___________________________________________________________________________ * April 21 Phucked Phreak Productions Vol 16 * * Proudly Presents.... * * * * \ / \ * * / / \ \/ * * \ \ / \\ . * * \ \ / \ ____________________________ * * \ / \ ||||||| Social Nirvana | * * \ \ |||||||____________________________| * * ' / * * * * WARNING: The Attorney General has determined that these files may * * be as dangerous to your dogma as that cigarette is to your * * Health! * *__________________________________________________________________________* Social Nirvana by *Psychonaut* The non-presidents inaugral address. Hopefully sometime in the near future. But probably not. "Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, took a giant step BACKWARDS for mankind. For he finalized the illusory notion that that which is without is not within and that which is within is not without. We are all on the moon at all times and on every other heavenly body simultaneously. The problem is one of consciousness. Just as a blind man at the base of a skyscraper has not the slightest notion of the structures enormity, so are we who dwell only in our waking minds trapped within the earthy sphere of physical being. The conclusion drawn from the above by the intelligent person will be as follows: Neil Armstrong never reached the moon. He merely traversed a great physical distance. In fact he never even left the earth, the moon and all the physical spheres being merely extensions of the earth separated from the main mass by vast areas of low density. It would be the gravest of mistakes to mistake these physical areas of low density for the abyss. The true blockade to real interstellar travel, the crossing of the abyss, is the mind. So therefore we must go beyond the mind by means of the mind and it is for this purpose that I have founded Schismatrix, an organization dedicated to the perfection of and the destruction of the human mind. Schismatrix is, of course, a non-existent organizaton having no leader, no charter, no members. It is just a conception of the solidarity existing amongst those who, like myself, have diverged from every established group structure they have ever encountered. Anyone who ever thinks this thought by the mere act of thinking it becomes an "honorary head" of the Schismatrix. By the act of declaring oneself to be a schismatic one establishes organization and is therefore excommunicated. Thus it has no members. I, just seconds ago, in publicly declaring myself a member of the schismatrix was excommunicated. Therefore I am a renegade member. The organization now consists solely of myself until further members choose to excommunicate themselves and join ranks with me. And that brings me to the reason I am speaking here today. I am the worlds first Psychonaut, a being dedicated to the exploration and exploitation of the chaosphere, a place within ourselves where something has the capacity to come forth from nothing. I hereby beseech all non-members (those who are actually members) of the Schismatrix to excommunicate themselves and join with me in my cause: the liberation of mankind from all sources of dogma, tradition, and reason. And I will end my speech here to day with quotes from two very prominent and very dead non-members of the Schismatrix. Men who were devoted to the same cause as myself in a time when this voluntary excommunication was even more of a neccessity. 'Enough of Because. Be he damned for a Dog.' 'Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted.' 'If the shoe fits steal it.' It is upon these three great principles, these true non-truths that the Schismatrix party is built upon. This is the only dogma... the Non-Dogma." And so the movement swept across the nation, the world, and finally the universe and the At-one-ment day came and the All was made safe for Chaos / Anarchy / Consciousness / Peace / Bliss... ************************************************************ This non-article was made possible by a grant from the clean LSD association and from the man himself, El Mescalito. Not to mention John Constantine through which we manifested. (actually we just popped out of his asshole one day and he looked down and typed us up and here we are right now...) ************************************************************ I don't neccesarily agree with some of the philosophy above. It's just a B.S. little piece of writing. ************************************************************ To join PPP or get more philes call..... The cage (temp. headquarters)--- 708-945-3665 Ripco -------------------------- 708-528-5020 Jackass (headquarters) --------- 708-808-7629 ************************************************************ Sex Is Peace. Ignorance is Slavery. Consciousness is freedom. 93 and Blessed Be! ************************************************************* X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm) & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Jeff Hunter 510-935-5845 Rat Head Ratsnatcher 510-524-3649 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 415-567-7043 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 415-583-4102 Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives, arcane knowledge, political extremism, diversive sexuality, insane speculation, and wild rumours. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS. Full access for first-time callers. We don't want to know who you are, where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother. "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X .