SPACE BAR TO PAUSE ONCE PAUSED USE 'A' TO ABORT SPACE BAR TO RE-START ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ The Poets Corner VOL. 2 NUMBER 7 ISSUE 11 COPYRIGHT (C) 1988 KEVIN KEYSER July 1988 ][][][][][][]][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]] Glimpses of the 4th. A band marches down the street as the little ones try to gain a better view by standing upon my feet. A child's eyes grow big and bright when reflecting the sparklers of the night. The old man lights some rockets and the bystanders look up so fast their heads almost come loose from their sockets. The oos and ahs are heard as though all mankind has given up on the descriptive word. And through this night we are all reminded of the day we won the fight! K J K 07/01/88 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Blue Bunny Bop It was during the time of night that is as dark as ink, it was then I started dreaming...I think! I was at the place that we all know...and Blue Bunny came alive and told me where to go!! I came to a room that was never there, of this I can truly swear! Oh and following me did Blue Bunny hop, For the sign on the door said 'WELCOME TO THE BLUE BUNNY BOP.' I entered the room and to my surprise I saw thousands of Blue Bunnies staring me in the eyes!!!! And in the back, you standing alone,waiting for a Blue Bunny to get off the phone! I was just about to ask you to dance when (alas) the alarm bell ruined my chance! .....So this is my story(probably stupid you think) .....but just now, I saw Blue Bunny wink!! K J K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Futures A man sits in a closed room counting his money, he has no thoughts of anything or anyone else. He has no future. A young girl runs in the park with her puppy,they have a race the puppy wins, she hugs the puppy. She has a future. A man walks through the park his mind is set on the things that he must do and the persons he must hurt to get what he wants. He has no future. A man sits on a park bench with his canvas and paints, although this is a cloudy day he paints the park in bright sunshine, for sunshine is in his heart. He has a future. A man and woman walk hand and hand in the park, their minds are with each others with thoughts of love. They have a future. The future is many things to many people. To some it dose not exist for the door to it is locked. But to others the future beckons, for they have to key to open it. For the future is love and love is the future! K J K 2/7/83 /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ .