PPP Proudly Present Another Phucked Phreak Production ************************************************************************* *708/808-7629** Friday March 15, 1991 7:21:28 PM **Vol #8* ** ** * Computing Society:Part II * ** ** * Written By:The Wizard * ** ** * CopyMUCH 1991 (M) Phucked Phreak Productions * ************************************************************************* "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibitting the free excercise thereof; or abbridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Goverment for a redress of grievances" Under the above Law set forth in the First Amendment To The Constution Of The United States Of America, The Author releases this work into the pubic domain for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ** Introduction ** This is part two of the "Computing Society" series. Views herein are mine and not yours. ** Computing Society II ** So here you are, sitting there staring at your local BBS wondering to yourself, "What the hell does this idiot have to say now? Or, what doesn't he have to say." I've got lots to say. For one thing, in the time since I last wrote for you, lots of things happened. In Grosse Pointe, Michigan, the sysop of The Variety & Spice BBS was ordered to pay business rates for each of his board's sixteen lines. This would've amounted to about $50 of additional costs each month. This isn't all a business line requires, however. To operate a business line, you also must pay a $100 deposit on each line. So, the sysop would've have to pay a $1600 balloon payment, in addition to an additional fifty some odd dollars per month. The reason that Michigan Bell provided was like this: Since the system had a section that was not open to the public, and required a donation for access, the sysop was recieving money and was therefore operating a business. That's a little unfair, wouldn't you say? For one thing, have you heard of any privately run commercial boards that are making any profit? I've heard of ONE. It's some board in Millwaukee that has like fifty lines and 10 IBM 386's connected to it. The sysop says that the system "pays the bills". A BBS system run by a private citizen is a hobby. Plain and simple. Ask any sysop around. Every damn one of them will tell you that he runs his board to serve the public, as a hobby, or just for the hell of it. I defy you to find one board (besides the one in Milwaukee. Fact is, if you find a sysop like that, send me mail at the adress below, and you'll be special.) run by a guy on a PC that is set up to make money. It just doesn't happen. You see, there are so many free systems around that fees just shrink your userfile. That's it. (Unless you're in an area where there are a LOT of stupid people, like Milwaukee. ) So here's another abuse that Modem/Computer people have to take. And why? A BBS does not hurt Telco equiptment. The line just sits there taking calls. This makes the telco even MORE MONEY. So I want to know, WHAT THE FUCK IS THEIR PROBLEM? They're making money. They're making LOTS of money. I personally send them anywhere from $85, to $150 a month. So why can't they be content with that? Because they're greedy. That's human nature. It's also human nature to screw with the weakest looking individual/group around. So, why don't we stop letting ourselves be the weakest group around? Why don't we start kicking ass? The NRA can do it and most of their members' parents are brother and sister. If you're reading this, you're probably a reasonably intelligent individual. Get some computer buddies together, get a six pack and a pizza, (and if you're under 21, that six pack had BETTER be of Coke, , we wouldn't want anyone drinking underage...) and start a club to lobby Washington and to protect our rights. Obviously, a BBS isn't a business, so let's get some laws on the books to back us up. An interesting note on the progress of the Variety & Spice story. The sysop showed up to the hearing. He was totally unprepared. He intended to "wing it" before the Michigan Public Service commission. He, of course, lost. Simply because he sounded like an asshole. He said he planned to refile at a later date. So, why don't you right now give bonehead a call and see to it that he does refile his complaint, and that he tries to WIN this time, instead of lose. ** Variety & Spice Sysop is available at 313/885-8377 ** Remember to call. Why? In case you haven't noticed THIS SOCIETY NEEDS AN ENEMA. Why should we leave it for someone else to do? Why shouldn't the Intellectually Elite people in America sit down and defend everyone's rights? Besides the fact that chess team is taking a lot of your time, why? There aren't any good reasons. This in itself should show you that this is a worthwhile causes People shouldn't have to put up with this type of shit. This society needs an enema, let's give it to them. Start groups. Hold meetings. Get together, and talk about what you feel. Then sit down and write your congress-slug a letter. Did you vote in the last election? Why the hell not? If you legally can't, disregard this tirade, otherwise, READ IT! Every American citizen has the right to vote in all elections in this nation. DO IT. This is your voice in government. When you see someone put a bill before the congress that tramples on people's rights, DON'T VOTE FOR THEM NEXT TIME AROUND. Tell your freinds what you feel. You have the right to change this nation. Use it before someone figures out a way to revoke your right to vote. People will do this, trust me. At the moment, I can't think of an instance in the past where this has happened, but logically, it's going to. Unless you do something NOW. On an entirely different note... DON'T USE PRODIGY. THEY'RE ADDING A SURCHARGE FOR SOMETHING THAT SHOULD BE FREE. Recently, Prodigy decided to pull a real fast one on it's customers by starting to charge for sending E-mail, AND NOT TELLING A GODDAM SOUL. This is in itself would be deemed bad business by some, and bad manners by others, BUT, when people spoke out against it on prodigy's chatter SIG, things got really hairy. Seems the sysop at Prodigy liked the idea of editing, deleting, or just generally fucking with the contents of some people's messages. Isn't this un-American? I think so. I pay my $4.95 a month, I expect the right to say that Frank's new system of email surcharges really bites my ass. Of course, this didn't start off as soon as people began complaining. It started when action groups against the email policy demanded their own SIG to discuss the problems of email surcharging. THAT was when the sysop got really pissed off. He began deleting, censoring, and editing messages from the leaders of these groups. Then it got reported to the AP Wire, and real quick, Prodigy found itself in trouble up to it's asshole. Prodigy STILL charges for email, but it's now clearly stated in all of their propaganda, and online. That's why I say you should take the time to find a local Usenet/Internet site and learn to use it properly. It's got more access points than Prodigy can ever hope to have, and most of all, IT'S FREE. (It's free in a lot of cases, but for others, it isn't free. It's still cheaper in the end than Prodigy because I can garauntee that there's a site that's an A call to you. As opposed to Prodigy, where the nearest dial-up for me is a C call. Real convenient guys.) ** Last But Not LAST ** Well, this is the end of this installment. At the moment, I have to apologize, but I'm taking an indefinite hiatus from writing the Computing Society series. I am beginning to undertake some fiction efforts, as well as needing to devote more time to my bass. So there you go. _______________________________________________________________________ / \ | Jackass BBS............PPP Homebase..708/808-7629...85 Meg/USR HST | | The Cage.............................708/945-3665...Cool Board, CALL | | Ripco Interational.....Classic board.312/528-5020...CALL NOW | \_______________________________________________________________________/ To join our writing staff, call The Jackass BBS at the above number and send Spanky some mail. later. X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm) & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Jeff Hunter 510-935-5845 Rat Head Ratsnatcher 510-524-3649 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 415-567-7043 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 415-583-4102 Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives, arcane knowledge, political extremism, diversive sexuality, insane speculation, and wild rumours. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS. Full access for first-time callers. We don't want to know who you are, where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother. "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X .