========================================================================== Hello. . . Welcome to the first edition of. . . The Milkcrate Liberation Front ========================================================================== Well, this is the first edition of this paper. I hope it reads OK. This article is not an original idea. In fact, it is a revision of a paper by The Ultimate Hacker. It was written up by Booch and Tech Man, but we had help from several people on ideas. Well, here goes. ........................................................................... .............................The Surger.................................... ........................................................................... OK, these are the plans for a line surger, made specifically for those malicious bastards out there who have some enemies on the other side of the phone line. What it does is, literally, plug the phone line into the wall socket, thus sending up to 120volts over the lines into the other person's modem, generally doing quite a bit of damage, if not frying it. The list of materials needed: One DPDT switch (double pull double throw) One plug (the thing that goes into the wall socket) Some wire (phone wire) Not very much, is it? As to building it. . . Cut the phone wire going from your phone to the wall. Connect the RED and GREEN wires from the wall to the middle two prongs of the switch. Connect the plug to the top two prongs of the switch. Connect the red and green wires going to the modem to the two remaining prongs of the switch. OK, now that really isn't too hard, but for those of you who don't think exactly as I do, have a diagram. . . |__| \__/ -PLUG || || ||__ | | | | O O -Top Prongs to switch RED ________O O -Middle Prongs to switch | | | GREEN________| | | | | O O -Bottom Prongs To Switch TO WALL | | | |_________GREEN_____TO |______________RED______MODEM Thats the diagram... Now, as to what to do with the thing. Leave the switch on the bottom position, so that the modem is connected to the wall. This will allow you to use your modem normally. When you want to send The Surge over the phone lines, just flip the switch. A Warning. . . This model is as of yet untested, as we are going to wait to build it at my house, not wanting to toast ourselves working with 120 volts. I recommend leaving it unplugged until you want to use it, so it is not activated accidentally, and trying it for the first time on an old phone. Well, that about sums it up. If you have any suggestions, write to Booch or Tech Man on ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ The Den BBS . . . . . . . . . . (518) 274-9114 ] [ The Apple Programmers Den . . . (518) 583 7790 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You may be able to reach us on other BBSs, but these are the most likely to get to us. Thanx . . . And remember boys and girls, Don't die. Brought To You By BOOCH The & At Milkcrate TECH MAN Liberation Front  .