____ /\___ /\_ __ /\___ /\_ __ \__/ /\_ $%/// \// |\\\/// \/// |`\\// \/// \__%$ $%%%%// \\ \' \ \ \\ \' \\\\%%%%$ $%%%%\____| \\\___ / _| \\/_______/___/______/%%%%$ $%%%%%%%%%| /%%%| /%%%| /%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$ reptile | / |/ | /nyquil issue three | / |/ |/ * nyquil issue number three * rolling right along with issue number three. this issue is brought to you by reptile. he goes into #lesbos and pretends to be a confused girl. i think you will enjoy this one. we are now excepting sites for nyquil. anyone who submits and gets it released will be offered a site. other various sites will be given to friends etc. in other news i have decided to name reptile my " cool guy number 2 " in other words he has the second best position in the group, and to make something clear, there is only room for two people. however you can throw a nyquil affil anywhere you want if you submit. so think it over... but for now ... -pale * this logged account has been edited for you the viewer * IRC log started Wed May 24 02:02 *** Value of LOG set to ON *** Mellisa (srandol@wilkes1.wilkes.edu) has joined channel #lesbos hello girls I am using my friends ineternet account *** Flygirl (ripley@phoenix.phoenix.net) has joined channel #lesbos i have a question Melissa=scott Randolph thats what they all say ScottMelissa botnapper: it is my boyfriends see me...Im using the president's account :) i have a question yeah ... and I'm dick cavet =P i dont want to my boyfriend im bisexual yet i need to can you help me please? we ARE GOING TO ALL write him email and TELL HIM hehe wel Mellisa that problem would be best addressed on #bisexualandconfused ok. *** Mellisa has left [#lesbos] *** Mellisa (srandol@wilkes1.wilkes.edu) has joined channel #lesbian *** Mellisa has left [#lesbian] *** Mellisa (srandol@wilkes1.wilkes.edu) has joined channel #lesbos *** Lis-ah (Lise@ip219.phx.primenet.com) has joined channel #lesbos nobody was on there HAHAHAHAHAHA i also have an inverted nipple *** nrrrd (ez003338@fella.ucdavis.edu) has joined channel #lesbos what shouldi do? heh heh I had inverted nipples good gawd but when I got them pierced they extroverted I have inverted nipples when I stand on my head diva: i am thinking about getting them remved and we are all happpy now REMOVE yer NIPPLES? hehehe Mellissa dear...a real woman wold never part with her nipples botnapper: yes scott randolph? Anne is intoverted but her nipples are extroverted diva: i am sorry, but when they get hard they hurt my insides nrrd: it is my boyfriends Mellisa than Scott isnt doing something right ew, boy. perhsaps he needs lessons diva: and i also have another problem. Melisa what praytel is this problem? premature ejaculation? my vibrator broke off in my private area * BoTnApPeR runs...hey, my nipples are fine damnit hehehehe!!! hehehehe HAHAHHAHAA SCOTT you are one funny bitch Melissa and what's the problem? i am seriuos Mellisa: in your ear ????? constant orgasming? In your private area? Well ta least it wasn't in your public area the vibrator parts are stuck they hurt when i have to go the the bathroom * Tweedy looks at Melissa with the vibrator sticking out the ear please dont make fun of me oh good goddess .. I can't believe this ... hahaha i cant have good sex that much anymore Melissa: I'd never make fun of you tweedy: do you have the same problem? * Samma makes fun of Mellisa MElissa: yeah it's hard to get fucked up the ear with the thing stuck in it Melissa I once had someone's fist stuck up my private parts.. it was a bitch..only time will help a condition..it will fall out eventually with a vibe up ya I doubt ANYTHING woulld be good Damn woman, how far did you get it stuck up there that you can still have sex at all? Melissa: try pliers ... if that doesn't work I recommend the "jaws of life" diva: really? wow. i like to insert the fone in my vagina * Life opens uper her jaws i put my mouse up there, thanks. Melissa yes really *solemn nod* What hte hell is a "fone"? haha I suggest a cig lighter again...it will melt the plastic and you can just get it out what way I like... large objects *squea* but the vibrator parts hurt Melissa heres what you do get some vaseline it shocks me somtimes do to an auto body shop and ask the mechanic to help you get your hand good and sick Shocks you how? Is the plug still sticking out of your uterus? I bet he would and just reeeach up and pull the vibe my keyboard is like vaseline now * Diva is done playing oh, like vaseline now? up up UP! *** You have been kicked off channel #lesbos by Diva (please leave) *** Mellisa (srandol@wilkes1.wilkes.edu) has joined channel #lesbos yes i do dont laugh please *** You have been kicked off channel #lesbos by Samma (Hate ta be ya) *** Mellisa (srandol@wilkes1.wilkes.edu) has joined channel #lesbos please dont do that this is hilarious mellisa, ask them on irchelp *** You have been kicked off channel #lesbos by Diva (Hey Ill do ya) *** Mellisa (srandol@wilkes1.wilkes.edu) has joined channel #lesbos divaL will you? [BoTnApPeR:control@com] go to #irchelp can you try to get the vibrator parts out? UNREAL *** You have been kicked off channel #lesbos by Nemisista (duh) *** Mellisa (srandol@wilkes1.wilkes.edu) has joined channel #lesbos *** You have been kicked off channel #lesbos by Daanu (!!!) *** #lesbos Sorry, cannot join channel. (Banned from channel) -- editors notes -- i have been told a few times on irc that nyquil cannot and will not do well due to the limited subject matter. this may be true, but i would like to give it a try. so again if you have any comments, suggestions, or criticisms. find me on irc or mail me at paler@netcom.com * end of issue three * .