months, unless you went by another nick. I don't wanna blow sunshine up anyone's ass, but I'd like to open this to a vote. If you are a non-op on #hack, send e-mail to our address and explain your position on this. Also, I am not trying to blow sunshine up anyone's ass, but this shit has got to end. ==================================[MiNDCRiME]=============================== .