Written By:Red Mage [#004] DISCLAIMER: This file, no matter what the contents of it is, is strictly for informative purposes only, so you will be ready. I would not suggest you try anything in here, unless you are willing to pay the consequences. If anything occurs to you, in no way is the writer of this file, or SiA in any factor responsible. Remember this disclaimer as you read through the file, Enjoy. (Warning this file is for INFORMATION only do not attempt this) This file shows a simple way to make homemade napalm. Although This is not the real formula it works just as well. First you'll need: 1 large metal bucket. Some styrofoam. 2 containers of Elmers glue. GASOLINE!! Bleach Since the chemicals in this when mixed together form a hazardous gas this should be done outside, do not inhail it use a gas mask or something :). Take the styrofoam and put it in a pot and boil it to its melted now pore the styrofoam in the bucket don't touch it!. Take all the glue and dump it in to the bucket. Mix the bleach in. Put the gasoline in and mix together until it all forms one color. Put the mixture in the fridge for about 2 days when the 2 days are up you should see some really nasty shit put it in a plastic container or something and store it don't attempt to even touch it!  .