][][][][][][]][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]] The Poets Corner VOL. 2 NUMBER 11 ISSUE 15 COPYRIGHT (C) 1988 KEVIN KEYSER November 1988 ][][][][][][]][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]] The Visitor Spacecraft to base... I send you this message although I know that you shall not receive it for 2000 years. I have returned to Sol 3 and I have found the conditions that we expected to find. my report and data follows.... On the day of my arrival I observed that the planet's atmosphere had changed drastically. It had become polluted and radioactive. On the second day I sent a probe down to the eastern section. the probe showed me video of nothing but dead bodies all around. On the third day I took the ship down to what had been a major city, I found no life of any kind there at all. On the fourth day I landed in the western section where I found one of the natives of this poor world. I was surprised that he did not fear me. The only thing he said was:'this in my country commie,get out!!' Then he died. On the fifth day I had to stay in orbit and de-radiate my self. On the sixth day I landed in one of the few non radioactive areas on the planet.What a change! There was plant life blooming and animal life around. It was here that I met more natives, but this time they were very friendly! Useing my computer as a translator we talked: There were only a few of them left I found out. They were all dieing of radiation sickness. It seem that although this section of Sol 3 was some what free of radiation there was still enough of it around to kill them. One of them asked me if I could take them with me when I left here. I told them that this was unusual for me to do,but that if they would help me gather data on this planet then I could take one male and one female child with me,so that their race could continue anew someplace else. They agreed.... On the seventh day I had filled the data banks full of information about this planet and it's two atomic wars. It was time for me to leave,so I gathered the two Children that had been selected and I took off... So this concludes my report. The children are in hibernation and I am in transit to Xignis X6 to drop the two young colonists. .....................END OF TRANSMISSION..................... K J K 7/24/84 .