___________________________________________________________________________ * April 21 Phucked Phreak Productions Vol 20 * * Proudly Presents.... * * * * \ / \ * * / / \ \/ * * \ \ / \\ . * * \ \ / \ ____________________________ * * \ / \ ||||||| A-Poetic Crock of Shit #1 | * * \ \ |||||||____________________________| * * ' / * * * * WARNING: The Attorney General has determined that these files may * * be as dangerous to your dogma as that cigarette is to your * * Health! * *__________________________________________________________________________* Poems, Poems, Poems By J o H n C o N s T a N t I n E A Cabalistic Question ---------------------- "Who Amongst ye dost worship a vengeful God?" "If it is ye then ye be damned for a doG, doG." "Reverse thyself and know what thou art truly." FAITH ----- Nothing Rots forever. Already I feel your disease. Your fetid breath assaults my senses, blowing hypocritical babblings of God, of Christ. "Our Saviour." Yours pal, not mine. Chest heaving, lost in a sea of pain, the dying engine of apocalypse slows, periodically stopping, dangling relief just out of reach. Then mercilessly the demons injects life into your wasted soul. Four times now, just one more left. Each time stealing something else, a moment, a limb, our happiness, your eyes. Saving for last your mind. They want you to watch... No, to wallow in your own destruction. Gladly you oblige, calling it "faith in god's will." i.e. S U P P O R T E U T H A N A S I A !!!! The Hermit ---------- The hermit sits reposed upon a mountain pinnacle, high above this sea of storms. Within his heart he wields a six-rayed star, a lantern, overflowing with love, shattering the porcelain sky as he looks down upon the conquered serpent. He is a beacon to the weary climbers far below. Dreams ------ Passing moments, fleeting instants of clarity. Eternal hours of intense fear or.... undying pleasures. Private worlds, endless surrealities. Where sultry snow is possible and possibility is limitless. Isolation --------- Alone, Because of what i could not.... did not say I am sitting in the cold writing to my notebook. Instead of speaking to you. Frigid air rather than your warm breath, caresses my cheeks. The purple color of frozen flesh creeps up my fingertips moving towards my heart, As I recall the impenetrable fortress..... that was your smile. The Five Senses of A Pariah --------------------------- Lonliness. Alienation. Outsideness. Staring from afar through an infinitly thin glass pane. Like a photgrapher Who does not participate but only records, A copy machine mindlessly spewing forms, A satellite in orbit, Or a T.V. junky, Hearing through stethoscope ears, Seeing through telescopic laser beam eyes, And feeling, Smelling, Tasting, Nothing But what imagination cruelly supplies. Rat-Man You and Me ------------------ Like a rat in the behaviorist's cage he does his duty: runs the maze mindlessly. He presses buttons, pulls levers, climbs ladders, all in hopes of avoiding an electric shock, tasting a bit of food, or hearing a pleasant sound. You and I are that rat although you do not realize it. But for you there is no cheese at the mazes end. Midnight Duel ------------- In a dream I became powerful. Drunk on dream-wine, I challenged Reality to a duel. He arrived at high-moon in the guise of a thick newspaper. He offered no resistance as my disposable dragon withered his dry leaves. I woke Up. Only to hear the morning delivry thump against my front door. Chain ----- Staring at the smooth surface of the jade Buddha, A strong urge to string him about my heart arises. Thinking carefully, I realize there is no need. He resides already within my heart. Death-Trip Blackout ------------------- Small needles of ice dig deep within my mind, injecting liquid indigo, blackening my vision. Currents of blackness swirl like an oil spill within my brain causing all processes of thought to come to a grinding halt except of course for the one far off, the one watching, the one composing in terror. It calls out screaming for a sort of spiritual pillow to take away the pain as it too is engulfed in the void. ********************************************************************** Distribute freely but don't use any of what I've written for and purpose other than your own enjoyment. ********************************************************************** Call these boards The Cage --- (708)-945-3665 (PPP headquarters) Ripco --- (708)-528-5020 *********************************************************************** Peace \/ John Constantine ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? .