Date: Wed, 20 Jan 93 11:08:54 PST Reply-To: Return-Path: Message-ID: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain From: (grpuabybtvr ireovaqrg) To: (SURFPUNK Technical Journal) Subject: [surfpunk-0031] DIGEST: Personality Constructs, ff5, m2k, TAZ, R.I.T.E.S., wired | The bees spoke to me on the telephone, | asking for isdn. | | David Blair | | | WAX tripped my shit hard! Just saw it in | Berkeley this weekend, late at night, and the | film simply ate my brain, gobbled it right up. | | has become a transparent eyeball | |______________________________________________ Most all of this is SURFPUNK VIEWER MAIL. Tidbits and queries from our reporters in the field. Includes an appeal for futureculture outlets in Athens, Georgia. Someone please jack those bulldawgs in! I thought I had sent a blurb on the Temporary Autonomous Zone at Komotion International -- but now we have some real copy on it. --strick Subject: CYBERSPACE - Is there anyone listening? Factsheet Five, if you didn't hear, is cleaning out the closets. Mondo2000: Where in Atlanta or Athens can I get a copy A NIGHT OF ONTOLOGICAL ANARCHY AND POETIC TERRORISM SATURDAY FEB.6,1993 AT KOMOTION INTERNATIONAL [san francisco, south of market] R.I.T.E.S. - A Reality Benchmark Subject: wired mindvox and well ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ From: (Christopher Richard Smaglick) Subject: CYBERSPACE - Is there anyone listening? To: Date: Wed, 20 Jan 93 1:00:47 EST Greetings, I just wanted to make contact across the continent, or maybe just the phone lines. I'm interested in any cyberspace/VR heads out there who happen to understand Gibsonian logic. I'm working on a thesis RE: Spatialization of Information: Personality Constructs Within Cyberspace. Sounds like I know what I'm talking about but my heads in the process of info absorb. Any responses appreciated. Here's something to catch avid cyberpunks! ******************************************************************************* -Something dark was forming at the core of the Chinese program. The density of information overwhelmed the fabric of the matrix, triggering hypnagogic images. Faint kaleidoscopic angles centered in to a silver- black focal point. Case watched childhood symbols of evil and bad luck tumble out along translucent planes: swastikaa, skulls and crossbones, dice flashing snake eyes. If he looked directly at that null point, no outline would form. It took a dozen quick, peripheral takes before he had it, a shark thing, gleaming like obsidian, the black mirrors of its flanks reflecting faint distant lights that bore no relationship to the matrix around it. - Neuromancer, 1984 - ******************************************************************************* Jackin' out, GLICK K- ________________________________________________________________________ From: Scott Dorsey Factsheet Five, if you didn't hear, is cleaning out the closets. Check rec.mag for details. --scott ________________________________________________________________________ To: From: (Jim Wright) Henry, I am enjoying your surfpunk journal. There is alot of rubbish mixed with a few perils. There is alot of stuff on Mondo2000. Where in Atlanta or Athens can I get a copy or subscription and I am also looking for MonaLisa Overdrive. Please decribe both publicationPI am new to the world cybertronics! Talk with you later - Jim Wright (Jim Wright) Department of Instructional Technology University of Georgia [ Can someone help in Athens, Georgia? In atlanta -- where to get Mondo2000 -- that's easy -- Oxford Books. Try the one on Pharr Road first. In athens, well, I'm only familiar with the "downtown metropolitan complex" of athens, but I thought I saw it in the newstand next to the Grill. Maybe not. I don't recommend subscribing; it comes too slow. Mondo2000 is kind of the glossy, flagship magazine that made a lot of this culture known to the world at large. Radikal futureYouths like to poo poo this rag because it's really nicely produced, widely available, has some really accessible articles on musicians, isn't as garage-kool as Boing Boing, tries to be tabloid, may make some money some day (not yet, R U says), etc. I make no such judgement. Mona Lisa Overdrive is by William Gibson. Should be an inexpensive paperback in any decent bookstore in the Science Fiction shelf. Should be trivial to special order, if needed. -- strick ] ________________________________________________________________________ Source: The WELL -- "g mondo" -- Topic 166: Temporary Autonomous Zone # 1: J Matisse Enzer (matisse) Fri, Jan 8, '93 A night of Ontological Anarchy and Poetic Terrorism Saturday, Feb. 6th 1993 8:00 PM 2779 16th Street, San Francisco. $10 donation requested. Call (415) 241-1568 or (415) 861-6423 for more info. By: J Matisse Enzer (matisse) on Fri, Jan 8, '93 THE TEMPORARY AUTONOMOUS ZONE MEDIAKAOS PRESENTS THE TEMPORARY AUTONOMOUS ZONE: A NIGHT OF ONTOLOGICAL ANARCHY AND POETIC TERRORISM SATURDAY FEB.6,1993 AT KOMOTION INTER- NATIONAL 2779 16TH STREET,SF AT 8 P.M. SPECIAL GUESTS INCLUDE; HAKIM BEY (AUTHOR OF T.A.Z.), ROBERT ANTON WILSON (AUTHOR OF ILLUMINATUS!, COSMIC TRIGGER, & QUANTUM PSYCHOLOGY), NICK HERBERT (AUTHOR OF FASTER THAN LIGHT: SUPERLUMINAL LOOPHOLES IN PHYSICS, & QUANTUM REALITY), JOSEPH MATHENY (FORMERLY OF THE INTERZONE PROJECT, CURRENTLY OF MEDIAKAOS,AND AUTHOR OF ON GIVING THE MEDIA A SEIZURE: A WORK IN PROGRESS). SPECIAL NON-LINEAR CAVORTINGS AS ROB BRESZNY PRESENTS WORLD ENTERTAINMENT WAR, SUZANNE THOMAS OF TRIBAL WARNING THEATRE IN A SPECIAL PERFORMANCE OF CHAOS NEVER DIED!, AURAL SCULPTINGS BY THELEMONADE (FROM WE PRESS IN SANTA CRUZ), MUSICKAL MAGICK BY POX ECLIPSE, DJ CHEB i SABAH (FROM KPFA), MEDIA ART BY JON BRIGHT,AND NINA MATHENY, PLUS MORE SURPRISES!!!!!! CO-CREATION BEGINS AT 8:00 p.m. AT KOMOTION INTERNATIONAL 2779 16th STREET ADMISSION IS $10.00 SLIDING SCALE.CHAOS NEVER DIED! CHAOS IS CONTINUAL CREATION! THIS WORK IS PART OF A CURRENT OF WHICH THE LAST HAS NOT BEEN HEARD! # 5: Howard Rheingold (hlr) Sat, Jan 9, '93 Does anybody know why a person calling himself or herself Hakim Bey faxed some kinda hoodoo-voodoo, phony-mojo curse to Whole Earth? We don't need no stinking curses to operate in a fucked up manner! Curses? By FAX? # 6: virtual madness (jonl) Sat, Jan 9, '93 It's the latest fad. # 7: Evelove (evelove) Mon, Jan 11, '93 whis they'd Fax they bad asssus down to New Orleans. Maybe after Austin, or something. # 8: Purina Yuppie Chow (jcourte) Mon, Jan 11, '93 Somebody fax him a Stare-EO full of rude subliminal shit geared to rip him a new cortex. That, fellow `nauts, is a curse. ________________________________________________________________________ Source: the WELL -- Topic 163: bOING bOING - Brain Candy for Happy Mutants! # 10: Paco Xander Nathan (pacoid) Sat, Apr 18, '92 R.I.T.E.S. - A Reality Benchmark An erstwhile journalist of the serious media once proclaimed Virtual Reality as "electronic LSD"... Aficionados among the VR community kwickly retorted "Sorry, acid has a better price/performance ratio" to settle the issue. But hey, just what do thoze nasty price/performance ratios look like anyway? The deeply concerned staff at bOING-bOING has established a reality benchmark to help track this emerging commodity index. In phact, our study is scientifically based on your experiences, pfeedback, hallucinations, rants, etc. So please participate. Reality is at steak. The proposed benchmark is called RITES, for Reality Immersion Temporal/EcoGnomic Side-F/X. Costs are based on the principle that most folx tyre of their toyz after about six moons. Your input is EZ - simply figure out: 1 - what you ewes to leave reality 2 - how much that costs per week (we'll convert to US$) 3 - how immersed you get, averaged over the entire session length (%) 4 - how long that alters the knob atop your shoulders per session (minutes) 5 - how many alternity sessions you typikally engorge per week Send experiential data for statistikal analysis to: Data sets will be proffered to the number crunching goddess Deuce X. M'Sheena according to the ancient alchymical formula: RITES = (Reality Immersion) * (Time/Session) * (Sessions/Week) / (Cost/Week) For those of ewe twisted enuf to appreciate stoichiometry, the RITES benchmark works out to be a percentage of Time/Cost following the motto: the higher, the better. So hear is an example table to launch ur rants: Item Cost/Wk RI Time/Session Sessions/Wk RITES Day Dreamer $15/26 wk 80% 10 min 7 97.07 lysergic $5/hit 75% 6 hrs 1 54.00 brain machine $500/26 wk 80% 30 min 7 8.74 shrooms $15/gobble 70% 3 hrs 1 8.40 VR $10k/26 wk 95% 90 min 7 1.56 cinema $3/matinee 5% 90 min 1 1.50 ESO/tantra $50 20% 2 hrs 3 1.44 cocktails $45 tab 10% 1 hr 3 0.40 PS: don't fret about calculating the last column; that task can be automated by our great computers, which fill our hallowed halls... ________________________________________________________________________ Source: FutureCulture From: Paul Davilon Subject: wired mindvox and well Date: Tue, 19 Jan 93 22:20:57 PST Well & MindVox: I'm on both, I never spend more then an hour every few weeks on the Well so I just download the conferences I want to read and leave. I always feel paranoid like the clock is ticking and I don't like it, I think the Well's pricing is too steep. MindVox is much better about this because its real cost effective and has a much edgeier and underground feel to it, it's the real thing, to the Well's people talking about the real thing. Speaking of the real thing, what is happening with MindVox? I heard that Kroupa blew some Wired deadline because he trashed his apartment and put his fist through a window? I talked to a friend of mine in NY who said Kroupa, his fiance, Fancher and some other guy from LOD who wouldn't say his name were in the emergency room yesterday. What was this all about and is everyone ok now? Wired: Who are they????? I read on MindVox that they have billboards and ads all over buses, subways, buildings and it looks as if every guy who used to write for Mondo is going to be writing for them also, or intead of Mondo. I know Sterling, Gibson, Markoff (NY Times and Cyberpunk), Kroupa, Rucker and even R.U. Sirius are there. Is Mondo over? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ The SURFPUNK Technical Journal is a dangerous multinational hacker zine originating near BARRNET in the fashionable western arm of the northern California matrix. Quantum Californians appear in one of two states, spin surf or spin punk. Undetected, we are both, or might be neither. ________________________________________________________________________ Send postings to , subscription requests to . MIME encouraged. Xanalogical archive access soon. Why do UNIX varients work? 201-478-5400 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ You are in a tiny hovel. There are all kinds of books and scrolls cluttering up the place. It looks like the home of a sage. In the far corner is a small bed. There is one obvious exit: east A sage. > Sage says in common: Hand Runesword to me. The sage mumbles something about your mother. The sage looks under his bed. You hear the sounds of hooves beating in the distance. Sage says in common: Runesword is a very evil object. The sage drinks some concoction he has created. Sage says in common: Hand Runesword to me. The sage pulls some newts brain from a bottle. Sage says in common: Hand Runesword to me. A skeletal man enshrouded in black rides in on his pale horse. The sage looks under his bed. Death grins mischievously. Death peers deep into your soul. Death says: I think that I will give you another chance. Death drops you off in the church, and rides away on his pale horse. > .