][][][][][][]][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]] The Poets Corner VOL. 3 NUMBER 1 ISSUE 17 COPYRIGHT (C) 1989 KEVIN KEYSER January 1989 ][][][][][][]][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]] The River Stand by the banks of the river young one,yes I speak to you! For in the eyes of God even years numbered 90 are young! Who are you,and what am I? You are now and I am always! I see in your mind questions,statements,and answers. I see your past, I know your future! Your past is dark and frighting, your future is not yet here. I see into your Midnight,which barks not! See the river and know it, as I know it. Know that the river is chance without change. It is time for your fears to go,time for you to know! Tell the blue angel her time is up,her purpose over! There are no hidden rooms in your house,no REAL skeletons in your closet! There are no rotten Easter eggs under your bed!! These are a child's fears,not yours! Think not of Easter as a time of pain and sadness! Instead think of Easter as a time of metamorphosis! What is the river you ask?!!: The river is life. WHICH LEADS TO DEATH. The river is death. WHICH LEADS TO LIFE. Take but a sip of it's water,a blue,and Thee shall understand! For one day you shall join me by it's banks and there we shall sleep!! K J K 05/27/85 KaK --------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES CHANGES: A snowflake meets the early spring's sun,and melts. CHANGES: A raindrop falls upon her face,already full of tears. CHANGES: Tears stop and loneliness ends as he returns. CHANGES: Smiles anew as they walk in the cool spring sunlight. CHANGES: The weeds of insecurity die,the flowers of love blossom. CHANGES: Two who are alone become one,and begin another. CHANGES: A snowflake meets the early spring's sun and melts..... K J K 06/04/85 .