---------TAP YOUR SPACE BAR ONCE TO PAUSE. ONCE PAUSED ENTER A TO ABORT-------- --------------------OR TAP YOUR SPACE BAR ONCE TO RESUME.---------------------- ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ The Poets Corner VOL. 3 NUMBER 6 ISSUE 22 COPYRIGHT (C) 1989 KEVIN KEYSER June 1989 ][][][][][][]][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]] In The Corner Of all the questions I am asked about my poems the one that is asked the most is: What are the abbreviations at the end of some poems? These usually are the initials of the person or persons to whom the poem is either dedicated to or inspired by. If you see two question marks that means that the poem is about someone but I do not want to make that public. If there are no abbreviations then the poem is not about or inspired by any one person or group of people. I hope this re-assures those of you who thought it was some type of cryptographic code! Kevin James Keyser ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cinnamon Dreams The store keeper is almost out the door. He hears a creak, turns around to look, but he hears no more. With the final turn of the key in the lock a joyful shout comes from an unknown flock! They start to move out of their hiding places. The caned goods, the cereal, and even the shoe laces! The tooth brushes grab some string lay it over the combs, and with their new guitars start doing their thing! Mr Clean starts to dance the watusie, while Pam just waddles around like a little goosie!! Captain Crunch is in to the cooking sherry. While his crew are way too soggy to be merry! I really shouldn't be looking but I can see that Betty Crocker is really cooking! The party continues on through the night. Until the sound of his car gives them all fright! Back to their hiding places they all scurry. The door slams open because the store keeper is in a hurry. 'I knew it!' he says as he looks at the mess. 'How that damn cat got back in here I can not guess!!' They all breath a sigh of relief, as the captain dozes between two sheets of red chief. K J K 05/11/89 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Spark Moment: A look. Reaction: A smile. Movement: Hand for hand. Cause: Lips to lips. Effect: The spark of love. K J K 05/21/89 ?? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hardware Girl. Her button said: BE ALERT! (The world NEEDS more Lerts!) I had to laugh, for her sense of humor has always been four times a half. That smile of hers came on full blast. It was then I realized that perhaps there was something here that could last. So now I'm off for another gadget or tool, hoping that I won't lose my cool! K J K S.G. 05/21/89 *FiN .