Philz Lap -- Issue One +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ "Phil Makes a Move on Katie" + by an anonymous source *soybeanB* stock up on your butter [soybean] haha [soybean] there is a BUTTER SHORTAGE [soybean] oh owen -> *soybeanB* i know. that's the craziest thing i've ever heard [soybean] i should share with you what happened with murmur last night [soybean] butter is the one thing that shoudl always be around [soybean] hahaha [soybean] hopefully not!@ [soybean] but: [soybean] i got bored last night so i demanded he tell me a story -> *soybeanB* there's always soy butter [soybean] so he talked about academic bowl in high school for awhile -> *soybeanB* yeah [soybean] soy! [soybean] and so anyway [soybean] he started telling me that i have all this potential and i can do amazing things [soybean] but i really need to do something with it [soybean] generic stuff -> *soybeanB* heh [soybean] and then he said that, like, I need to marry him right now [soybean] which was funny, and dumb -> *soybeanB* "do something -> *soybeanB* HAHAHAHAHAHHA [soybean] but then SOMEHOW -> *soybeanB* oh no [soybean] for NO APPARENT REASON [soybean] he started talking about how he's kissed six girls in the last six months [soybean] but he's not, like, a WHORE or anything [soybean] but idle smooching is getting old [soybean] and then he talked about [soybean] how he used to feel weird during idle smooching because he's always been less experienced than the girls he's with [soybean] the entire time i just say "okay" [soybean] so he went on to tell me that he feels fine now since he's done it enough to feel certain he has certain techniques down -> *soybeanB* i think i just woke my dad up by laughing [soybean] and then he said: "i'd be willing to demonstrate my techniques if you're up for it :) :) :) [soybean] " [soybean] hahahaha -> *soybeanB* now owen just woke his dad up with screams of fear [soybean] HAHA -> *soybeanB* was he SERIOUS? [soybean] i was, like, hysterical throughout [soybean] YES -> *soybeanB* oh my fucking god [soybean] this was like the THIRD TIME he'd mentioned it [soybean] hahaha [soybean] i for some reason told him about that dream i had a few days ago [soybean] and after it he just said [soybean] "well, i'm kinda cute, you know!@" [soybean] hahaha [soybean] katie, go to Ohio State University [soybean] why? [soybean] then we can get married! -> *soybeanB* ha -> *soybeanB* did he just say that [soybean] i'm inclined to think that you ought to be my best friend [soybean] no [soybean] this is from last night :) [soybean] i logged it -> *soybeanB* oh -> *soybeanB* haha [soybean] haha -> *soybeanB* will you log everything for me? :) [soybean] i really hope that i experience more life and then meet someone just like you [soybean] who's a lot like me in the ways i would want someone to be like me, but who [soybean] isn't quite at the same point i am [soybean] everything murmur? :) [soybean] c'mon over :) [soybean] just marry me now [soybean] we'll figure out the rest later -> *soybeanB* something is seriously wrong with him [soybean] haha [soybean] yes. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ The first issue of Philz Lap was complete on June 24, 1998. Send any conversations dealing with kissing techniques to .