-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________________________ \___________\_________\_____\ \__ __ / ____/ \ / / _/ ___/__ _/ \ / / / \ / / \/____/_____\________/________/ "/ i />/>z" pz: RED-007.TXT aka "Stories Du Jour" by: Satan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note from Satan: These were journal entries from school. If you don't like them, then don't read them. If you do, ok. Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Darkness entangled him. Fear gripped his heart as he walked through this black void. Was he in hell? No, hell had to be better than this. He could not see. He could only touch the cold stone that he walked on. He walked. At times he would run. He never knew which direction he was going. Then he felt it. An evil presence, so strong that he felt that if he turned around, he would see it staring him in the face. So he turned around. A deep cackling was heard, and suddenly the room was illuminated, and he saw a strange, blue orb in the center. He was drawn to it. Moving towards it, he felt the thing's evil. He reached out to touch it, and was driven away. He stood for a long time, staring at the glowing blue orb, feeling it's power radiate from within. He could think of only one way to get closer to the orb. He withdrew his bastard sword, and gripping it with both hands, held it high over his head. He brought it down with an almost superhuman strength, and crushed the orb. The room was dark again. A low humming noise was began to echo throughout. His sword began to glow a dull shade of blue. He felt evil coursing through his blood. His soul was slowly being torn away, and he was helpless. He screamed, but no one would ever hear it. He felt his world fading. He closed his eyes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I waited and waited, but there was still no sign. "Five minutes more," I said. Maybe the ritual had failed. Maybe something had gone wrong. As I waited for a sign, I carefully read over the ritual procedure. I realized that I was missing the key step: a human sacrafice. I crept up the stairs to my brother's room, where he slept quietly. I took a piece of twine and with one, careful twist, snapped his neck. I trudged down the stairs with his limp corpse in my hands, and layed him upon my altar. I lit the candles, which were placed ever so carefully in a pentagram shape. I chanted slowly, paying my respect to the god of the underworld, Satan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The drops of rain came pouring from the sky. I trudged on, unsure of where I was. I looked up and saw the faint remains of what used to be white, puffy clouds. The sky was dark gray. The thunder cascaded throughout the sky, seeming louder each time. Faint flickers of lighting was my only means of light. Alone, i stumbled ahead through the darkness. Just then, the sky parted, and a single bolt of white-hot energy raged towards the ground. It struck, scattering pieces of tree and mud throughout. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It's so unfair. He hadn't expected this to happen. He began the ritual with such high hopes. Hopes of possessing an undying evil deep within. But, alas, the ritual had backfired, and sent him tumbling into an alternate plane. He wondered for a while if he had died and gone to hell, but a voice inside of him assured him that he was alive. Suddenly, he heard a loud cackle, one that nearly burst his eardrums apart. He turned, and saw before him a giant creature, with red skin, and pentagrams engraved upon its chest. He found that he was strangely unafraid of this demonic image. Of course, he was the only on who had brought this upon himself. He knew what would happen is something went wrong. The demon reached out with its four- clawed hand, and grabbed him. The demon began to squeeze. The worshipper's eyes flew clean out of their sockets, and the demon reach in and grabbed a small handful of the worshipper's brains. Chewing slowly, the demon enjoyed his tasty snack. He next clawed open the front of the man, spilling his internal organs onto his other hand. The organs made a solemn, squishing sound as the demon kept feasting on the man's parts. He then merely tossed the man aside, and in a puff of indigo smoke, vanished to another plane, never to be seen again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As the man put the band-aid on the little boy, something happened that was so quick and drastic that it would change both of their lives. This man, being a masochist, removed the band-aid and started to squeeze the blood from the boy like he was squeezing juice from an orange. The boy turned pale and his body went limp, as the blood was being drained from it. There was blood everywhere. The man simply laughed as he envisiond the boy writheing in pain. He walked away slowly, his blood covered sneakers sloshing on the dry, hot cement. .