þ Preachers Of Texts [PoT] þ " Newcomers To The HPACTV Scene " " What's Happening? " By: SUiCiDAL Mostly the HPACTV Scene is met by imposters and total assholes. All you see on Elite board Advertisements are Lamers Not Allowed, Lamerz Need Not Apply, over and over again. Now exactly what is a Lamer. A person who has no idea how to Hack or Phreak, is a major asshole or annoying, and is only on PD Boards. Well, you could say that a Lamer is just someone who wants to be Elite. But come to think of it, once upon a time we were all Lame. None of us started Elite now eh? So sometimes why don't we take some guys who we know and get them into the HPACTV Scene. I'm not saying go to some PD board and blab all about HPACTV and shit, but people you know and can trust and are somewhat cool, let's say mature. Teach'em how to do this shit. If we don't the HPACTV Scene will die and we don't want that. Ever imagine that if everyone combined what they knew how awesome the HPACTV Scene would be. Think about it, everyone in the scene who knows what they're doing would share information and know all the loops in society. But it'll never happen, because everyone just want's to be better or more " ELITE " than the other. So realistically it's just a huge competition. When you stick up a BBS all you try to do is make it better than another. You want to have the most users, most files, and crap, and if ya don't got this then no one calls eh? So I guess everyone needs it. The closest thing which I can see of Hackers and Phreakers working together are in Hack/Phreak Groups. They release info and stuff, and actually make people do something, or give people something to do. Like usually we'll have these guys who sit there and have nothing to do and just read messages and think they're elite. That's where hack/phreak groups release Vax/Vms/Unix/800/PBX etc. systems which need to be hacked, and people end up hacking them. .