================================[MiNDCRiME]================================ [FiLE #4:] MiNDCRiME Presents: Asshole of the Month The Official Anus Emmy Presented to: blootin Runner's up: Solctice, heretic, b1tchez. [Pretty soon, Solctice will be like Whitney, snagging all the awards..] ================================[MiNDCRiME]================================ _____ _____ |_ _| Roses are red, |_ _| n (O O) n Violets are blue, n (O O) n H _|\_/|_ H You fuxed with me, j00 H _|\_/|_ H nHnn/ \___/ \nnHn So fux yew, times 2!! nHnn/ \___/ \nnHn \__\/| |\/__/ \__\/| |\/__/ ================================[MiNDCRiME]================================ MiNDCRiME Presents: Narq of the Year The Official Trust Me Not Emmy Presented to: Skipjack Runners up: pX (email me for his inpho) Hark! I am a narq! Of stark nature and poise, I lurch silently amongst the noise. Your info, haveth I Dick size, hair color and cbi Watch me, j00, I am a spy! When u fux up, you will hear, Skipjack narqed you out, sweet and dear. Fux with me not, For I shall narq, Destroy your family, will I do Just for fuxing with me on IRC, j00. ================================[MiNDCRiME]================================ MiNDCRiME Presents: Fag of the Century The Official Buttfuck.Com Emmy Presented To: Solctice Runners up: no one, he won by a long shot. I don't even know where to begin. Why don't you call him yourself: Jim Reinknecht (Solctice) 908-832-6633 [I know it's lame, but considering the numberous times he put my info up on irc... Merry Christmas, fucker.] ================================[MiNDCRiME]================================ .