][][][][][][]][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]] The Poets Corner VOL. 2 NUMBER 8 ISSUE 12 COPYRIGHT (C) 1988 KEVIN KEYSER August 1988 ][][][][][][]][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]] They They are the 'in' crowd, Is that reason to be proud? They have all the money that they need, but yet no water to start the seed. They have everything that money can buy, but why does she cry? They have hearts of gold, isn't that being bold? They have everything that can be, but still they can not see. They can not see a love like you and me. Let the fools be! K J K 4/22/78 ?? --------------------------------------------------------------------- LESSONS When I was a child I thought of the world as a big blue rubber ball.So it seemed that I, on my bicycle could traverse it all. No problems existed and life was play. Sometimes I wish it was still that way! But, no life is not then, but it is today. Every now and then when I think back,my memory seems not to lack! For I seem to remember a conversation I had with someone when I was quite young. In fact ,now this is funny, I think it was before my life had begun!: 'Who am I?' I said, with no reply. 'Why is it wrong for me to cry?' No answer yet, and none will there be I am willing to bet! 'What is life and how will I live it? What is love and how shall I give it?' I was just about to collect on my bet when a booming voice to my ears met: 'YOU ARE WHO YOU WILL BE, YOU WILL BE UNIQUE THERE WILL BE NO-ONE ELSE THE SAME AS YOU! YOUR LIFE STARTS NOW, NOT BEFORE, USE IT QUICKLY BEFORE IT SLIPS UNDER THE DOOR. LOVE, OH YES LOVE, LOVE IS MORE THEN THE PASSIONATE KISS, LOVE IS MORE THEN A HEART GONE AMISS. NO ONES HEART IS TOO HEAVY TO HOLD. YES HOLD IT AS IF IT WERE MADE OF GOLD! LOVE IS THE KEY TO ALL THINGS ON EARTH, BUT MANKIND USUALLY THINKS ONLY OF THEIR GIRTH! REMEMBER THESE LESSONS THAT YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD, REMEMBERER THEM UNTIL AND AFTER YOU ARE OLD! Yes I remember the lessons that I was told and when problems abound they help lighten the load! You, remember these lessons too for when everything is dark they can pull you through! K J K 1st-7/19/82 2nd-1/31/87 REVISED .