AT&T Presents... (Alliance of Technology & Telecommunication) ///// / / / P / hreakin / / / H / ackin / / / I / nformational / / / R / ecreation / / / E / ncyclopedia / / ///// -=< AT&T! Announces >=- Ready...Aim... (PHIRE #2) You may find me on boards with the following names: The Copy Kid, Kid Copy, and Kid Kopy Call HI-TECH (518)/382-1541 2 Megs On-Line ANARCHIA (518)/869-6035 30 Megs On-Line THE SLIPPED DISK (518)/377-6487 SCAN LINE SYSTEMS (313)/851-0912 Greetings to: Ditto, Smasher, Bellcon, Wild Moose, Sherrie, The Boss!, CIA BBS, Time Traveler, The Guru, and to CMA Members Hatred to (LEECHES! RODENTS!): David Krill AKA Dungeon Master, and Craig Nadler AKA The Guild Master Composed by: Kid Copy Ditto Section I - Descrambling =----------------------= In this phile methods of descrambling Cinemax, HBO, and other such pay services offered to you through your local Cable Company will be discussed. Descrambling Cinemax -------------------- One of the best and most efficient methods of descrambling Cinemax is to put a few FM TRAP's (Depending on the strength of the signal put the appropriate number of traps. I use three just in case anything happens to leak through) on the incoming line. You see, your local cable company is sending signals to either turn on or turn off specific services. They do this 24 hours a day and the signal is usually found on 108.2 FM (At least on Capital Cablevision it is) By putting a needed amount of these nice little FM TRAP's (Which can be bought at Radio Shack for an outrageous price of $2.95) you are blocking out the signal to turn off cinemax, But be sure to FIRST order cinemax and then once you have it put the traps on, this method works quite well in most areas and in my opinion is the best method. Descrambling The Disney Channel ------------------------------- Now the Disney Channel is a some-what childish channel (Although now and then they have some good movies) and you probably wouldn't want to waste your time descrambling it due to that it is not as easy as cinemax and why take the risk on a channel you'll probably hardly ever watch. The Disney Channel (From now on called TDC) does use FM signals to receive information from the Cable Co but these signals are not like that of Cinemax, They are not signals to turn TDC on and off but instead signals to keep turning it on, and if there is no signal then there is no TDC. So you would have some trouble using method one for cinemax and also descrambling TDC, because by blocking out the FM signals you are in a sense blocking out TDC, So to my knowledge there is no way to descramble BOTH cinemax and TDC (Remember: That is to MY knowledge, Someone might know?) One method MIGHT be to try to find a FM trap that is stronger than the others and is strong enough to block out the Cinemax signals, but not too strong that it would also block out TDC, IF this method could work (Which in my opinion is unlikely) than you would most likely get a very pathetic picture and the Cinemax signal to turn off cinemax might leak through. So I conclude with no real way to descramble TDC but there is always hope! Descrambling HBO ---------------- As you probably already know HBO is not scrambled but instead is 'trapped' with a small box that is installed on your pole. Some ways to defeat this trap is to climb the pole and take off this trap, but this is not wise due to the fact that every so often they (Cable Co Workers) come by and check to make sure it is there. A good method would be to climb the pole and take it and then screw up the trap making it useless, then put it back up on the pole and they will never know. I have unfortunately heard rumors that they are wisening up and are starting to put a special type of lock on the trap making it impossible to take off unless a special tool is used, I don't know how true all this is, But it is a possiblity and if it is true then you better bring something to break it with or just steal one of those tools used to take them off. Conclusion ---------- At the present time this is all the information that I have attained, I will soon make more files on other pay services such as Showtime, VH-1, And Front row. I hope you have learned something from this. Leave all comments to me on any board I'm on. Disclaimer ---------- This information is for informational purposes ONLY and the author is in no way responsible for any acts of illegal use or misuse as a result of this file or any other file in PHIRE. This has been a PHIRE production. Written By ]>itto Section II - CIS Passwords =------------------------= *NOTE* This system ONLY works with incredibly stupid people or the mentally unstable. This isn't the best way to do it but this system is somewhat effective and VERY easy to do (Any moron can do it) Materials Needed ---------------- (1) An easily modifiable BBS program. (2) A local or LD loop number. (3) At least half a brain. Method ------ First you must go onto CompuServe with a DEMO account. You do this by calling your local CIS number and when it asks you for your ID # put: 77770,101 and for password put: FREE-DEMO. You will then be allowed on CompuServe with crap access. Then I suggest you open up your buffer and take in all this information, then call back and logon with a bullcrap account and open your buffer and takein all the info that it spurts out when you have a bad ID or PW. Then with your programming knowledge, make a modification to your BBS program and make it so that your BBS looks EXACTLY like CompuServe, then you make it so that the BBS program saves ALL responses left for the password and ID on disk. You then go around on all the local luser BBS's posting that there is a new CompuServe node, And give the loop number as the phone number for the board. BE SURE to run it on a loop so you don't get caught and as soon as you get 3 or 4 accounts stop and then start 3 or 4 weeks later after the smoke clears. BELIEVE ME, there are some very stupid people out there that WILL give their ID and PW. When logging on with their account I suggest you don't change the password so that maybe the idiot won't notice or look at his bill. Suggestions ----------- Here are some other things you can do than rather post around that the board is a new CIS node. Post that its a new BBS, and some idiots will think that they must have dialed a wrong number and then continue with the logon procedure. I also suggest that you make ID #77770,101 and PW:FREE-DEMO, Cause some people might check if it is really a CompuServe node. Also, when having this Demo account make it look as if they actually got the demo by loading in a seq file that looks like the CIS demo. One more idea is to make it so that no matter what the fool enters as his ID and PW it is a invalid account and show a seq file for bad password crap. You could say something like: 'Compu- Serve Information Service is having technical difficulties, please call back later or call your other local node at:xxx-xxxx' Etc. or something like that. I have tried this out and it DOES work. I got 3 accounts and I got about $200 worth of service from them. Another FABULOUS PHIRE! Production by: ]>itto Section III - C-Net 10 Access Levels =----------------------------------= Some people wanted to know how the access levels on C-Net works. Access levels are set for G-files, P-files (on-line games), U/D, and Bases. You can set up a board that everyone has access to except the SysOp if you wish. Please refer to PHIRE Issue #1 for more Info. C-Net Access levels are in binary. Here is a simple list of levels. Status Access Access Levels Number New User 0-9 1023 1-9 1022 2-9 1020 3-9 1016 4-9 1008 5-9 992 6-9 960 7-9 896 8-9 768 SysOp 9 Only 512 There is in binary. You can set up weird accesses if you want. Forget about the chart above and watch this. Access Add This Access Add This ------ -------- ------ -------- 0 1 1 2 3 4 4 8 5 16 6 32 7 128 8 256 9 512 Add up the numbers of the access levels that you want to access the board. Example: Levels 1-8 only, 1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128+256= 511 Written by: ] ( 0 P ]/ & ]> ][ / / 0 / X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm) & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Jeff Hunter 510-935-5845 The Salted Slug Strange 408-454-9368 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 510-527-1662 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 415-583-4102 Tomorrow's 0rder of Magnitude Finger_Man 415-961-9315 My Dog Bit Jesus Suzanne D'Fault 510-658-8078 New Dork Sublime Demented Pimiento 415-566-0126 Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives, arcane knowledge, political extremism, diverse sexuality, insane speculation, and wild rumours. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS. Full access for first-time callers. We don't want to know who you are, where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother. "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X .