][][][][][][]][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]] The Poets Corner VOL. 2 NUMBER 10 ISSUE 14 COPYRIGHT (C) 1988 KEVIN KEYSER October 1988 ][][][][][][]][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]] Gone Gone, is the world that we did once know. Gone, is the smile on your face. Gone, is the huge show. Gone, your way. Gone, my way. Gone! K J K 9/11/77 Alone Alone: One without one. No one with no one. Day to day. With no one to here what I long to say. Alone! K J K 11/24/77 ?? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Lonely is the Heart Here I sit in my four sided room. I think about the loneliness that always dose loom. Me, Myself, and I. We sit here and cry. I feel as though I should curl up an die! I dream of a 'maybe' love. I dream until my heart feels as though it has been slapped by a glove! Oh, lonely is the heart when in love it can not take part! K J K 7/21/81 3/25/87 .