The New World Reader An Electronic Idealetter Statement of Purpose- NWR is an electronic publication for those people who think about the issues and ideas of science, philosophy, history, and religion. The special focus of NWR is the future of science and society. Our feature articles will deal with issues pertaining to how science and technology is shaping any aspect of human life. Moral and ethical problems associated with the advance of the human understanding of nature are of particular interest. NWR constantly asks the question: "Where is the human race going?" Our outlook is positive; we have an abiding hope that the next century will be best that humankind has ever seen. Submission Guidelines- If you have a feature article or an idea for one please contact us at We ask that submissions be kept to around 1000 words. If the subject requires more space, then something can be worked out. We would like to keep the issues of NWR short enough to be read conveniently in about ten minutes. We also ask that feature authors send a brief (25 word) biographical description of themselves. Those of you sending comments, letters, science news items, book reviews, etc. please observe a 500 word limit. "Science Currents" should be items of general scientific interest and hopefully have some social significance as well. "Book Reviews" are just that, your opinion about a book you have read. We are looking for reviews of popular science books in particular. The NWR editorial staff reserves the right to edit any submission. We vow not to change the meaning or intent of any submission. We my also reject any submission without notification to the author. NWR retains the copyright on each whole issue and any contributions by its staff. Submissions from other authors are not subject to our copyright and remain the intellectual property of their author. You may use your submissions as you will in the future. Subscription Information- NWR is currently (Jan. 95) published monthly, but bi-weekly publication is our goal by 1996. Each issue is distributed freely via e-mail. Free subscriptions can be had by writing our subscription department at Current and back issues of NWR are available via anonymous ftp at One Last Thing- The Internet is a fabulous opportunity to open up the world of publishing to the penniless and destitute. But just because something is free does not mean that correspondingly its quality is low. We at NWR believe that the best way to ensure quality in the free electronic press is by establishing recognized seals of approval. We will work hard to see that NWR becomes one such seal by Internet readers. We hope you will be proud to include in your vita anything which is accepted by NWR for publication. Trevor Austin, Editor of NWR .