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Kevin James Keyser =============================================================================== The H.S. Series poems Year Episode Title Poems in episode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1974 The Beginning+ The Talkers 1974 Hate+ I!* 1974 ME!+ The Lucky Ones 1974 The Awaking+ The Touch* 1975 A Harmony of Love- The Time* 1975 The Parting- A Friend* 1976 The Winter Wisp# Winters Of The Heart* 1976 Love!# The Love Child, The Love Bird* 1976 A Song of Love a Song of Truth# A Song*, Today Is The Day* 1977 The Future IS Us!$ Holy Orbits, I'm out-a space! 1977 EVIL!$ Where is The World That Was?* 1977 Of Things That Should Never Be$ The Monster of Our Minds*,The Glisten* 1977 The Music of Our Lives$ Shake! 1977 The Ending $ Lonely is The Hunter*, Gone* * Denotes poems in this month's The Poets Corner + Denotes poems (C) Copyright 1974 WeBs Entertainment - Denotes poems (C) Copyright 1975 The FunShine group # Denotes poems (C) Copyright 1976 The FunShine group $ Denotes poems (C) Copyright 1977 The FunShine group =============================================================================== I! I am place I am stone I am time I am anti I am not I am one I am no one I am without I am grey I AM loneliness! K J K =============================================================================== The Touch She looks at me and she holds my hand. I see her eyes, the message is clear, and with this message there is a question that I somehow understand. I know the answer, I answer in a gentle embrace. Not a word has been spoken but we both know that we are in love, and love needs no words! K J K =============================================================================== The Time Day in day out, where is my time? Day in day out, are we friends? Day in day out, Yes we are. Day in day out, thank's allot, now I know my time! K J K =============================================================================== A FRIEND A friend is: Someone you trust and like. A friend is: Someone who is there when you need them. A friend is: Someone you respect,and who respects you. A friend is: Not a carbon copy of someone else. A friend is: All these things and many more. A friend is: Someone who brings your emotions alive! K J K =============================================================================== Winters of the Heart Cold as dry ice. Dry as hot sand. Sad as a willow weeping. Your heart in the winter of it's love. K J K =============================================================================== The Love Bird Love does come, flying gently like the dove. Love for you, for love is you! Oh but is it true? Is it love for me or is it love for he? Which love can it be? K J K =============================================================================== A Song Sing me a song, make it full of love and make it long. Sing me a song, let it be full of you, let it be full of me. Sing me a song, let it tell of hope for you, let it tell of hope for me. Sing me a song, so we can see... So we can see a better world for you and me!! K J K =============================================================================== Today is the Day Today is the day, a day of happiness instead of sadness. Today is the day, a day of peace instead of war. Today is the day, a day of love instead of hate. Today is the day, a day of looking ahead instead of behind. Today is the day, the day of the future! K J K =============================================================================== Where Is The World That Was Remember the fun and jokes? Where have they gone? Remember when love and life was simple? Where is that simplicity now? Remember when the answers to all our problems came from out of the blue? Where are those answers now? Oh where is the world that was? Have I lost it forever? Is the real world nothing but heartache and pain? I think not, I think that we all must make our own worlds from within ourselves. Yes and when we do this, the world that was shall be again! K J K =============================================================================== The Monster of Our Minds The monster is deep, the monster is cruel. The monster is no man, the monster is true. He engulfs your mind and your heart too! He makes it sure that the love you need won't see you through! He remembers the then, but he blocks out the now. He makes it sure that you won't guess how. Yes the monster is deep, the monster is cruel. But can't you see girl, the monster is you! K J K =============================================================================== The Glisten We stand before and about each other. Stage which our feet walk so gently across. Not-cry my love. For hands in hands hold holy in Gods glove. Twinkle goes your eyes. Now not is time but none for lies. Troubles go, come, and go then upon- lives which, like ours, will see many more. I see into the tears that fall cheek upon face that is beautiful. Know as do I that force mighty as this our love shall hold together all. The tears that glisten on your cheek's shall time, in time, stop. Futures bright as now but then predicted are bright, too bright to have now stopped by these things of unneedness. These words are not to now needed. For meaning is understood now and forever. I love you. K J K =============================================================================== Lonely is the Hunter He is one where there once was two. He is up, she is down. He is the clown! She is up, but yet she is high. Don't you worry now, for he will soon fly. Yes he will fly to the never, never land where the palms are high to the sky. Yes, and once there the hunter will die! K J K =============================================================================== Gone Gone, is the world that we did once know. Gone, is the smile on your face. Gone, is the huge show. Gone, your way. Gone, my way. Gone! K J K =============================================================================== .