Date: Thu, 18 Mar 93 00:09:27 PST Reply-To: Return-Path: Message-ID: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain From: (qnatrebhf unpxre mvar) To: (SURFPUNK Technical Journal) Subject: [surfpunk-0063] DIGEST: SJG, PGP poem, comp lit, nikita, flame, jail | Please unsubscribe me from this list. | Due to the label "dangerous hacker zine" I was under the | impression that this list concerned serious hacking info. I | didn't realize that it was so comedy oriented. I had hoped for a more substantive write up on the SJG trial ... anyone got one? In the meantime, we're including the brief writeup by Paco. (If CuD publishes a better one first, I probably won't duplicate it here.) I'm glad to see Paco thinks this so positive; I was concerned that $50K doesn't nearly compensate for wreking Steve Jackson's business. --strick -- Subject: Justice for Steve jackson Games! -- PGP or not PGP (from Hamlet Act III Scene I) -- FREE EVENTS AT COMPUTER LITERACY BOOKSHOPS: 10 DAYS THAT SHOOK S. VALLEY -- femme nikita -- Yet another flame about security -- ASCII Jail ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Wed, 17 Mar 93 01:31 GMT From: Don Webb <> To: surfpunk Subject: Justice for Steve jackson Games! Dear Surfpunks, (and others) You may have already heard this. Sorry about crosspostings. The following files may be of interest to those who may come under government scrutiny. Some of you may remember when the Secret Service stole a great deal of property from Steve Jackson Games for files allegedly owned at one time by an employee. I pass along the good news that you can sue the government and win in as little as three years. Maat has not totally died, let's see if can get the old gal and running again! Don Webb The Secret of magic is to transform the magician! @#@$#@@#@@#$@#$@#@$#@$#@$#@$#@$#@$#@$#@$#@$#@$#@$#@$#@$#@$#$#@$#@$#@$ Date: Mon Mar 15, 1993 5:13 pm EST From: Paco Xander Nathan EMS: INTERNET / MCI ID: 376-5414 MBX: wixer!! TO: * Don Webb / MCI ID: 420-0716 Subject: COMMUN - We have a verdict. (fwd) Sent from the cyberdeck of: (Paco Xander Nathan) For Lists That Care About Computer Privacy: In case you didn't catch this elsewheres.. I've been covering the SJG vs. SS trial for certain magazines. Hopefully you'll be able to read soon an in-depth, first hand account of the fiasco our paid officials attempted to conduct during the SS trial. The bueno news is that individuals and small companies can actually sue the US Fed govt for privacy violations, and win. Judge Sparks didn't give a whole lot of airplay to the *damages* sustained, but this is an important step forward. The flood gates are opened.. pxn. ---- Forwarded message: > From!! Sun Mar 14 16:25:06 1993 > Date: Sun, 14 Mar 93 15:05:19 -0600 > From:! (Steve Jackson) > Message-Id: <> > To: ... > Subject: We have a verdict. > > We won. > > Pete Kennedy, our attorney at George, Donaldson & Ford, called me > with the news about 3:30 today. Apparently the decision came in late > Friday while Pete was at the CFP. > > The judge ruled for us on both the PPA and ECPA, though he says that > taking the computer out the door was not an "interception." (I have not > read the decision yet, so no quotes here.) > > He awarded damages of $1,000 per plaintiff under the ECPA. > > Under the PPA, he awarded SJ Games $42,259 for lost profits in 1990, and > out of pocket costs of $8,781. > > Our attorneys are also entitled to submit a request for their costs. > > No word on appeal yet. > > Look for a more complete and coherent account after we all read > the decision. > > Please copy this announcement to all electronic and other media. > > Thanks for your support through all this! ________________________________________________________________________ To: Subject: crypto poem From: Date: Sun, 14 Mar 93 15:17:29 -0800 Subject: And now for something completely different... PGP or not PGP (from Hamlet Act III Scene I) -------------- PGP or not PGP - that is the question Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous patents, Or to take arms against a sea of lawyers, And by encrypting end them? To crypt, to sign No more; and by a program to say we end The patents and the export restrictions That RSA is heir to - 'tis a consummation. Devoutly to be wish'd. To crypt, to sign. To crypt - perchance to pem-code: aye, there's the rub! For in that test of wills what lawyers may come When we have shuffled off this PGP business, Must give us pause. There's the respect that makes calamity of such legal restrictions. For who would bear the whips and scorns of Leavenworth Th'patent systems wrong, the export laws worse, The pangs of despis'd lawyers, the NSA's delay, The insolence of Sternlight, and the spurns That patient usage of PGP takes When he himself might his quietus make with PEM? Who would this program bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary system, But that the dread of something after PEM The undiscover'd country, from whose bourne No cryptographer returns -- puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action. - Apologies to Bill Shakespeare ________________________________________________________________________ From: vincee@clbooks.COM (Vince Emery - Marketing Manager) To: Subject: CLB EVENT NOTICE Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 21:00:01 PST PLEASE POST IN YOUR SYSTEM. Thanks! :) **FREE EVENTS AT COMPUTER LITERACY BOOKSHOPS** ------------------------------------------------------ 10 DAYS THAT SHOOK SILICON VALLEY: OUR 10TH BIRTHDAY PARTY HIGHLIGHTS ------------------------------------------------------ SUNDAY MAR 21 - VIRTUAL REALITY DAY, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 10 a.m. - Earth Coaster video by Virtual Reality Labs 10:30 - VR Demos by Mike Smithwick, VR Labs Noon - Lecture/video by Kevin Teixeira, Virtual Reality Project Manager, Intel Corp., and co-author of VIRTUAL REALITY: THROUGH THE NEW LOOKING GLASS 2:00 pm Speaker: Matt Reeves, Xtensory Inc. "Tactile Feedback in Virtual Reality". Giveaways of Virtual Reality Laboratories software Discounts on virtual reality books & related titles MONDAY MAR 22 - ANIMATION NIGHT - 6:30 p.m. Dr. Bill Kolomyjec of Pixar will speak on the Renderman Interface. Demos of Typestry software Computer animation videos Giveaways of Typestry software by Pixar Discounts on animation books & related titles TUESDAY MAR 23 - UNIX NIGHT - 6:30 p.m. Jerry Peek, author of "MH & xmh: E-Mail for Users and Programmers" and co-author of "UNIX POWER TOOLS" will speak. Giveaways of SPARC Developer's Toolchest CDs 10% off the world's largest selection of UNIX books WED. MAR 24 - OBJECT-ORIENTED NIGHT, 6:30 p.m. Speaker: Edward Berard, author of ESSAYS ON OBJECT- ORIENTED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING and co-author of A COMPLETE OBJECT-ORIENTED DESIGN EXAMPLE; President of Berard Software Engineering: "Object Technology Is More Than Just Programming" Speaker: David A. Taylor, author of OBJECT-ORIENTED TECHNOLOGY, OBJECT-ORIENTED INFORMATION SYSTEMS and TRANSFORMING THE ENTERPRISE THOUGH COOPERATION; President of Enterprise Engines Inc.: "Object- Oriented Databases" Giveaways of OO T-shirts from Berard Software Discounts on world's largest selection of OO books THURSDAY MAR 25 - CHIP NIGHT, 6:30 p.m. Lecture/demo: Desmond Yuen, Senior Applications Engineer, Intel Corp. and author of INTEL'S SL ARCHITECTURE: DESIGNING PORTABLE APPLICATIONS and INTEL486 SL MICROPROCESSOR PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL: "System Management Mode for Power Management" Second speaker: Rob Walker, co-founder and former VP of Engineering, LSI Logic Corporation; author of "Silicon Destiny: The Story of Application Specific Integrated Circuits and LSI Logic Corporation", will speak on "Survey of ASIC & EDA Technology". Discounts on related books FRIDAY MAR 26 - MEGABONUS DAY, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Purchase $70 or more and get all these bonuses: Computer Literacy limited edition 10th birthday pocket T-shirt, PC Techniques magazine pocket protector, PC Techniques magazine subscription, Midnight Engineering magazine subscription, posters from Peachpit Press and Waite Group Press, plus free books from Ventana Press, Peachpit Press, Waite Group Press and M&T Books: up to $125 in value. Good only while supply lasts. SATURDAY MAR 27 - WINDOWS DAY, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 2:00 Fred Davis, author of WINDOWS 3.1 BIBLE, 10 more books, Windows Sources columnist, editor-in-chief of MacWorld, former director of PC Magazine Labs on "Cairo, Chicago and Beyond Windows NT". 4:00 Bruce Krell, author of HIGH-SPEED WINDOWS APPLICATONS: MULTITASKING DESIGN METHODS Demonstrations of Windows software Giveaways: Microsoft Development Tools Catalog for Windows NT, Microsoft Development Tools for Windows NT CDs, Congruent ToolBuster Stealth planes Discounts- world's largest selection of Windows books SUNDAY MAR 28 - MULTIMEDIA DAY, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Unveiling of Mercury Center, new on-line extension of San Jose Mercury News newspaper 11:00 - Beverly and Hans Reiser, "Come Humans, Spin In My Web," on creating interactive multimedia 1:30 - Jeff Burger, author of DESKTOP MULTIMEDIA BIBLE and President of Creative Technologies 4:00 - Fred Gault, co-designer of QuickTime for Windows and VP of San Francisco Canyon Co. Demos of multimedia products Discounts on multimedia books and related titles MONDAY MAR. 29 - 10% OFF DAY, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. 10% off everything in all 3 stores all day. TUESDAY MAR. 30 6:30 p.m., DONALD NORMAN: THINGS THAT MAKE US SMART Lecture and book signing by Apple Fellow Donald Norman, author of THE DESIGN OF EVERYDAY THINGS. World premiere of his new book, THINGS THAT MAKE US SMART COMPUTER TRIVIA CROSSWORD PUZZLE CONTEST NAME OUR LOGO CONTEST Both contests, MegaBonus Day and 10% Off Day are at all 3 of our stores. All other events are at our San Jose store. Sunnyvale: 520 Lawrence Expressway, (408) 730-9955 Cupertino: 20100 Stevens Creek Blvd, (408) 973-9955 San Jose: 2590 N. 1st St (at Trimble) (408) 435-1118 Watch for detailed event descriptions soon. Events at our stores are always FREE!! --------------------------------------------------- If you would like to receive e-mail announcements for store events, simply write to "" If you have signed up for email announcements but have not received any, please send your e-mail address again. Computer Literacy Bookshops, Inc. Marketing Department Tracy Russ Cherrie C. Chiu (408) 435-5015 x109 (408) 435-5015 x116 ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1993 17:53:02 EST From: SUN_ANVIL To: Subject: RE: [surfpunk-0061] FAQ: SURFPUNK Fequently Asked Questions v0.0 femme nikita is someone about whom an american remake should NOT be made.... a adriano p. PALMA BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY [PHILOSOPHY DEPT.] 80815 BEBEK-ISTANBUL TURKEY VOX| off# +90 1 263-1540 ext.1961 home# +90 1 263-1540 ext.1792 TELEX|26411 BOUN TR FAX|+90 1 265-6357 EMAIL| ________________________________________________________________________ From: Date: 31 Dec 69 23:59:59 GMT To: Subject: Yet another flame about security The following message was sent by me to obs@world with cc surfpunk. I got surfpunk's address wrong and it bounced. meanwhile flame cooled a bit and obs sent me reply saying (more or less): 1) There are ways to cancel a rip-off charge (if you're alert) 2) You're free to do as you want, but why do you trust a waiter with your card and not the internet. I replied, maybe they'll reply and ad-infinitum until we become close friends (and I don't think long chats between friends are important to our overloaded community). Anyway, here's the original message. I still think it's important since people don't suspect the capability of total strangers in sites you've never headr of to tap your mail (I wonder if obs gave it a thought). ---------cut/paste (don't swallow/inhale)------------------------ *flame on* I got an order form from "The Online Bookstore" (obs) saying: "Fill in credit card details, etc." Absentmindedly I almost filled it. Luckily, I was shaken back to reality by the rest of the message: > ... Please be advised that we cannot guarantee the security > of your charge card number when it's transferred over the net, > though we process orders immediately and delete the file at that time. Now I KNOW obs are GOOD people. And if I was dumb enough to almost send my company's card details on the wild blue internet, I don't blame obs for unintentionally "setting the trap" for me. Both me and obs proved some degree of gulibility. So once again brothers & sisters of the Internet: 1) Don't send Credit-card E-mail order forms (Even if you're honest! Even if it contains a warning!) 2) Never fill one. It's a tough matrix out there. Somebode ELSE can lift your number. 3) Write to your congressman, E-mail your president, do anything you can do as citizens of your respective countries in order to set-up a legaly recognized encryption/authentication system. *flame off* Virtually yours, Nimrod Kerrett (Abu Zeresh) 17 Rue du Lac Geneve 1207 Switzerland Presmission given to repost (including name & details) ________________________________________________________________________ From: Date: 31 Dec 69 23:59:59 GMT To: Subject: ASCII Jail Hi, Enclosed is my proposal for the campain for MIME. $o$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$o$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ o$$$$o o o o$$$$o $$$$ $$$$ oo$$$$$$$o$o$oo ooo$o$o$$$$$$ooo $$$$ $$$$ o$"oo "o o"o$ $$o o$$ $o" o" """$oo $$$$ $$$$ o$"$$ "o"o"o"o"$o" "o$o"o"o"$o $$"$$ $$$$ $$$$ o$$$o$o $o"o$"$$$$$o $o$$"$$"oo"ooo"$$"$o $$$$ $$$$ o$$$o"o$"o "o$o"o"o$o" $$o"o$o"$ $"$o"$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$$"$o$"$"$$ooo$$"$"$o$" "$o$"o$$$o $$"$$"o$$$$$$$$$ ooo$"$$$$$$ $$"$$o$$"o""o"$"$"$$o o$$"$""o""$o$$o"$$"$oo"$$$$$"$ooo $"$ $o"$$$$o$"$$o$o"$$"$oo$"$"$o$$ $$"$"$$$o $o$"o$$o$$"o$$$$$"o"o"$$ "$o"o"o$$$$$ $$$o"$$o$$o""$o$$$$$" "$$$$oo""$"$"$"$o$$"$o"$$$$$ $$ o" $ "$o"$$$$$"$$o$$$$o$o$"o"o$oo$o$ $$o"$$o"o$$$o$$$$"$$o"$$$$o$ $"o$ $"$o"$o$$$$$oo"$$$$$$"$$o$$$$$"" ""$$$o$o$o$$$$$$$o"$o$$$$$o$o$"o $$o$"o$$$$$$o$$$$$$"$$$$$$$$ "$$$$$$$o$$$$o$$o$$$$$$ $$o$$ $o$$$$$$$$$" " "" "$$$$$ $$$$$" "" "" $$$$$$$o$$o $"" $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ """$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ Break out of the ASCII jail Get a MIME reader Can you tell me more about about MIME? Do you have a PC reader/packer, Unix source code? doc describing standard? Does it support Jpeg? (we AT&T dudes pay almost $0.50/K transitted). [ If you ask archie about "metamail", he'll lead you to some software. The standard is in internet Request For Comment (RFC) number 1341: 1341 MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies Try something like -- strick ] Also: can you mail me back-Issues 57, 49, 24? Thanx Abu-Zeresh ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ The SURFPUNK Technical Journal is a dangerous multinational hacker zine originating near BARRNET in the fashionable western arm of the northern California matrix. Quantum Californians appear in one of two states, spin surf or spin punk. Undetected, we are both, or might be neither. ________________________________________________________________________ Send postings to , subscription requests to . MIME encouraged. Xanalogical archive access soon. Confusion to our enemies. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ .