__ | | ___ | | / \ ___ ___ | | ___ | \\// _ \ / _ \| |/ \ \ \| |_| | Author: | / \ | / \ | | | ____| RAGE | \_/ | \ / | | \___ Released: \______/ \___/\___/ \____| 12/01/94 Destruction Of Public Equilibrium ============================================================================= "The Evils of Business Corporations" ============================================================================= Man... I started this Silicon Zine because I had a lot to say, and I was also kinda bored. I got a LOT of great support, but then it died out for the past few weeks you might have noticed. I have been REALLY busy, and seeing how I never got any members (I actually did, but haven't called them in a while) nobody could really keep this up while I was busy... then I was talking to The Dark Prophet (of 6PH) and realized I had dropped my interests and status in the scene. So I'm here to give you a quick update, and just tell you to hang in there. I am actually making most of this off of my head but I'm sure there's a lesson to be learned in here somewhere... ;) THE EVILS OF CORPORATIONS ------------------------- I have an issue in mind, and learned some stuff that you might be enlightened with. I was discussing Anarchy and Rebellion and stuff with one of my friends (non-modemer). He's a real active Anti-Corporation Punk Rocker and really fucking cool too (how many 20 year olds do you know have nose rings still?). I learned alot about how everything in society fits in. He only listens to 7 inches and stuff (those are records) and sold all of his CD's. I'll start with the basics of corporations. Corporations are all those big companies that run the US (Sears, Banks, Mattel, MTV) and basically are those rich old white guys (no I'm not black). It starts with advertising their products, and TV and stuff. Everybody says "I HATE COMMERICALS" when they watch the tube... but they are very important. The TV shows you see are able to go on the air because the corporations fund the shows, and in turn they get to advertise their product in between the intermissions. It works the same way on the airwaves too. So it's like this: People watch the show - The product gets advertised - People buy the product - The corporations get more money - Corporations advertise more And then you're back to square one. What's so bad about that you might ask? Well nothing, yet. But then you have a problem, if the corporations draw back and stop advertising, then the funds for the shows drop, the TV company loses viewers, and eventually the TV company dies. So the big guys running the corporations have a great deal of power over the media, and what you guys and girls see. Although it may not change the way YOU look at things, it DOES change the way other people look at things. So not only does TV advertise products, but it advertises beliefs. The corporations can control TV shows in this way also. If they want to or don't want to see something on a show, then it will change to their desires. CORPORATE ROCK SUCKS! --------------------- One thing that many people don't really understand is what corporate rock really is, and what the difference is. Corporate rock is simply the bands which are owned by Major labels like Epic or Warner, MGM and all the really big ones. So what's the difference? The difference is that the bands under these labels are the dolls of the corporations which is a puppet master above them... and the strings are cash. Makes me kinda sick to think that all these teen idols, and role models are really in it for the money and you can't tell if they are being sincere. That makes MTV pretty horrible because it is ALL corporate rock. I think you know without saying that rock stars are BIG INFLUENCES on the youth of America, so if Eddie Vedder wore a hairstyle, then a lot of people would wear that hairstyle and crap like that. Crap... I used to like Pearl Jam, but then the Record Label must have made them release more albums that was on their contract [now they suck]... Well... this is all I'm gonna bring to you now... I'm just informing you on how some things work. I don't expect anybody to stop watching TV and buying music and stuff, but just informing you on some facts on how Broadcasting works... Later... ============================================================================= Oh.. just thought I'd tag this on here before I release this... I need some people to Distribute DoSE, write articles, code stuff... whatever If you got some skill I could use, then please write back, and send me your qualifications, and skills, and stuff... the better it is, the better your chances... [ This Text was brought to you by RAGE ] .