Date: Sat, 13 Feb 93 20:51:18 PST Reply-To: Return-Path: Message-ID: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain From: (gur hygvzngr fhowrpgvir rkcrevrapr) To: (SURFPUNK Technical Journal) Subject: [surfpunk-0055] PUBS: Don Webb "The Pact"; FineArt; I.C.S. Electrozine | ... and in my spare time, | I sue the NSA. -- john gilmore Don Webb sent us the following note a week ago, and it got lost in my mbox (sorry for the delay, Don). You may remember his strange story about the dying centaur in "Semiotext(e) SF". Also I have included info about a publication "I.C.S. Electrozine". And I want to mention that someone posted the *entire book* TAZ (Temporary Autonomous Zone, Hakim Bey ) to rec.arts.books. You'll still want the book; it's only $6. -- strick ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ From: Don Webb <> Subject: Fine Art, etc. To: surfpunk Date: Sun, 7 Feb 93 02:38 GMT Dear Surfpunksi, Two items, the first self promotion, the second art promotion. Traditional narrative forms take the shape of natural structures, the two most common being the wave like rise and fall of action and the circle of mythic return. In the March _Asimov's_ (on sale now blue digest size magazine with picture of Anubis on cover) is a novella which uses a Pentagram as the plot line. Despite this somewhat experimental approach, I think the story is readable and enjoyable. "The Pact" by Don Webb. Tell your friends. Write fan letters. Subject: Re: FineArt Forum in MSUinfo ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- The February issue of FineArt Forum has been posted to subscribers and network exploders. Press RETURN for more; type NO to stop: The contents listing and subscription details follow. Note that if you subscribe now you will *not* receive this issue. It is available via Internet at MSUinfo. Telnet to: and login as "msuinfo". Specify your terminal type (probably vt100). Select item "Newsletters". Select item "FineArt Forum". This directory currently contains only February 93 but other backissues will be available later. _________________________________________________________________ ___] | \ | ____] \ __ ___ ___] | | | \ | | / \ | | | __] | | \ | ___] ____ \ __ / | | | | \ | | / \ | \ | _| _| _| __| ______] _/ _\ _| _\ _| :::::: .::::. :::::. :: :: ::. .:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::. .::: :::: :: :: :::::' :: :: :: ::: :: :: :: :: :: ':. :: :: :: ' :: :: '::::' :: ':. '::::' :: :: _________________________________________________________________ FINEART Forum February 1, 1993 Volume 7 : Number 2 _________________________________________________________________ Published by MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY / NSF Engineering Research Center Distributed by Leonardo-ISAST on behalf of the Art, Science,Technology Network _________________________________________________________________ Contents: Editorial: Paul Brown FAX PHONE FIVE SECONDS: Paul Rutkovsky TISEA: Wim van der Plas Online Directory: Leard Reed Altemus III Online Bibliography: Paul Brown IDEA: Annick Bureaud MEAS: R. David Lankes DESIGN-L: Paul Brown IPCT-L: ARACHNET TAPROOT: Luigi-Bob Drake Call for Submissions: Prix Ars Electronica e-conf: Helga Dyck CFP'93: Electronic Frontier Foundation ARTIST-L: Paul Brown ISEA change of address: Wim van der Plas SIGGRAPH 93: DESIGN-L TRANSMIT92: DESIGN-L STELARC: Paul Brown New Subscribers: Annie Lewis _________________________________________________________________ Send requests for subscription to Fineart Forum to: Europe: Asia: USA and all others: or: with the message: SUB FINE-ART your email address, first-name, last-name, and postal address. Paper copies available for USD $65 per year subscription. Payment is to ISAST, 672 South Van Ness, San Francisco, CA 94110, USA. Send submissions of items to be published in Fineart Forum to _________________________________________________________________ ***************************************************************** End of Fineart Forum 7(2) ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1993 20:12:01 -0700 (MST) From: ORG_ZINE@WSC.COLORADO.EDU (ICS ELectrozine: Information, Communication, Supply.) Subject: Information, Communication, Supply Electrozine Document To:, [ I excerpted this info from the WELCOME they sent me. -- strick ] When the flyer was sent out to 165 various listservs, we realized that several things were not made clear enough. So, we are now sending this subscription notification with additional information that we hope will fill in the gaps that were left in the flyer. We would also like to take this time to tell you the ideas, goals, and future of ICS. The flyer came across to many readers as being a commercial venture. ICS is a non-profit project by a special topics Journalism class at Western State College in Gunnison, Colorado. It was conceived by several students who use Internet on a regular basis. They decided that an Electrozine was something that was needed on this new frontier. -------------------------------- As several internet using students sat around a room discussing the awesome potential of WorldNet, they began to discuss the lack of a mainstream magazine. The general information gathered from searching internet and bitnet was that there were a lot of specialized magazines, but not very many that covered a wide variety of topics. The students discussed the idea of doing it themselves, and mentioned that it would take a lot of time and effort. "Why not do it as a class," asked one student. George Sibley listened to the students and agreed that it was a good idea, as well as a chance for he himself to learn. The class was decided and people interested in joining arrived. Eventually two other students would decide to join. The general ideas and goals of ICS are to provide information and hopefully inspiration. We will read submissions from anyone, but will only print the ones that we think are suitable for the goals of ICS. Information exchange is what the WorldNet is founded on. The amount of information to be found on WorldNet is VAST. It quickly becomes evident that no one person can keep up with everything, and a lot of the information can be hard to find. ICS hopes to obtain informative articles from many different fields. It is our plan to start a column called WorldNet Tour Guide. This column might aid some people by pointing out various sites on the WorldNet and their highlights. ICS will grow and change as our sense of direction with this venture gains more clarity. ICS would also like to encourage creativity in as many people as it can reach. We will be including stories, and other creative works in our magazine. We would like to spread new ideas that people generate. When asked to what contemporary magazine we would compare ourselves, we mention that there are not really any magazine that symbolizes what we seek to do. We view our venture as an attempt to create a new paradigm in publishing. Like most magazines and electronic journals we intend to read your complaints, submissions, and suggestions with enthusiasm. This is how we will improve what we are offering you. We will also include a Letters section in issues starting from Issue #2 on. ------------------------------------------------ Quick Stats: ------------------------------------------------ DISTRIBUTION: once every three weeks to subscribers. SIZE: We will limit it to a size of approximately 100k. This is 200 blocks(512byte blocks). GENERAL CONTENT: stories, opinions, new ideas, information, Tales of the Unknown, reviews, interviews, letters, worldnet tour guide, role playing games ideas, discussions, etc. SUBMISSIONS: We will accept submissions to be included in the article. They should be in ASCII format. We will edit them and include them provided we have room and feel that they are appropriate for the goal of ICS. In the future we will draw up a submissions guide that will be available to those that wish to submit material. For now though, ICS will accept submissions just by mailing them to us at ORG_ZINE@WSC.COLORADO.EDU. LETTERS: When we receive a letter from a reader the staff of ICS assumes that the letter is free to publish. However, if you do not wish to see your letter published include NOT FOR PUBLICATION in your subject heading. FUTURE: The paths are open. There are so many to choose from. We will all try to take a ride into a new area together. We will probably send out a survey after several issues have been sent. With this survey we will try to better meet your needs. NUMBERS: At the time this document was written we have XXXX WorldNet subscribers, and 41 local subscribers. CANCELATION: To cancel your subscription just send us a message telling us you wish to cancel your subscription. We realize that our offerings may not be interesting to everyone. Remember we are just starting and you have the opportunity to shape it more to a universal enjoyment. Still, there are those that have a very specialized areas of interest and may not benefit from ICS. To those our response is: "Thanks for taking a chance and trying an initial subscription anyway." Happy Netting! :) ------------------------ PRESENT: ------------------------ As soon as Administration gives us the go, we will mail the first copy of ICS. So, until then we wish to THANK YOU for subscribtions, and let you know that we are READY to bring something NEW. If you have suggestions, criticisms, or submissions in the meantime we will gladly accept them. ICS STAFF ORG_ZINE@WSC.COLORADO.EDU ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ The SURFPUNK Technical Journal is a dangerous multinational hacker zine originating near BARRNET in the fashionable western arm of the northern California matrix. Quantum Californians appear in one of two states, spin surf or spin punk. Undetected, we are both, or might be neither. ________________________________________________________________________ Send postings to , subscription requests to . MIME encouraged. Xanalogical archive access soon. Tell your friends. Write fan letters. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ From: (Al Billings) Newsgroups: rec.arts.books Subject: TAZ, part 1 Message-ID: <> Date: 12 Feb 93 04:11:50 GMT T. A. Z. The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism Hakim Bey Autonomedia Anti-copyright, 1985, 1991. May be freely pirated & quoted-- the author & publisher, however, would like to be informed at: Autonomedia P. O. Box 568 Williamsburgh Station Brooklyn, NY 11211-0568 Book design & typesetting: Dave Mandl Printed in the United States of America .