ÚÚÚÚ Ú Ú ÚÚÚ ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ Ú Ú Ú Ú Ú Ú Û Issue Number 9, Volume 1, Chapter 1, Epic 1 Û ÚÚÚÚ Ú Ú Ú Ú Û Released on the date: Feb. 23, 1993 Û Ú Ú Ú Ú Ú Û PUD serving the modem public since Febuary 22, 1993! Û Ú ÚÚÚÚ ÚÚÚ Û For help and actual info, look elsewhere. Û ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ ÛÛ²²±±°° °°±²±±°° °±²±°° °°±° °°±²²±±° °±°° °°±±²Û²²Û Û²²±±°° °±±°° °±±° °° °±²±° °° °°±±²±Û Û±±°°° °° °°° °±° ° °±±±Û Û±°° ° ° ° °±°Û Û±° °°Û Û°° "To err is human, to really fuck things up requires an idiot." ° Û Û° -Baphomet Û Û° Û Û Û Û Û Û þ Mail. Û Û Û Û None in this issue but check out issue 8 for great uplifting Û Û and inspirational messages addresses to NO COURiER. It seems some Û Û people just can't control themselves. Oh well. Û Û Û Û þ Recipe: Pizza llama SuRpRiSe! Û Û Û Û Note that the ingrediants for this recipe can be hard to find Û Û especially if one does not reside in the And‚s. So to make this a Û Û more 'global' recipe I have included a substition chart. llama= Û Û dead or mangled[Maybe even slighty alive] old people. Now on with Û Û the recipe! Û Û Û Û 1 Chef boyardee Pizza mix Û Û The stuff it says on the back of the box Û Û llama Û Û Û Û Ok to start out, saut‚ the llama over a deep fiery pit for no Û Û more than 32.4 minutes. Note that ethnic sacrifices add variety Û Û and spice to your overall product. After removing the whole Û Û llama from the pit. Cut it into 13 equal pieces. Then slowly Û Û trim all fat from each piece taking great care to leave no Û Û bones showing. When done with all 13 pieces, throw them away. Û Û Pick up the phone call Domino's you cheap fuck and order a Û Û pizza. When the little geeky guy comes have some one from the Û Û house either dump the mix from the roof on to the spaz or stuff Û Û the mix into the tail pipe of his sad-ass car. Û Û Û Û Emm, emm tasted good didn't it? I knew it would and the whole Û Û process only takes about an hour. Û Û Û Û þ Questions and Answers. Û Û Û Û Why are the editors of PUD so hatefull towards VBBS? Û Û It sucks. To steal a phrase, it sucks big donkey dick. Û Û Û Û Is huntsvegas really that bad? Û Û Yes. And believe it or not there are actually worse places. Û Û Û Û Does the hungarian killer squirell actually kill? Û Û No. It simply maims it's victims usually small innocent Û Û children. Û Û Û Û Can you spell worth a shit? Û Û oN. Û Û Û Û þ HoW tO bE a WaReZ duDE! Û Û Û Û Ok so you want to be a really c00l wArEz d00d hUh? How you ask Û Û does one become such a wretched reject of society that I have Û Û nothing better to do than go out and get WaReZ? Well I will tell Û Û you, now pay attention it is really difficult. First of all lose Û Û all personality you have ever had. Pick a really lame alias, oh Û Û like NO COURiER. Then get a real modem. Well it doesn't have to be Û Û a good one it just needs to be 14.4k! VroooooooooOOOOMMMMM!!! Yeh, Û Û whatever. Now comes the most difficult part the typing. Typing Û Û like a wArEz d00d takes skill, and dedication. First of ALL Û Û vowels must be in LOWERcase, o's of course become 0. And spelling? Û Û well real WaReZ dUdEs don't spell by normal means, they spell Û Û however the can as long as thier is a lot of extended ascii in it. Û Û WaReZ. You don't need 'em. All real WaReZ dudes is get them and Û Û then upload them somewhere else, Joy! I quit this section now. Û Û Û Û þ Reviews. Û Û Û Û I will review a few programs for you now. Û Û Û Û WordPerfect. Û Û The worst program ever made next to vbbs. It reaks so bad Û Û you will probably go crazy before you exit via, ALT-Q, F2, Û Û d, D, . Û Û Û Û EdLiN PrO! Û Û By fReD tHe HiTmAn, a really swell guy. This has all the Û Û normal features of Edlin but also features an extended Û Û command interface that will please even the most powefull Û Û user! Take for example, in normal edlin does a Û Û space but in EP it does del *.* and if under 4Dos it does Û Û del *.* /y/q. Space is of course replaced by ALT-235, X. Û Û Û Û þ Closing. Û Û Û Û In closing, I would like to say, you still suck. Û Û Û Û þ Mail, Hate please: Û Û Û Û Baphomet the Limbo King WWIVNET 2506@14 Û Û NO COURiER WWIVNET 2506@36 Û Û Û Û þ Oops. Û Û° °Û Û° ° ° ° °±Û Û±° °° °° ° °° °±²Û Û±±° °±±°° °±°° °° °±±° °°±²²Û Û²±±°° °±²±°°° °±²±±°° °°±° °±²±±° °°±²²ÛÛÛ ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ Û End of PUD 1:9, "Can you spell socks?" Û ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ .