............ :::::::::::: .. .. .. .. .. ..... ::::: .. ..... .... ...... .. `` .. ..... .. .. .. :: .. ... ... .: :. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... :: ..::. .. .. .: :. ...... ..::. .. .. ....... .. .. :: .. :: .. .. .: :. .. .. :: .. .. .. .. ::::::: ::::: .. :: .. .. .... .. .. :: .. .. ::::::: ............ :::::::::::: .. .. `` ... ... ..... ::::: Founded: March 1, 1995 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. :: Founding .. .. .. .. .. ....... ::::: Member: Lord of Darkness .. .. .. .. .. .. :: .. .. .. .. ::::::: ::::: Issue #: 01, March 1/2 1995 ............................................................................... Well, here I am, the lone founding member of Technophile Times. (Hereby to be referred to as TT for the rest of this issue, just for the sake of time and my putting off of the inevitable tunnel-carpal syndrome ;) As you already know, this is the first issue. Let's have a run-down of some of the things we will be covering in future issues: o Anarchy o Hacking\Phreaking o News in the "Computer" Field o Scanner Crap o Relayed Text from Other Sources o Blah, Blah, Etc. Etc. o The Usual "Bad" Stuff This basically gives you a rough idea. To put it more bluntly, it's what- ever the hell I feel like putting in. You know how it goes, I'm sure you've read other online mags. More things will come as time goes on, and suggestions are welcome. Unless otherwise noted, all comments will be in [ ]s. Also, I am not liable for any stupid things you do because of this magazine, it is purely informational. I'm not responsible for the use or misuse of the info in here. OK, done with that. Now let's see what we can cram in this issue... ------------ NEWS & VIEWS ------------ FBI's 2-YEAR SEARCH NETS COMPUTER HACKER After a search of more than two years, a team of FBI agents yesterday [02/15/1995] captured a 31-year-old computer expert accused of long crime spree including the theft of thousands of data files and at least 20,000 credit card numbers from computer systems. The arrest of Kevin D. Mitnick, one of the most wanted computer criminals, followed a 24-hour stakeout of an apartment building in Raleigh, N.C. A convicted computer felon on the run from federal officials since November 1992, Mitnick has used his sophisticated skills over the years to worm his way into many of the nation's telephone and cellular telephone networks and to vandalize government, corporate and university computer systems. ASSOCIATED PRESS [I think] --- BARNEY GIVING OUT FREE PLANTS TO CONSCIENTIOUS CHILDREN I don't have an actual article for this one, but I thought I'd mention it anyways. About 2 years back I remember looking at a bulletin board (No, not BBS, Bulletin Board) in a local grocery store. Well, there was this article about Barney, and Barney always grabs my attention. ;) As it turns out, the big man was arrested on charges if possesion of an illicit drug, and it appeared the purple do-gooder wasn't only possessing it. I thought I'd just mention that since the news department is kinda slim:) --- ----------------------------- PERVERTS ANONYMOUS DEPARTMENT ----------------------------- I know that cap'd conversations and other social intrusions are big in some mags, so I figure I'll stick some in for all you guys & gals to check out. Sure, we all like our BBSs. There are all kinds, for all people. You would expect that most users on a general population BBS would be you average, every- day type of person, right? And if they happened to want to want to discuss "adult"-oriented topics, they would take it to an adult board and be with their kind. Well, unfortunatly it's just not so pretty a picture as you would expect out there in BBS land. Here is a cap file of some pretty sick stuff, on a so- called "Family-BBS". Yuck... (The names have been taken out to... protect the perverts, I guess, along with locations and other identifying material. As far as the board name goes, we'll just leave the name at TCC) What if some kid got ahold of this? ***I also don't recommend reading this if you don't like foul language or sexual perversion boardering on masochism. --- Ok, XXXXX you wanted to hear from us women so hear goes. I've tried alittle bit of everything here and there, and I for one enjoy alittle pain, both before and durning intercourse. I'm not talking about leaving bruises all over my body, but alittle whipping on the rear end or cunt area turns me on to no end. I've never had rings put through my nipples, but it is something that I think I would enjoy if the guy would like to do it for me. I realize that some of you may be grossing out right about now, but it is my body, and I can do with it (or have someone else do to it) whatever I please to. Just because I enjoy alittle pain here and there does not mean that I allow men to treat me poorly inside or outside of the bedroom. Oh, also for the record, I enjoy giving alittle pain to the men in my life that want it also, I'm referring to spankings and such, not bitching and nagging all the time ! HA HA HA But on the other hand the old saying "To give is better then to recieve" does not hold true in this case. I would much rather be the one to recieve the spanking then the one giving it. Well there you have it, that's how I feel about the subject of giving and recieving pain. I invite anyone who hasn't already tired it to do it once before they open their mouth and say they don't like it. I didn't think that I would ever do half of the things that I enjoy doingg now before I tried them. XXXXXXXX /B&D #2301 25-JUN-93 13:37 From: XXXXXXXX To: XXXXXXXX Re: :) (1 reply) You're such a bad girl! :) Do you know what happens to bad girls? They get turned bare bottom side up and laid across the knee. Then they have to spread their legs and get gently slapped on the rear and on the love button.:) Slap... bad girl....slap :) :) :) That last letter turned me on.....I know XXXXXXXX is the main Pervert! :) /B&D #2310 25-JUN-93 15:42 (Reply to #2301) From: XXXXXXXX To: XXXXXXXX Re: :) (1 reply) Sweetheart if that last letter of mine turned you on, you better never get ahold of some of the other things that I have written about, you just might have a heart attack, or else a throbbing hard on. As far as being a bad girl, I wouldn't ever want to be a nice girl, they don't have as much fun !!! So anytime you think that you are man enough to turn me over your knee, just let me know . Someone over at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX was asking me if I had two different handles, and said that if I wasn't the same person I had better let you know about it, so what's up ? You know bad girls don't like to be talked about, at least this one doesn't. What's the big deal about having two handles, after all XXXXXXX sounds really sexy now doesn't it ? So when are you going to stop avoiding me, and get on the computer when I log on so we can have that chat you were offering awhile back ? Talk to you later, unless of course this bad girl has scared you away. XXXXXXXX /B&D #2314 25-JUN-93 17:16 (Reply to #2310, Reply to #2301) From: XXXXXXXX To: XXXXXXXX Re: :) (1 reply) No I'm not scared away, just the opposite actually. Hmmm, you sound like a Kinky woman. That's the kind I like ! I'd like to hear some of the other things that you have written about. (Me and at least half of the other users on here.) As far as the XXX handle deal goes...who cares what handle you use..A lot of people are using different handles. That's fine with me. This is a BBS that lets you throw you inhabitions out the door. If anyone would feel more comfortable using a different handle then the one they are using let me know..Your wish is my command. :) .. Now back to the good stuff :), I think I'm man enough (and then some) to turn you into a wet, begging submissive. Most women never experience a true female "cum", the ones that make my face all wet :). I think...no I know ... I could make you have really wet orgasms over and over..YUMMY in my TUMMY! So what is your favorite toy? I'm mentally picturing clothes pins(2)..and a toy that requires two D cell batteries...and an egg shaped device for a different twist. I'll leave the rest up to your imagination for now.... .. ************************************************************************ .. Boggest tagline:Hurt me, Hurt me! .. ************************************************************************ Whips and chains and pain, Oh yeah... /B&D #2323 25-JUN-93 19:28 (Reply to #2314, Reply to #2310, Rep*) From: XXXXXXXX To: XXXXXXXX Re: :) (1 reply) Ok, were do I begin ? First of all the stories that I have writen aren't going to be plastered on every bbs for everyone to see. If anyone would care to see them in private, I might show them off, but not on a bbs, sorry. Ok, now as far as true cum orgasms go, I'm what they call a multi orgasm lady, just for fun one night I tried to keep count of them, but after number 6 everything got kind of blury. I was surprised to read that you like getting your face all wet, I had one guy who got turned off by the amount of cum that he had to lap up with his tongue (I told him, if he didn't like it he shouldn't have had his head where it didn't belong) Anyway, you'll forgive me if I don't fully believe every word you say about all of your talents. I've been told by serveral men that they were really good at it, only to find out that they had no idea of what to do with it when they finally got it. I'm one of those people that I have to see it to believe it. Ok, now on the my favorite toys, most of which are at my soon to be ex husband's house, he brought them, so he said he was keeping them. I did go out and buy 12 metal alargator clips, the kind used for auto repair. I sometimes have alittle fun doing the housework in the nude with these attached to my nipples, and cunt area. I used to like clothes pins, but I found out that the alargator clips gave a stronger hold, and left a cute mark when removed. I also keep plenty of candles on hand just in case I meet up with a man who enjoys dripping the hot wax over my body. I have several of the battery operated toys that you referred to, but they grow old after awhile, I enjoy trying new things. Right now it seems that I am into some kind of stage where I enjoy trying to do things in public without getting caught, it's fun up to the point of actually getting caught which I have managed to not have done YET !!! Well, I better get going now. I'm glad that you enjoyed the letter, let me know if this one had the same effect on you. Bye for now sexy. XXXXXXXX /B&D #2324 25-JUN-93 20:10 (Reply to #2323, Reply to #2314, Rep*) From: XXXXXXXX To: XXXXXXXX Re: :) (1 reply) Wow, Large auto-clamps sounds a little bit on the painful side. I hope you're talking about the "roach" type clips and not battery cable clips....ouch! That's a little extreme even for me :). As far as your soon to be ex-husband goes I don't think to many women would want to use a toy after it has been used by someone else...just my opinion. Excuse me for having a little bit of a male ego when it comes to cunnligus but practice makes perfect and I have practiced :) and will continue to. I prefer the "baldy beaver" if you know what I mean. No hair get stuck on my tongue LOL. Cool... You get into exhibitionism. Maybe I should start a Sig just for that. What do you think? I guess that's what the STOP button in elevators is for. Well I agree...This could get a little too intense to be in a sig, but we can always continue in private mail.. /B&D #2503 29-JUN-93 08:17 (Reply to #2324, Reply to #2323, Rep*) From: XXXXXXXX To: XXXXXXXX Re: :) Hey, nothing should be considered to intense for an adult sig. The rest of us like to hear about her likes and dislikes and exploits too! Or maybe it's just me, my says I am preverted! XXXXXXXX /B&D #2524 29-JUN-93 15:14 (Reply to #2285, Reply to #1274, Rep*) From: XXXXXXXX To: XXXXXXXX Re: B&D I agree, if you haven't tried it, don't knock it. Some men like a spanking too once in a while. After facing the tough world day after day it is nice to let the woman take charge for a while. Being restrained and pleasured by a woman is a great experence and so much different from having to be that great tough man all the time. This is the time when tha world turns around and you are allowed to receive pleasure without having to worry that you are doing the right thing to plaeae your partner. You can just hang on and enjoy. /FSEEKM #2697 30-JUN-93 13:55 (Reply to #2008, Copy by Sysop, Repl*) From: XXXXXXXX To: XXXXXXXX Re: FEMALE SEEKS MALE (1 reply) Hello XXXXXXXX, Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am 24 yrs old, 6'ft, weigh 195. I have a medium build. I have brown hair, blue/green eyes. I don't smoke , I do drink a little. i enjoy motorcyle rides and boating. I work from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. I run a liitle company. If there is anything else you would like to know just ask, or leave me a message. see ya later. XXXXXXXX /FSEEKM #2724 30-JUN-93 21:17 (Reply to #2697, Reply to #2008, Cop*) From: XXXXXXXX To: XXXXXXXX Re: FEMALE SEEKS MALE (1 reply) Hello XXXXXXXX, Thank you for your note. :) I do have one question for you, I was wondering if you looked at my reg. before you decided to write to me ? The reason that I'm asking is because I noticed that you don't smoke, and I just wanted to make sure that you understand that I DO smoke. If this isn't a big problem, then that's fine, but if it is I'll understand. You decide and let me know. Oh by the way if I may ask is your little company that you run here in XXXXXXXXX ? Well take care, talk to you later, Bye for now. XXXXXXXX /FSEEKM #2736 30-JUN-93 23:58 (Reply to #2724, Reply to #2697, Rep*) From: XXXXXXXX To: XXXXXXXX Re: FEMALE SEEKS MALE XXXXXXXX, I did remember that you said you smoked. That's ok with me. i just though with my age being 24 and requesting at least 25, you might think i was to yong to talk to. Yes my company is here in XXXXXXXXX (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX). so what do you like to do in your spare time? Take care. XXXXXXXX TALK #2398 27-JUN-93 15:18 From: XXXXXXXX To: ** ALL ** Re: Public sex Hmmm. This Sig is one of the dead ones. So let's get it rolling folks. I'm just wondering what the most unusual or most public place the users have ever done the nasty at. Let's see...Well without getting myself in trouble I'd have to say that mine was with my ex-girlfriend. We went over to one of her friends house and did it in front of her friend and and her friends boyfriend. Then they did the same. That had to be the the most unusual one. I haven't really did that much in public but I know a gorl that used to live on XXXXXX across from the post office that liked to flash the people driving by at rush hour. She almost caused a car to wreck once. :) (And here's another "good" one...) From XXXXX: WHISPERED! good...want me to fuck you up your tight ass??!?!?! > Message SENT only to XXXXX >/XXX Not really... I know that is your preference, but I'm gonna have to declin *** From XXXXX: WHISPERED! no...just the drug dealers...the fairies go to XXXXXXXX > Message SENT only to XXXXX >/XXX Well, I wasn't informed of that... I take it you'll be transferring over h *** From XXXXX: WHISPERED! your right..i wanna fuck you all night long!!!!!!!!! >*** (And that's the end of that department...) --- ------------------- HANDY DANDY NUMBERS ------------------- We all use the phone for one thing or another, to order food or tell mommy that you've eloped with your pregnant girlfriend and now live in Horny Gulch, AZ. Well, here are a few #s for all you people to play around with... ( --> means that the # tells you to call the # after the --> ) --- 1-800-2FUCK-ME Pilgrim Telephone (Adult) 1-800-222-TALK --> 1-900-FUN-SLUT (Adult) 1-800-242-0100 Love Phones, radio show, 10p-12p broadcast in Cleveland, Houston, and New York. 1-800-FUCK-OFF Pilgrim Telephone (Adult) 1-800-HAVE-SEX --> 1-800-664-2223 (Adult) 1-800-555-1212 1-800 lookup #, call and ask for the # of any business. 1-800-759-7243 SkyPager (I know it's REALLY short, but what the hell, I'll add more later. I made sure to put in plenty of adult #s for all you perverts who like to call and listen to some fat hick woman in a tank-top and stained jeans to tell you to "Enter your Visa or Mastercard number now.") --- ------------------------------------------- DUMB PHONE STUFF MOST IDIOTS TEND TO IGNORE ------------------------------------------- (This was taken from a TDS TELECOM phone book - All text in [ ]s are comments.) o Call Forwarding This feature will enable your phone to transfer incoming calls to the number of your choice. Now you can catch after-hours business calls at home and enjoy increased home security by not letting your phone go unanswered. - Forwarding your calls 1. Lift the receiver and listen for dial tone. [Well duh] 2. Dial "72." [ "1172" on rotary phones ] 3. Press the "#" button. (With a rotary dial, skip this step and wait four seconds.) 4. Listen for a second dial tone. 5. Now dial the number (up to 16 digits) where you wish your calls to be forwarded. (Speed Calling codes may be used if you also have this feature.) 6. When someone answers at the forwarded number, Call Forwarding has been put into effect. [How sophisticated] 7. If there is no answer, or the line is busy, hang up and repeat the previous steps. If you complete thus procedure within two minutes, you'll hear two short tones telling you your Call Forwarding feature is in effect. - While your calls are forwarding When your phone is activated to forward calls, it will make one short ring each time a call is forwarded. You can still make outgoing calls from the phone. - Discontinuing Call Forwarding 1. Lift the receiver and listen for dial tone. [Yes, idiots abound] 2. Dial "73." [ With a rotary phone, dial "1173" ] 3. Press the "#" button. (With rotary dial, skip this step and wait four seconds.) Listen for two tones which signal that Call Forwarding is discontinued. [Vaguely familiar, eh?] (Look for more absolutely worthless phone tricks and tips in future issues including THE DOs AND DON'Ts OF THREE-WAY CALLING, SPEED CALLING REVEALED, and the ever-handy but widely ignored INs AND OUTs OF CALL WAITING, including how to TURN THE DAMN THING OFF TEMPORARILY, which is always handy when making calls on the old modem and don't want to be disconnected in the middle of a 2 and a half meg file and you just happen to be on a BBS that doesn't support ZModem.) --- ------------------------------- AVAST YE SCURVY-RIDDEN PIRATES! ------------------------------- There seems to be a farely well-kept secret (at least to the casual user) that may come in handy some time, so listen up. As you may or may not know, there ARE ways to send Internet E-Mail and such things without them being traced back to you. This may come in handy if you would like to flame someone anonymously or just send pirated software to your friend in some other state. This miracle invention is called an ANONYMOUS REMAILER. How it works is you send your E-Mail message to the Anonymous Remailer. It then replaces your Internet address with a randomly made one and ships it back on out to its destination. "Oh, this is great," you may be thinking. Not quite. An Anonymous Remailer in Finland by the name of Penet has made headlines recently because of a complaint from the Church of Scientology in Los Angeles. As it seems, someone sent something thru there and really got those guys at the C of S really pissed off. Anyways, the Finnish cops told the man who runs Penet, Johan Helsingus, either hand over the name of the sender or hand over your whole computer. We all know the obvious choice there. The point is, it is never truly anonymous, someone, somewhere knows, and people can get to it. (Not easily tho, mind you.) OK, aside from that, I suppose I should give an example. Here goes... say Jack Meoff wanted to send an anonymous E-Mail message to his ex-girlfriend who he now hates dearly. Well, he types up his note, and gets ready to send it. We'll say Mr. Meoff's Internet address is Jack.Meoff@Baitors.BBS.org. So he sends it out, off to Penet, we'll say. So, Penet takes the message and says, "Jack.Meoff@Baitors.BBS.org? Sorry, never heard of the dumb fuck." Well, in actuality, it just strips the original address off. Then it makes up a new, generic address for it, such as an690@Anon.Penet.fi and ships the happy little note on its way to his ex, who reads it and gets real pissed off. Welp, she doesn't know who sent it, and will probably send a message back to the anonymous address, which doesn't bother you any anyways. You're safe... pretty much, anyways. Just don't send anything too serious, because as you've seen, they CAN catch you. Just be careful. (I'll have more on this "neato" concept in a later issue.) --- ----------------------------- WHAT AN EXPLOSIVE PERSONALITY ----------------------------- OK, here we are to the anarchy. This starting out stuff won't be all that hot, and I'm sure if you aren't dumber than a pile of shit you could figure all this out on your own, but hey, what the hell. BTW - This is for information only; I am not responsible for the use or misuse of this material. o Spray can flamethrower. 1. Get can of flammable liquid with continuous spray, i.e. hair spray or WD-40. 2. Light. 3. Torch stuff. Be careful with this, because since the nozzle isn't made for this type of use, the flame COULD go into the can, blow the thing apart, and leave you looking like Darkman. Not a popular look with the ladies. o Spray can explosives. 1. Take spray can, but in container slightly larger than the can itself. 2. Add gunpowder. Try to get enough in there where it will get real hot and last a little while. 3. Insert fuse. There really isn't a need for a top, but you may add one if you want. 4. Light, run quickly, watch explosion, metal shards go flying thru the air. Once again, you don't want you freaking head blown off, so stay the fuck back. You know how it always says "DO NOT LET TEMPERATURE RISE ABOVE XXX DEGREES F?" That's because the can will explode. There you go. For an even more interesting effect, make sure you use flammable liquids so it will splatter and burn things it gets on. (Once again, i.e. Hair spray, WD-40.) o Lighter torch. (This only works w/lighters that have adjustable flames.) 1. Pop the metal front off the lighter. 2. Make sure flame thingy is at the highest level. 3. Lift up. 4. Pull switch thingy all the way back to lowest level. 5. Push down. 6. Repeat steps 2-5 a few times until expected flame level is reached. If done enough times, this can produce a flame close to a half a foot or higher. Be careful not to do that too much, or the thingy will pop off. I don't know what use this serves expect to burn someone's face off when they ask you for a light. o Toilet paper wicks. 1. Get toilet paper in desired length. 2. Take gunpowder and pour a small amount of gunpowder in a straight line done the middle of the toilet paper. 3. Roll toliet paper. I realize this is pretty sloppy and the wick goes quickly, so only use when in a jam. (Pretty Obvious stuff, huh?) --- ----------------------- HEY! I WANNA GO AGAIN! ----------------------- That's it for Issue #1. I'm looking for some others writers other than me, so if you'd like to, you can get ahold of me... you'll know how. Good luck... Lord of Darkness --- Copyright 1995 --- All rights have been shoved up your ass to keep warm --- .