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I do not remember all of the sites, so please remind me if you have one so i can compile a site list or something ... ... in other news, i have been very pleased at the number of captures, ascii's, etc. there are just so many of them. many people who give me a submission keep asking me if their submission will be released. all i can say is to be patient. eventually yours will be put out, but there are no promises as to when. so keep the jokes and stuff up, remember that creativity counts ... ---+ info on the presentor +--- ... this issue is brought to you by shattered image. he does a very spectacular job of pretending to be a young gay boy who has a hot dog stuck in his butt ... ... [ this logged account has been edited for maximum content ] ... *** Stuck (shattah@maxwell.iia2.org) has joined channel #gayboysex *** Users on #gayboysex: Stuck @suXX b-man Belgarion Jayson-19 boyscout_ karp Footsy Smooth_NC jeffy LetItGrow gayboyz SwimMan Underlord @Wookster @FlBoy BiScott @RFF Mal-ach @Deep @thry3 Demigod H2OPOLO majortom3 majortom2 i got some problems can someoen help me? i am not sure what to do *** Belgarion has left channel #gayboysex stuck: what? *** haji (cmdoning@mango.ucs.indiana.edu) has joined channel #gayboysex well.. my bf went away 2 weeks ago.. and i was kinda lonely.. so i started to experiment wth foods.. like a hotdog... and well... it kinda... broke :( *** haji has left channel #gayboysex Stuck, probably good to see a doctor. And get a dildo. It's much safer. [Mal-ach!edelsohn@hamoa.mhpcc.edu] you should just be able to shit it out eventually -- it shouldn't do any damage and i think it would be too embarrasing to goto the doctor :( Doctors see everything these days. they won't care. i have taken exlax for the last week. and it doesnt help me... *** Underlord has left channel #gayboysex *** Footsy has left channel #gayboysex stuck: oh shit... Get a real coarse screw or big drill bit drive it up the center a ways and then pull it out.. would it work? [*mal-ach*] i have tried.. when i try to shit.. it hurts.. and just wont come out Are you saying that you haven't had a BM in a week? drill bit? No, he could injure himself! butt massage? *** spike (jalsop@slsyd2p27.ozemail.com.au) has joined channel #gayboysex If the hot dog has created an impaction, get to a doctor immediately! its the family doctor.. and she might tell my folks stuck: is the hot dog real soft or hard? and i dont like being naken in front of women either :( i think its getting moldy stuck: can you visit a friend's doctor *** Vessago (jby2v@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU) has joined channel #gayboysex how would i a stuck: this can be very dangerous -- do not fool around how would i aproach a doctor for something like this? Just tell the doctor! No big deal. *** dOi (KUSUMA@vm.ucc.uconn.edu) has joined channel #gayboysex If your worried about it, go to a doctor you don't know *** DSE (dse@ix-al3-25.ix.netcom.com) has joined channel #gayboysex *** dOi has left channel #gayboysex can it be sucked out mabye? (stupid idea.. but is it possible? maybe with a vaccuum cleaner?) *** elude (jrki@dana.ucc.nau.edu) has joined channel #gayboysex stuck: just tell the doctor that you stuck a hot dog up your ass anyone into the prvt thing? what if i drank some drayno? stuck: they may try an enema to soften it and have it come out naturally prvt thing? stuck: drano is just plain stupid [Vessago!jby2v@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU] Did you really do that? Don't worry too much, since doctors encounter this all the time, at least it's not a gerbal or something. [Vessago!jby2v@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU] I know a person who works in an emergancy room, and she sees it lotsa times. People just do that sort of thing. [*vessago*] yes i did.. :(.. stuck: that would kill yourself! what about.. tweasers? *** spike has left channel #gayboysex talk about gullable *** DSE has left channel #gayboysex *** tampa (nstn2302@newglasgow-ts-10.nstn.ca) has joined channel #gayboysex jayson,, th [Vessago!jby2v@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU] I'm sure you're quite scared about it, though, I know I would be. I remember a time when I got a m&m stuck up my nose.. all I had to do was blow my nose though. [Vessago!jby2v@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU] Have you tried shitting? *** b-man has left channel #gayboysex [Vessago! [Vessago!jby2v@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU] How old are you, by the way? stuck: what about going to the ER at a local hospital? *** Teenboy (irc_users@dkunix.dkeep.com) has joined channel #gayboysex jayson,, thank you.. dont believe me.. its true. *** E_asy (erikd@comtch.iea.com) has joined channel #gayboysex *** elude has left channel #gayboysex stuck: go to a doctor or to a hospital stuck, yeah right [Vessago!jby2v@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU] And hasn't anyone ever warned you properly to never use ANYTHING but a real cock, dildo, or finger before?? *** fus has left channel #gayboysex stuck: doctors have seen just about everything. [*vessago*] i am 19..... and i have tried shitting.. and the shit comes out the sides.. it gets real messyy too [*vessago*] no.. no one has :(.. an now i know stuck: just don't wait much longer and it really hurts when i sit sometimes... *** Teenboy has left channel #gayboysex [Vessago!jby2v@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU] Luckily, I had an older friend who provided some advice to me on this subject. [Vessago!jby2v@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU] I'm really sorry... Hmm.. how long has it been up there? [*vessago*] 4 days... [Mal-ach!edelsohn@hamoa.mhpcc.edu] I would go an emergency room tonight [*mal-ach*] thanx.. i think i will do that tomorrow though... [Vessago!jby2v@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU] Look, you're just gonna have to go to a doctor, if not, things might get worse, and then you'll REALLY be in trouble. I know it's easier said than done, but you have to. Make an appointment with a stranger doctor, and go. Please, do it! [*vessago*] ok.. thatis what i will do.. i guess i have no other choice [Mal-ach!edelsohn@hamoa.mhpcc.edu] it sounds more like it has rotated around and become stuck transversely in your colon *** b-man (barryy@seawolf.rs.itd.umich.edu) has joined channel #gayboysex *** MacTwnk (jeffh@atg.ap *** E_asy has left channel #gayboysex *** LORINnOFL (Lorin-Ant@pm1-orl2.iag.net) has joined channel #gayboysex *** Tornado has left channel #gayboysex [*mal-ach*] that's what it feels like.. but it is getting kinda numb [Vessago!jby2v@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU] I don't think you do, bud. It just one of those hard, embarrasing moments in life.. it could be worse! I wish you the best of luck with it, okay? [*vessago*] ok thanx alot.. better than getting a baseball bat up there, eh? :) [Mal-ach!edelsohn@hamoa.mhpcc.edu] This could cause a lot of damage *** Chris14 (chrisp8@ix-tul1-28.ix.netcom.com) has joined channel #gayboysex [Mal-ach!edelsohn@hamoa.mhpcc.edu] I know that it is extremely embarrassing [Vessago!jby2v@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU] Hehehehe.. that's the spirit! I just don't want it to get infected or spread bacteria or something. I'm only 17, but I'm certainly not stupid. [*mal-ach*] ok thanx alot... i think i am gonna go now and make some calls [Mal-ach!edelsohn@hamoa.mhpcc.edu] but this could puncture your colon and the impaction could cause other problems [b-man!barryy@seawolf.rs.itd.umich.edu] Good. OK to tell your doctor about this. [*vessago*] ok.. i am going now :). thanx alot bud [Mal-ach!edelsohn@hamoa.mhpcc.edu] I don't mean to scare you [*mal-ach*] thats ok.. i need to know what might happen [*mal-ach*] ok i am leaving now to make some calls.. ok? [Vessago!jby2v@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU] You're welcome! But, wait! /msg vessago what[*vessago*] what [Mal-ach!edelsohn@hamoa.mhpcc.edu] but you have waited more than long enough to let nature solve this [Mal-ach!edelsohn@hamoa.mhpcc.edu] good luck, bye [*mal-ach*] bye and thanx *** Mousears (bnunes@netcom13.netcom.com) has joined channel #gayboysex [ [Vessago!jby2v@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU] Because I'm worried and care, PLEASE PROMISE ME that you'll e-mail me at oybr@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU and let me know how things turn out, okay? Write it down. :) B-Man: I understand, but I'll say again in this channel, that even though I'm 17, my two best friends in the whole world are 47 and 40. :) [*vessago*] ok thanx alot..i am outta here :) .... [ editors notes ] ... ... again, you might not have found that funny at all. a few people have said they really do not find nyquil that funny. that is fine with me and that is their opinion. but if you really do not like nyquil, go ahead and submit something to try and improve it ... ... email me at paler@netcom.com or call unseen fate @ 408-554-8536 ... ---+ end of nyquil number six .