-+- you don't want to read this, i'm sure. it might be inspiring -+- issue one of WAMI (Works of Art that didn't Make It) (note-- this thing didn't go off as i wanted it to. all this really proves is that "resurgam" is a dumbass. i wanted to choose the most extremist right wing christian and interview him/her to get a quick laugh. instead i found a dumbass who really isn't that funny. i doubt you'll even want to read this...) kewlio what magazine is this exactly anyhow? alright. the log's on. for starters, tell me your first name, age, sex, age, current faith, and political party. anything extra would be cool as well. gees. my name is Annelizabeth Kim and i'm 317 year old christian vampire. haha - that's funny. really tho. or to be really serious, i'm 21 and my belief is in Christ (actually, that was really serious, hon) political party? none i'm a female, by the way are you a part of the christian coalition? what do you think about it? i'm a youth minister/director/counselor i'm not involved in any christian coalition what do you think about it though? well... i figure if you want to have a coalition, fine. lack of information to pass judgement? well, lack, yes, but from what've seen, it is okay. one thing though. i am adamently opposed to prayers in school. why is that? prayers? because... because isn't a good enough answer... see, the Christians are seeking prayers in school with this weird wacked out thought that only christians are the ones that pray. but there are others out there in the world with different religions and world views don't you feel there should be a separation of church and state in this wonderful (ack) country? i mean, personally, if that is what you believe, hey, fine. but i don't want that shoved into my kid. i think there should be a separation. from the study of history most nations that has had the unity of state and church has had some sort of a several century long rebellion. true. do you feel that christianity is the only "right" religion? yes, i feel that Christianity is the only right religion. so separation of church and state, in your opinion, would keep your child from learning of other religions? no, it would keep my child from learning it in school (outside of maybe some history courses or philosophy courses.) so you would rather teach the child about those religions? ...hm... *grin* i would rather that i teach my child in a fair manner i have friends of all beliefs. eheh that'd be a little biased. - but here's one a little off topic.. who do you think you'll vote for in '96? that one ex-general if he decides to run. colin powell? yeah, that dood. i would want my child to form his or her own opinion. gag! biased? hehe hm... let's see...... hm... didn't you just say though that christianity is the only right religion? what would you do if your child decided to switch over to another faith? you know, i think i'm speaking a bit fast, but i doubt that my kid would. ah... do you feel that religion is becoming less important as generations go on? actually, i think it's gotten a bit more important. not just christianity, but religion in general. actually, i think you're wrong. most people i've talked to say their children really don't care one way or another about religion. what do you think would spawn these feelings? do you think their music (nirvana, white zombie, pavement, etc) spawn what feelings about what? their lack of interest in religion. youc an't ask a kid who's 10 what his feelings of zoraostrianism that's rather obvious. well i'm not talking of a child who's 10. i'm talking of kids who are 15-25+... you know, kids in all generation is and will be always influenced by three major sources: media, parents, friends zoraostrianism doesn't sound too bad either. i was at one of their temples in california. well, alright that too. but any many kids know about do you think the popularity of music such as nirvana, white zombie, etc has a big effect on them though? really now? one of my best friends is a zoro i think it does let me say something my father is a zoro.. in every generation... or a time period... hm... let's take the impressionist period for one... the poems and literature worked with the music and art etc etc etc... they work together same with the works of like walt whitman... he worked with nature and so on and so forth your point? these are all working together to fuse in that period's thoughts and beliefs to one being... the human race. so my point is... OF COURSE IT'S GOING TO AFFECT THEM! * Resurgam grins (iranina zoro or indian zoro?) ah i see. i think i knew that though. :) how do you stand on homosexuality? iranian, even. it's wrong. (dood, my answers sound anal) here's the scenerio -- imagine your kid tells you he's/she's gay. what would be your reaction? i think God didn't create homosexuals. god creates everybody, right? my reations? reaction? hehehe reactions, reaction... yes, he created everyone but hear me on this one... i'm listening God made explicite laws about homosexuality and his dislike of it if we are created in his image that doesn't say much for either of us, does it? i don't believe this biological doodah thingamajgic jig what i see is just society's way of coming up with one excuse after another. guess not. ah well. they're actually saying it might be genetic. it can't be genetic. heard that. been there, done that. i read up on it. ; ;> ah. umm.. how about abortion? abortion is not right either although i've had friends who's had abortions. what about in cases of incest/rape? you figure this... taking God out of this for aminute (i've done this arguement forever) actually, rape babies are extrememly cute and somehow, God has blessed them even more. *** fooled is now known as hotsex whatcha think about netsex? if a one celled organism is considered to be a living creature... uh... *** Signoff: hotsex (i'm bleeding! ack!) .