MķRg£š TexTs Bringz you: Natural Poisons Volume-One Issue-One ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Morgue Texts are in no way responsible for the effects of this file, nor are we promoting the use of poisons. We also would like to stress the fact that we have released this only as a stepping stone in the vast road of knowledge. This is simply for learning purposes. If you kill some sucker, it's on your hands, not mine. But if you do drop me some mail telling me about it. hehehehehehehe ŚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄæ ³RaPeSeeD OiL PoIsOnIng³ ĄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄŁ In 1981, a mystery disease swept through Spain. The unfortunate victims of this bewildering malady seemed to age decades in a matter of days. Their immune systems turned against their own bodies and chewed what was left of them to bits. They became steadily shrinking human skeletons, except for their rapidly growing tumors. The nervous system was also a target, resulting in loss of control of muscles for the lucky. Those not so fortunate were cast into the depths of insanity. In a matter of months, 12,000 people were stricken. Most are now dead. As one would expect, the best minds and equipment were marshalled to find the cause of this mysterious illness, but try as they may, nothing could be found. Blood was analyzes and urine was scrutinized, and every available orfice was probed, to no avail. Every test came up NEGATIVE. The best minds were stumped. Luckily for those noy yet stricken, another group was on the case. they were like medical detectives, questioning each victim who could still talk, and their relatives. They inquired into every small detail of their lives, looking for the common thread which bound them together in misery. After several months, they hit the jackpot. It turned out that all of the victims had been using a "bargain brand" of "olive oil" sold by some shady dealers. Little did the victims know that this was not olive oil at all, but instead was industrial grade rapeseed oil. The industrial grade rapeseed oil was definitely not meant for consumption by any living thing. It was meant for use as a drying oil in paints instead, so it had been processed in a manner similar to boiled linseed to increase its polyunsaturated fat content. These polyunsaturates are notorious fot thier ability to generate free radicals. In a paint, these free radicals allow the paint to polymerize and "dry." Inside a living body, these free radicals react randomly with living tissue, aging it. After enough damage is done, the immune system no longer recognizes the damaged tissue as belonging to the body, so it attacks it. In no time at all, the whole organism falls apart in a most mysterious manner. Keep that in mind next time some product boasts of its polyunsaturated fat content. One would think that this industrial garde rapeseed oil would be pretty unpalatable. Apparently, that was not the case, as all tose thousands of erstwhile bargain hunters eagerly chowed down the oil, and came back for more. From this, one can conclude thats its smell, taste, and apperance were pleasing to the unfortunate victims of the "mystery disease." Logic would then dictate that that it could be incorporated into the diet of almost anyone, so long as it were mixed with some of the genuine oil it is replacing. For instance, I'm shure that Wesson could be cut with rapeseed oil 50-50, without arousing suspicion from those partaking in this unhealthy repast. Rapeseed oil is a fairly common item in the paint industry. It is one of a large number of plant oils which which have been used as "drying oils" in paint. Other members of this group include linseed oil and tung oil. A good paint supply center should be able to get some if they dont have any on hand. To the best of my knowledge, the lethal dose of industrial grade rapeseed oil has not been has not been determined. It is a pretty guess that the lethal amount would be near a half a cup. Lower amounts can be counted on to do heavy damage as well. Chemicals which form free radicals work in much the same way as radioactive materials. There is no safe level of exposure, merely a level at which the risk becomes acceptable....... Hope you enjoyed this little text. If you have anything on poisons or you want to write for MķRg—š drop me or the co-sysop some Email. Written By: šXoDuS -=Call MoRgUe Textz WHQ-215.722.4524- SySop^^^^^^=- -=IoNiC DesTrucTioN=- .