-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________________________ \___________\_________\_____\ \__ __ / ____/ \ / / _/ ___/__ _/ \ / / / \ / / \/____/_____\________/________/ "/ i />/>z" pz: RED-004.TXT aka "p /M" s// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Black" ------- The light fades Darkness surrounds My body Darkness engulfs My soul Black Inside my head Will I ever See the light again Hurt You hurt me And left me to decay To deal with the pain You never came back Not even to laugh Never saw you again Fading... "Close" ------- So close Too far You Me Together I love you No one knows But you and I If people knew I would surely die I love you It is not fair To have you Then to have you taken away Why? I love you "Death" ------- Knife to my wrist I make the cut I sit and watch Ready to die The blood drips The blood pours Down my arm I cry No pain No fear It bubbles I feel hazy The phone rings It's her I struggle I listen to her plead to me I tell her i love her one last time And scream one last time "Demon" ------- A small crack in the earth Wide enough for a small child To fit through With ease The sky fades to an deep grey colour And ominous harbinger of doom A red glow surround the Crevice in the earth A cackle is heard Far in the distance And the glow fills the sky Illuminating as if it were day An evil presence is felt The crack in the earth widens And a single, four fingered claw Reaches out Yet another claw is seen As this hellish being Reaches towards the light For the first time It hoists itself out of the crack Now wide enough for many people to fit It stands, radiating evil and power Filling the night sky with it's luminescense It bellows to Satan For power, for glory To take over this small world And rule forever The demon stands there In the middle of nowhere Granted his wish Satan has fulfilled this demon's destiny Now he rules The whole entire world But what does he have When everyone is dead? The demon Is alone And with one mercifull plea to Satan Vanishes, in a cloud of white smoke The crack Small enough for a child to fit into The only trace of anything That ever lived "Happy" ------- Look Look at me now In all my happiness You I'm so glad I met you I'm so glad that we are finally together Depression was a state of mind But my happiness Is now a way of life I love you For making me feel like this You don't know How you make me feel Everytime I hear your sweet voice "Inside" -------- Lies Hurt Pain You've done this Killed me Took my soul Left me to decay On the inside What have I done To deserve this I never tried To hurt you And as you look back And see me dying You simply turn away And laugh knowing what you have done to me I did everything for you I nearly took my own life Because i could not have you It was never real in your world Although it's all too real in mine All the pain and emotion Is now washed away You scarred me for life Can i ever love again? You lied to me You hurt me I still love you Maybe there's a chance But how can there be After you have done this No apology For what you have turned me into I'd die for you You never did anything for me I will kill him I will kill you For you have killed me On the inside "Life" ------ Life Once i crawled And then i stood And now i'm back on me knees Living What have i done? Why? Do i deserve this? Reaching For hope Someone to reach out to Someone to be there Holding Onto the dreams You gave me When we were together Letting Go Of the memories You and I Once shared Dying A slow death On the inside Because of you "Love" ------ Love What we shared You and I Forever Hate What you now feel Towards me For reasons unknown This cell I am confined to This cell Of eternal hate Trying to climb The rope of life Yet you throw me down And leave me to die Feelings Never felt before Now washed away Because of you I hate you I love you I'm being torn apart Because of you "Not One" --------- I talk to you Just to hear your voice I love you so much I can't let go I won't let go You sit and wonder when i'll stop But i can't stop I won't stop You are the only one Who can save me Yet you can't take the hint Won't you take the hint? I'm hurting Inside Am i doing this to myself? Sometimes I wish that I will wake up tomorrow And realize that it has been An emotional dream And none of it ever happened Save me You can save me But you won't save me.... "Rage" ------ I hate you I always will Locked me up in this cell I'll never see the light You laugh at me And constantly remind me Of the good times we shared Just to see me writhe in pain You told me you loved me I said the same to you And then as I turned around I felt the knife in my back Betrayal Confusion Hatred Anger Love Your lies have hurt me Greater than anything else I have known Although you apologize You laugh on the inside Knowing you can have your way with me Knowing that I will do what you will say You beg and plead me not to kill him Anger Hatred Lies Rage Death Silence ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .