-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________________________ \___________\_________\_____\ \__ __ / ____/ \ / / _/ ___/__ _/ \ / / / \ / / \/____/_____\________/________/ "/ i />/>z" pz: RED-009.TXT aka "The Devil's Song: A Poem" by: Archangel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Before we begin this latest installment of bullshit, we'd like to make a quick announcement. See, we're writers. We write. Don't ask us how, but somewhere along the way we did something we never expected in our whole lives as writers. We discovered the cause of cancer. I know, I know. It suprised us, too. It took us all off gaurd. I'd like one of our contributing writers, Archangel, to continue: Sorry I caused all that cancer. - Archangel Thank you for your time, please read on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Can you hear the devil's song? It breaks my heart to think that you could nary do a wrong, yet into hell you sink. The demons dance in fires bright. The flames, they burn so hot. What have you done to deserve this fright? For here your soul will rot. Would the demons know their fault? They might agree with you. Yet, should they not (no they won't!), your life will burn anew. What has been done to deserve this pain, this hell that must be endured? The demons know, but they'll not explain as they whip your soul once more. Fire crackles and brimstone smoulders, the pain of doing wrong. Now shall you bear the weight on your shoulders. The weight of the devil's song. .