][][][][][][]][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]] The Poets Corner VOL. 2 NUMBER 1 ISSUE 5 COPYRIGHT (C) 1990 KEVIN KEYSER January 1988 ][][][][][][]][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]] THE MONSTER IN HER EYES When first I saw him, he was reflected in her eyes. Next I heard him renounce me through her sighs. But being I,know not why, did the thought not occur,that the monster was oh-so sly! He perched him-self upon my copper shelf and waited for his chance. Did I see him? Not even a glance! He fed off of love and drained it. He reached out, hit my heart and sprained it! With claws out-reached did his slashing besieged. With each stroke the love in her eyes slowly shrinks and dies. The monster with a smile, strikes me one final time as if to beguile. As he takes his leave my body starts to heave. I am alone, no contact not even a phone. In the twilight of love lost, no-one, not even I can count the cost. But I promise you now that I shall beat him, for as long as I can still smile, this is how I can defeat him! K J K 12/22/87 ?? The monster of my Heart Where dose the monster dwell? Why, this is something that I can not tell. Where can this monster be? Why, even a blind man can see! Why does the monster not show it's face? Because the monster's face is a disgrace! Who is the monster of my heart? He is just one, who wishes to take part. Take part in a love that just could never, ever be. Now do you not see? K J K 12/9/78 The Monster of Our Minds The monster is deep, the monster is cruel. The monster is no man, the monster is true. He engulfs your mind and your heart too! He makes it sure that the love you need won't see you through! He remembers the then, but he blocks out the now. He makes it sure that you won't guess how. Yes the monster is deep, the monster is cruel. But can't you see girl, the monster is you! K J K 7/12/77 ][][][][][][]][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]] .