___ ___ / | Sovereigns | \ As the shovel speaks unto the ground, / | of | \ / | Bell | | \ Hands that cannot build must steal. / /| | __________ | | \ / / | | / \| |_ With love to Ma Bell. / / |__| / | \ \ / ---------\ | \ |\ \ Issue #13 By Dr. No - 08/16/95 /__________ \ | \ | \ \ Why. / \ | ||__\ \ / \ | \ \__________________/_________ /__________/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06/21/95 Grandma Mary. ------------- I am supposed to be sad. "She died today" they said. My mother was going up to see her for the last time... we knew she was going to go. But my mom never got there in time. she was D O my mom's A. I'm supposed to be sad. I supposed to be in a somber mood. I am supposed to be unhappy, and mourning. And yet what do I think about? Missing a concert. Missing a keg party. Missing pleasure. I am supposed to be sad. Why? Because.. because that's how it is. She's dead they say... they say she did great things. they are sad to see her go. Why can't they just accept that fact? Why? Because... that's what they've been told. That's the way it's always been. I am supposed to be sad. What if I'm not fucking sad?? Why the fuck do you want to expose me to a bunch of fucking people who are my distant relatives who I don't even know who I haven't even fucking seen in 6 years and let their crying and remorse rub off on me and make me suffer?? Why should you expose me to the brainwashing that has transformed them into this state? I have my own fucking morals.. I know what's right for me. I can accept death. I CAN FUCKING HANDLE IT. IT'S REAL FUCKING EASY. You accept it. That's all there is to it. She is dead. They will put her in the ground and she will no longer influence the living people on this planet. Her body will stay exactly in the condition that she died in because people can not let her go. "We have to see her for the last time" they say. SHE'S FUCKING DEAD. GOD DAMN IT, THERE'S NO FUCKING THING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT, AND IT IS NOT SOMETHING TO BE REMORSED OVER. They should bury her in the ground where she can return to nature, but nooo... fucking sanitation. Makes sense, but sucks. It's 2:00am. I have to go to work tomarrow. Fuck. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Sovereigns Of Bell Issue #13 | | Change your disk label to 31337! Mail Us At : | | The Truth Sayer's Domain - 210-493-9975 - SOB WHQ lmb@tenet.edu | | FTP-ftp.fc.net /pub/deadkat/phreaking/soveriegns_of_bell & /pub/defcon/SOB | | Or, Join our mailing list! Mail lmb@tenet.edu and just tell us you wanna | | subscribe. We'll put you on our mailing list, and you'll recieve all the | | new shit before anyone else! | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EOF : 3300 Bytes .