Reply-To: Message-ID: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain From: (Doctor COCOT) To: (SURFPUNK Technical Journal) Subject: [surfpunk-0006] [John Gilmore was on CNN's _future_watch_] Keywords: surfpunk Glenn Barry used to have band parties at his house in virginia highlands (atlanta) when he was in ICS at gatech. The band was mostly composed of ICS students and professors. Now Glenn is working on the Public Domain project in Atlanta. I hope to cover some of Public Domain's work soon ... -- Dr Cocot ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ From: (Glenn Barry) Subject: Re: [surfpunk-0002] CRYPT: John Gilmore sues the NSA Date: Sun, 6 Dec 92 23:16:57 -0500 To: John Gilmore was on CNN's _future_watch_ show this weekend when they did a (brief) bit on his suit against the NSA ... _future_watch_ is usually replayed on monday morn at 3:30am (only lasts 15mins) here in the east coast so you still have a chance to catch it if you see this message within the next few hours... glenn Glenn T Barry (uH@) | [Sun OW3 MultMed Mail] Internet Emory University | {rutgers,gatech}!emory!glenn UUCP Dept of Math and CS | glenn@emory BITNET Atlanta,GA 30322-2390| Voice: (404)727-5637 Fax: (404)727-5611 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ The SURFPUNK Technical Journal is a dangerous multinational hacker zine originating near BARRNET in the fashionable western arm of the northern California matrix. Quantum Californians appear in one of two states, spin surf or spin punk. Undetected, we are both, or might be neither. ________________________________________________________________________ Send postings to , subscription requests to . MIME encouraged. Xanalogical archive access soon. Confusion to our enemies. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ .