MíRg£ð TexTs Bringz you: Improvised Explosives Volume-One Issue-Five ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Morgue Texts are in no way responsible for the effects of this file, nor are we promoting the use of explosives. We also would like to stress the fact that we have released this only as a stepping stone in the vast road of knowledge. This is simply for learning purposes. If you kill some sucker, it's on your hands, not mine. But if you do kill somebody drop me some mail and tell me about it. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ImPrOvIsEd ExPlOsIvEs³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Section I. Materials..... ACETONE: :Common NAmes> Ketone, propanone, dimethyl ketone : :Substitute> Nail polish remover AMMONIA: GAS : :Substitute> HOusehold Cleaners NITRIC: ACID : :MAnuFacture: ::1.Mix two parts by volume potassium nitrate to one part :: concentrated sulphuric acid. ::2.Distill the mixture with a very gentle heat. ::3.Red fumes will be given off and will collect in the :: receiving bottle; keep this bottle COOL! ::4.Nitric acid produced will be equal to the potassium :: nitrate in the original mixture. POTASSIUM: CHLORATE : :Common Names> Chlorate of potash, potcrate : :Substitute> Match heads POTASSIUM: NITRATE : :Manufacture> ::1.Place a charcoal filter at the bottom of a large strainer. :: You can make a charcoal filter by spreading fine wood ash :: between two pieces of cloth. ::2.Fill strainer with nitrate-rich earth. The best sources :: of rich earth is well tended farm lands and decaying cellar :: floors. ::3.Pour boiling water slowly over the earth. ::4.Collect the water that drips out of the the strainer. ::5.Strain the sludge out of this water. ::6.Boil off half the water allow to cool. ::7.Add an equal measure of alcohol to the water. ::8.Filter through paper. (i.e. Coffee filter) ::9.White Saltpeter crystals will collect on the paper. :: (if you couldn't guess this is the potassium nitrate.) SULPHURIC: ACID : :Manufacture> ::1.Automobile batteries use sulphuric acid in dilute form. ::2.To concentrate the acid, place in a glass container and :: boil until white fumes are given off. :: CAUTIONÄTHESE FUMES ARE TOXIC!!!!!!!!!! THEY WILL KILL YOU!! Section II. Explosives..... 1.NAPALM.......... 1.Fill the bottom container of a household double-boiler with water. 2.Fill one-half the top container with gasoline. 3.Using ELECTRIC HEAT bring the gas to a boil. 4.SLOWLY pour in pure soap flakes . 5.Stir the mixture as you pour in the flakes. 6.Continue this process until the saturation point is reached. 7.Alllow the mixture to simmer for Five minutes. 8.There's your Napalm. This is a lot of Phun when you put it on something it will stick to them and is very hard to put out 2.GUN COTTON 1.In a large beaker mix two parts by volume nitric acid with one part sulphuric acid. 2.To this mixture add sterilized cotton; stir well! 3.Pour in a small quantity of acetone until the cotton dissolves and white crystals are formed; these crystals are gun cotton. 4.This material must be confined to achieve detonation. 5.Gun cotton is supposed to be spark-sensitive, but i would use a blasting cap. Section III. Fuses N' Detonators 1.SLOW-BURNING FUSE 1.Make a solution of one tablespoon potassium nitrate and one cup of water; place the solution in a shallow glass dish. 2.Add precut lengths of string. 3.Bring the solution to a boil over gentle heat; boil for three minutes 4.Remove string from solution and allow to dry. 5.Determine burning time by testing two sample fuses. 2.FAST-BURNING FUSE 1.Coat a length of string with epoxy glue. 2.Roll the glue coated string in a mixture of 50 percent potassium nitrate and 50 percent powdered sugar; allow the glue to harden. 3.Wrap the fuse in cellophane tape. 4.The burning rate of the fuse can be slowed by adding a small quantity of finely ground sawdust to the nitrate/sugar mixture. 3.BLASTING CAP 1.Partially fill a bottle with explosive (bottles from model paints work best; the best explosive is improvised scraping the heads off of matches). 2.Insert the fuse. 3.Fill the bottle to the brim. Tamp the explosive tightly. 4.Punch a small hole in the bottle cap; pull the fuse through the hole. 5.Screw the bottle cap on TIGHT!!! 6.SEAL THE FUSE HOLE WITH EPOXY GLUE!!!! ø ø ø<ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ FUSE ÚÂÂÂø¿ ÀÅÁÁøÁÅÙ /. ø.\ /. ø. \ ÚÄÄÄÄÙ . ø . ÀÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ . . ø . . ³ ³ . . . . . . ³ ³ . . . . . . . ³<ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SMALL BOTTLE ³ . . . . . . ³ ³ . . ... . . . ³ ³ . . . . . . . .³ ³ . .. <ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ EXPLOSIVE ³ . .. . . . . ³ ³ . . . . . . . .³ ³ . . . . . .. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ WEll thats all i have time for in the next issue I will cover Bombs so check back here in two WEeks. Also still looking for writers,distro sites,couriers. Anybody with knowledge in P/H/A/V/C/T Help me out I'm the only writer and this shit is Killing me. Apply At IoNIc DestRucTioN.-ðXoDuS NAme TiTle SySop NumBer -------------------------------------------------------- IoNic DesTRucTioN | WHQ | ðXoDuS | 215.722.4524 | -------------------------------------------------------- Villa StraYlight | East HQ | A.C. | 215.353.0641 | -------------------------------------------------------- The GAtes | Dist. 1 | ??? | 813.371.0160 | -------------------------------------------------------- Couriers- Social Distortion  .